| - Japanese: Toshiyuki Morikawa, Akira Ishida (Vinegar Doppio) French: Fabien Briche, Stephane Ronchewski (Vinegar Doppio) German: Martin Halm, Karim El Kammouchi (Vinegar Doppio) Arabic: Adnan Abdul Jalil, Saad Ostan (Vinegar Doppio) Mandarin Chinese: He Zhiwei, Liu Chaojian (Vinegar Doppio) Rival: Rob Lucci Idle: stands in an awkhard pose with his Stand, King Crimson's right fist out. Select: Diavolo stomps his right foot and Diavolo erases some time until the camera is close enough while Diavolo says "I am emperor!"
| - Japanese: Toshiyuki Morikawa, Akira Ishida (Vinegar Doppio) French: Fabien Briche, Stephane Ronchewski (Vinegar Doppio) German: Martin Halm, Karim El Kammouchi (Vinegar Doppio) Arabic: Adnan Abdul Jalil, Saad Ostan (Vinegar Doppio) Mandarin Chinese: He Zhiwei, Liu Chaojian (Vinegar Doppio) Rival: Rob Lucci Idle: stands in an awkhard pose with his Stand, King Crimson's right fist out. Select: Diavolo stomps his right foot and Diavolo erases some time until the camera is close enough while Diavolo says "I am emperor!" Intro: Diavolo changes from Vinegar Doppio to his normal form saying "This is a trial." ("Fate has decreed that I stand at the apex!" if he fights Giorno, "I will never let you get away!" if he fights Buccellati, "You're worthless!" if he fights Mista, "Your radar is bad news... Guess I'll have to dispose of you." if he fights Narancia, "Unbelievable. You've turned traitor again!? You brazen fool!" if he fights Fugo) Neutral: The passage of time resumes!: King Crimson gives a heavy punch that makes the opponent drop to the floor. Side: King Crimson: King Crimson tries to grab the opponent. If it does, it does four punches, then an uppercut. Up: Now I'm really angry!: King Crimson pulls the jumping opponent back to the ground, slams him/her, then punches him/her away. In midair, he will grab the opponent and dive into the ground slamming the punching the opponent. Down: Time has been erased...: Diavolo stands ina suspicious pose. If the opponent tries to hit him, King Crimson wipes some time .10 away, allowing Diavolo to counterattack. Hyper Smash: Epitaph: Based on his JoJo's Bizarre Adventure: All-Star Battle Heart Heat Attack. Diavolo activates Epitaph, allowing him to see into the future with 100% accuracy. While in this mode, Diavolo dodges most of the enemy's attacks automatically with a Stylish Action, but without even guarding. After a few seconds, he deactivates it saying "I can see every move you will make." Final Smash: Pinnacle of Eternity: Based on his JoJo's Bizarre Adventure: All-Star Battle Great Heat Attack. Diavolo poses showing off King Crimson and says "I, Diavolo, am emperor!" then takes a pose, and should he be hit during said pose, he will erase time, leaving behind an image of his opponent as he says "What you just saw... What just touched you... That was your future self!" before King Crimson emerges behind the victim as Diavolo says "Let me end this for you." and chops into their clavicle. After this, Diavolo says "Behold the power of my King Crimson!" Victory 1: Diavolo stomps his right foot and closes his right hand saying "Fear is something you have to crush in your palm!" Victory 2: Diavolo erases time and changes the scenary to a dark red dimension and says "Those who know my true nature cannot be left alive!" Victory 3: King Crimson does eight punched and Diavolo bows with his torso bended and says "It's the result that counts! The result is the only thing that lives in infamy!" Victory 4: Diavolo changes to Vinegar Doppio who says "Why must I attract nothing but idiots?! Is everyone in this world an idiot?!"