Yag'Dhul is home to the skeletal Givin species, who are capable of surviving in a vacuum. The planet is at the mercy of atmospheric tides which leave part of it exposed, causing this vacuum. Return to the Location Database Return to the Main Page.
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- Yag'Dhul
- Yag'Dhul
- Yag'Dhul
- Yag'Dhul
- Yag'Dhul
- Yag'Dhul
| - Yag'Dhul era il pianeta natale dei Givin e capitale del Dominio Givin. Piccolo e sterile, le tre grandi lune di Yag'Duhl producevano delle forze di marea così estreme che spesso l'acqua del pianeta e l'atmosfera venivano elaborate in diverse parti del pianeta, lasciando il resto del mondo sottovuoto. Il pianeta era all'incrocio tra la Rotta Commerciale di Rimma e la Spina Commerciale Corelliana, garantendo un grande traffico al pianeta di tutti i tipi.
- Yag'Dhul era el planeta nativo de los givin y capital del Dominio Givin. Pequeño y árido, las tres grandes lunas de Yag'Dhul producían fuerzas de marea tan extremas que a menudo el agua y la atmósfera del planeta eran atraidas a otras partes del planeta, dejando al resto del mundo en el vacío. El planeta estaba en el cruce de la Ruta Comercial Rimma y la Espina de Comercio Corelliana, asegurando una gran cantidad de tráfico.
- Yag'Dhul is home to the skeletal Givin species, who are capable of surviving in a vacuum. The planet is at the mercy of atmospheric tides which leave part of it exposed, causing this vacuum. Return to the Location Database Return to the Main Page.
- A Yag'Dhul a belső gyűrűn található stratégiailag fontos bolygó volt. A corelliai kereskedelmi út és a Rimma kereskedelmi útvonal kereszteződésében feküdt, így a Galaxis sok konfliktusa érintette a bolygót. A Yag'Dhul kereskedelmi szerepe miatt igen gazdag bolygó volt és nagy áruforgalom zajlott rajta. A bolygó fővárosa Dodecapolis volt. A bolygót több politikai frakció irányította, melynek vezetője a Számítási Testület volt, akik bonyolult matematikai számítások alapján döntöttek a bolygót érintő kérdésekben.
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- [Source] Yag'Dhul était une planète se trouvant dans la région sud de la galaxie, dans la Bordure Intérieure. Il s'agissait de la planète d'origine des Givins. Elle se trouvait à l'intersection de la Voie Marchande de Rimma, entre Thyferra et Wroona, et de la Voie Marchande Corellienne, entre Mechis et Harrin. Son environnement était tellement rude que les organes des Givins étaient isolés de l'atmosphère et qu'ils pouvaient ainsi survivre pendant un court moment dans le vide.
- During the Jedi Civil War it was conquered by Darth Revan's forces. Later, the planet and the Givin Domain was represented in the Galactic Senate by Daggibus Scoritoles. In 22 BBY, shortly before the Clone Wars, the Body Calculus developed a model of the Galactic Republic's current political situation, which indicated a bleak future for both the Republic and Yag'Dhul specifically. Consequently, the planet seceded, and the native Givin later served as mathematicians for the Confederacy of Independent Systems, discovering new hyperlanes for the war effort and contributing Wavecrest-class frigates from their well-regarded shipyards. The planet served as the base for the First Fleet of the Confederate Navy. Its shipbuilding capabilities were apparently destroyed during or after the Clone Wars,
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| - *Cuerpo Calculus
*República Galáctica
*Confederación de Sistemas Independientes
*Imperio Galáctico
*Nueva República
*Imperio Yuuzhan Vong
*Federación Galáctica de Alianzas Libres
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| - *Yag-prime
*Tesseract Senatorial Givin
| - *Repubblica Galattica
**Egemonia Corelliana
*Impero Sith di Darth Revan
*Confederazione dei Sistemi Indipendenti
*Impero Galattico
*Autorità di Eriadu
*Nuova Repubblica
*Impero Vong
*Alleanza Galattica
*Impero Galattico di Darth Krayt
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