The Republic Attack Cruiser, colloquially known as the Venator-class Star Destroyer, is a Galactic Republic starship featured in Star Wars: Battlefront II. It serves as the flagship of a Republic task-force in all major Republic space engagements in Star Wars: Battlefront II. It features two hangars, one on the starboard side, and one on the port side, although only one is usable in naval combat, and the other is sealed off by docking doors. the cruises has 2 acclamator assault ship escorts sometimes 3. From the hangar spawns the Republic starfighters for the engagement - Republic Interceptors, V-Wings, and ARC-170 Starfighter
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| - The Republic Attack Cruiser, colloquially known as the Venator-class Star Destroyer, is a Galactic Republic starship featured in Star Wars: Battlefront II. It serves as the flagship of a Republic task-force in all major Republic space engagements in Star Wars: Battlefront II. It features two hangars, one on the starboard side, and one on the port side, although only one is usable in naval combat, and the other is sealed off by docking doors. the cruises has 2 acclamator assault ship escorts sometimes 3. From the hangar spawns the Republic starfighters for the engagement - Republic Interceptors, V-Wings, and ARC-170 Starfighter
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| - *ARC-170 Starfighter
*Republic Interceptor
*V-Wing Bomber
*Republic Assault Gunship
| - Venator-class Star Destroyer
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| - *Engines
*Command Bridge
*Sensor Relay
*Life Support
*Auto Turret Mainframe
*Shield Generator
| - *Clone Pilots
*Clone Marines
| - The Republic Attack Cruiser, colloquially known as the Venator-class Star Destroyer, is a Galactic Republic starship featured in Star Wars: Battlefront II. It serves as the flagship of a Republic task-force in all major Republic space engagements in Star Wars: Battlefront II. It features two hangars, one on the starboard side, and one on the port side, although only one is usable in naval combat, and the other is sealed off by docking doors. the cruises has 2 acclamator assault ship escorts sometimes 3. From the hangar spawns the Republic starfighters for the engagement - Republic Interceptors, V-Wings, and ARC-170 Starfighter