| - Constant clacking against the grounds repeated, as a man made his way down a narrow entrance. Quickly heading to what seemed to be an escape route built in. Looking to his left and right, he wanted to be sure of what seemed to be an escape. As he made his way, things consistently fell from his arms. From bread, to clothes, to everything else he seemed to have graded that he could. The long running road seemed to have been coming to an end, and he grew a large smile across his face. However just before he reached the end, to what seemed to be doors began to close up. At a time like this, one wouldn't be able to keep their composure, but he seemed to already know. Stomping his feet to the ground, the sliding doors fell directly into the ground, and he jumped straight through. Landing to his feet, he let off a slight chuckle. Then quickly headed towards an unknown direction. Along the way, he looked through the things he held in his hand, looking great at some, and not so at others. Reaching his destination, a sign to the opening read "Land of Noodles". And with a smirk he passed through. As he walked through, small children ran up to the young man, hugging him tightly. One little girl nearly made him tip over with her power of the hug. "Hehe! Heyo!" One little girl states, jumping to her feet and began walking behind him. Along his way, more and more children followed him. Up until the point that it seemed he reached his house. Slowing reaching the door he looked back, many of the children's once smiling faces, turned into frowns of disappointment. Entering his house, he quickly looked to his left. Picked up a small ball and threw it out of the front door. The children, once again smiled and as the got the ball, quickly began playing. "I should be good now."