| - staves
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- This Occupation has been listed in two different Departments on IMDb. Since there are hundreds of Occupations that are listed in one or more Departments, the editors of this Wikia have not gotten around them all. You can help by finding out what Departments already link to this Occupations and putting them here. There's already a form you can fill out when you edit this page. Thank you.
- According to the official game manual, this increases the number and quality of your staff. Theoretically this would be maintenance, concession, and other employees. This is a hugely debated issue, what exactly it does and whether it is worth it. It is rumored that this affects the happiness of the fans attending and have an effect on ticket sales, but this has not been proven nor dis-proven by anyone. Most managers keep this upgrade at the same level as the Building upgrade, and seems to work well.
- Staff with VFK_ in front of their names are moderators. These people roam the game to find players that are breaking the rules. They have the power to ban users. Staff with HOST_ in front of their names are game hosts. Their primary job is to create and host games for players to play in. They also can ban, if necessary. There are also staff with no prefix, these are game producers. They most often work behind the scenes.
- A staff is made by carpenter out of wood and can be used by a blacksmith to make an axe or can be purchased by a character and used as a weapon.
- Staff are a type of weapon equipment. Staffs can either be One-handed (where they only occupy the Right-hand Slot) or Two-handed (where they occupy both the Left- and Right-hand Slot).
- This item is dropped frequently by low level monsters. The most mainstream monsters for getting a staff are wizards, barbarians and the monsters in the Lumbridge Catacombs.
- In addition to final copy editing, Kevin has a hand in every product published at Palladium Books. Additionally, he has been published in several products prior to Palladium Books, such as A + Comics, and produced art and cartography for the Judges Guild and other early role-playing industry products.
- Robot house keeper - does any required tasks such as washing dishes.
- The staff is an important piece of mage equipment. There is a wide variety of staffs which have different uses. They can be made or bought.
- Founder - Lanessar - (Now Retired) Lead Administrator - Tristan - DM Kirin
* aroundtheedge - DM Edge
* One of Many
* aroundtheedge - DM Edge
* Conchobhar
* ArielT - DM Spanish Inquisition
- Knights of the Old Republic MUSH is run by a small cadre of dedicated staff members, with assistance as required from their faithful lackeys minions.
- A is a long-reaching weapon, that is ussually made out of wood. There are many different types:
* Bo Staff
* Gun Staff
* Tambo
- --Danju92 (discussioni) 14:42, ago 29, 2013 (UTC) Categoria:Team Manager
- Staves are a class of weapons in Titan Quest, primarily used by spellcasters. Staffs are ranged two-handed weapons dealing base elemental damage, either lightning, fire, or cold. The elemental damage of staffs benefits from corresponding or Elemental Damage bonuses of items and skills. Staves are unique amongst weapons, as they are the only weapons that have no strength or dexterity requirements, however they have extremely high intelligence requirements as a result.
- Staff was a member of the former African super hero team, The Kingdom.
- 3 Lou 55
- 4p 9s 5c
- This item can be bought from Zaff's Superior Staffs! in Varrock, and is a drop from Wizards, Dark wizards, and even Barbarians.
- The_Emperor, assieme a Akross e Old_Jack crearono Land of Saints come una "prova" di building usando il CEP e i sistemi di script di Olander. Da un mini-modulo di 4 aree, il server ora conta più di 70 aree con mostri e script personalizzati per l'ambientazione Warhammeriana.
- The Staff is a small stick that serves as the Magician's weapon. The Staff serves as a catalyst for magical abilities. Variations of the Staff includes the War Staff.
- Ian Miles Cheong "Sol Invictus" - E-Mail: ian.m.cheong (at) gmail.com Evan Berman "Scaper-X" - Community Director - scaperx@gmail.com Joshua Galvin "Pyke" - Lead Web Developer Mariusz Jurek "northrop" "Silver" "Dynotaku" Richard Rozen "chakl" Jason Budden "Nosa"
- A staff is a common magical focus.
- A wooden staff adorned with an enchanted jewel.
- This is one of a Magician's weapons. It attacks slightly more quickly than an equivalent level Wand, and does more damage. However, both hands are required to wield it, thus reducing the defense which a Shield could have provided. If you become an Elementor, a second Mage class, you will be required to use a staff as your weapon, like a Psykeeper has to use a wand. You can use the staff to your advantage in many ways.
- The Staff was a piece of booby-trapped loot that was collected by Sly Cooper in the job "Dark Caves." After collecting both the staff and moon stone, they were re-combined to form The Guru's Staff. The staff cannot be sold on ThiefNet.
- A staff is a long stick made out of metal and has a gem on top. You can use a staff for Symbology.
- Staves (杖 Tsue lit. Rod) are weapons that do not always have hostile uses. Their power, hit percentage, and usefulness depend not only on the staff itself, but it also depends on the unit using it. In Fire Emblem: Radiant Dawn, staves can also be used to counterattack if the user is wielding a staff, like Fortify. In Fire Emblem: Thracia 776, staves can miss and/or double. Generally, skills such as Armsthrift do not stop the staff's durability from decreasing.
- ================================================================================ Name: Staff Model: Typical staff Type: Melee weapon Mods: STR+1D damage. Difficulty: Very easy A standard wooden staff. ================================================================================
- Everybody else too
- Staff is an alien character, prince and only surviving member of the , appearing in Earth 0-. He is a member of the Terrible Teachers and a student of Horrible Harvest. When the Terrible Teachers destroyed his home planet, he was still a child and unable to understand the events. He was adopted by Horrible Hargest, who, solely among the Teachers, felt pity. Under Harvest's guidance, he became an eager and dangerous addition to the TT's planet-subjugating cause. Upon his death, Staff split up in hundreds of Stafflings, infecting the world population with baby staffs.
- I just wnna know my staffers.
- Insert non-formatted text here:) P) :)
- Nope
- A staff is a hand-to-hand combat weapon generated from a baton, resulting in a weapon similar to a "bo staff". They are most commonly found in the hands of Sentries being used for law enforcement purposes. There are two types of staff seen in TRON: Legacy. One, used by sentries, is generated from a single baton and has an asymmetrical shaft with the longer length usually employed as the 'downward' end. The other, used by Clu's Black Guard, is formed from two batons combined together with a symmetrical shaft of bright energy extending from the ends. es:Vara
- On Marapets, there are a number of staff members who are chosen by the site leader to help members. The most popular of these staff are MidnightSunrise (Middy) and Indigo (Indy) both of which are well known for helping members of all ages. PianoLady is also popular and seems to be one of the more down to earth members of Marapets staff. As staff are on Marapets to help other members, some of them have created help sites (e.g. Indigo and ShaggyBear). Read more about Marapets Staff here: Marapets Administration Team This article is a . You can help My English Wiki by expanding it.
- 用户列表(包括已报道与参与编辑的用户) Jusun2009、RAISE_HELL、DANNY_LAMB(住在洛杉矶)、门神(NoirCleff)、Laijunqiu(GTA隐藏车吧)
- Staff is strong being. He lives in Island of ants.
- Staffs can be used by everybody but rangers.
- This is the Wiki Staff page where you can find the Wiki's staff and things here.
- Staff are the people that run Knightfall. Organizers are the main general people. Artist are the people who draw the art. Game Programmers are the people that make the actual computer game. Finally the Special Department are the people who help with almost everything. The staff includes.
- Attack grid: Staves are used by the Atlantian Battlemage and Mage main character classes and mercenary classes Astrologer, Elementalist, Monk, Oracle, Princess, Shaman, Sorceress, Trainee Ching Ya, Trainee Dharma, Trainee Hualin, Trainee White Witch, Trainee Xuanzang and Witch.
- The staff had fallen out of common use as a weapon when Vetron's Guide to Weapons and Armour was published, so it does not have an effectiveness rating; at the time of Ultima IV, it was the weakest weapon available, but still in common use among mages of all sorts.
- More used for walking support than a weapon, but when push comes to shove, sometimes a long stick works just fine. Capable of stunning an opponent quickly and can keep them at distance just as easily. Never, however, bring a staff to a blaster fight. Name................Staff Weapon Type.........Melee Weapon Weight..............3kg Damage Type.........Melee Stun Setting........Yes Accuracy............0D+0 Damage..............1D Conceal Difficulty..24 Two-Handed..........Yes
- These people work for Stanford and are not faculty or students.
- The plural, staves, is used almost everywhere in D&D literature but staffs is also acceptable.
- Een staff (staf) is en two-handed weapon, meestal in de vorm van een lange stok iets langer dan de drager. Ze kunnen zijn gemaakt van metaal of hout.
- NotBetaWolf Is the founder of the Bendy the Ink Machine Wiki.
- Staves are long bludgeon-like weapons that are used primarily because they are required for mages to cast spells.
- The Daft Punk Wiki staff team is a group of users who take it upon themselves to maintain, promote and generally look after the wiki. They are regular community members just like you, only with a few extra rights. The best way to go about trying to get onto the staff team is to apply for rollback rights and being chosen to become a Moderator. You can apply for our staff team or apply for other user rights on this page. Below is a list of current staff members, what their groups mean and their current activity status.
- Staff (ang. kostur) jest najsłabszą magiczną bronią w RuneScape. Gracze mogą go kupić u Zaff's Superior Staffs! w Varrock za 15 sztuk złota. Wygląda ona identycznie jak Battlestaff. Zaleca się, aby sprzedać ten kostur i kupić jakiś elementarny typ jak np. kostur wiatru. Kiedyś, jedynym atutem maga używającego kostura była funkcja autocast, dzięki czemu podstawowy atak gracza mógł być jednym z 16 elementarnych zaklęć. Jednak od 2 września funkcja autocastu nie potrzebuje już kostura. Kostur jest częstym łupem z nisko-poziomowych czarodziei, barbarzyńców oraz potworów w Katakumbach Lumbridge.
- A staff is a type of weapon used to cast magic spells. They can be created through the Alchemy skill. It's stats affect the damage of spells.
- Staves can be crafted by a Carver (See Carver/Recipes) and maged by a Carvmagus. Staves deal damage in an AoE, hitting the target for full damage as well as the two tiles left and right of the target tile for 75% damage.
- The Saving Private Ryan Wiki has a group of staff compiled of Admins (or Sysops) and Buereaucrats and Moderators. These users have been given extra abilities to help clean, maintain and operate the Wiki. They are not the same as Wikia Staff as those users are staff on all wikis.
- The Staff, otherwise known as a Fighting Staff or a Bō, is a weapon of choice for several characters throughout the Xenaverse, none more famous than Gabrielle, The Battling Bard of Potedia.
- If you need help, need something approved, or just have a question, these are the folks to ask.
- Staff eli Keppi on taikaesine RuneScapessa. Sen voi ostaa 8 kultarahan hinnalla Zaffin sauvakaupasta Varrockista. Sauvalla voi hyökätä meleellä tai taikomisella. Staff on luultavasti RuneScapen surkein sauva. Luokka:Staffit en:Staff
- Each level of enchantment on a staff adds +3 Attack and +20 Magic Boost to a maximum total of +30 Attack at +10 (+45 at +15) and +200 Magic Boost (+300 at +15). For more information on enchanting, see the Enchant page.
- El staff de Regnumpedia es aquel grupo de individuos que se encarga de moderar y administrar esta wiki para otorgar un contenido legible y práctico a todo aquel lector o interesado en colaborar.
- A staff is simply a stick which has a slight magical bonus. The staff is not required for magical casting, but does give the user an advantage while casting.
- The Staff is the third-fastest polearm in Warband, and comparable to the Quarter Staff as a weaker (and cheaper) variant. ==See Also==__NOEDITSECTION__
* Polearms ()
* One-handed Weapons ()
* Melee Weapons ()
* Weapons ()
- Staff is a weapon that can be equipped by Firion, The Emperor, Onion Knight, Cloud of Darkness, Bartz Klauser, Exdeath, Terra Branford, Kefka Palazzo, Ultimecia, Kuja, and Shantotto. Other characters can only use a Staff if they trade White Mage Lore and pay 1000 gil to the Shop to learn Equip Staves, and equip it. Staves specialize in adding EX Mode Duration, changing the percentage done from 10% upwards to 40%. Staves also add BRV. The Japanese letter to recognize a Staff is 杖.
- Placerebuilder - something Jeopde - awesome I forgot the rest of the ranks soz
- A Staff is a weapon used for magic that can be purchased from Zaff's store in Varrock. It's somewhat weaker than that of the Magic Staff, and unlike the elemental staves, does not give you an infinite supply of a rune. These can also be found from killing Dark Wizards.
- A staff was a long melee weapon. It could also be a simple tool used by farmers to herd animals or perform general farming tasks.
- Staff del nuovo OtakuClub * Amministratore Fransu7 * Amministratore GANASSA * Amministratore KawaPD * Moderatori Globali fabrikun Feo * Moderatori Bass dark_m1nd Eternally Lillo84 Mandorlo Mastakilla88 meddlingmage Nefostratos QuincyElettra redraven Vans Wand wolframio88
- 1. Slayer staff 2. Staff of Guthix 3. Staff of Iban 4. Staff of Saradomin 5. Staff of Zamorak 6. Elemental staffs (fire/water/air/earth) 7. Spesielle staffs
- Staves are a type of weapon found in WoTMUD. Staves come in both one-handed and two-handed varieties. The one-handed varieties, combined with a shield, offer superior defense. One-handed staves offer poor damage but the highest PB of all weapon types. Two-handed staves offer better damage and also have very high PB. All staves are mended with sandstones. Practicing this skill gives residual practices to Axes and Clubs.
- This is a list of staff. These users have special rights to the wiki and this includes admins, bureaucrats and chat moderators. Mech-X4 staff should not be confused with Wiki staff, who work for Wikia. These users have proven themselves helpful and trustworthy to help run the wiki.
- The following is a list of all people who are staff members of Club Penguin Rewritten. They help to update the game, write news articles, answer questions, control mascots, and keep the island of Club Penguin Rewritten safe.
- Staff is a term referring to certain members of a pirate crew or organization. They provide a bridge in communication between those in charge, such as the Captain or First Mate, and everyone else. A member of the staff is known as a Staff Officer.
- Ian Miles Cheong "Sol Invictus" - ian.m.cheong@gmail.com Evan Berman "Scaper-X" - scaperx@gmail.com Joshua Galvin "Pyke" Chris McCready "Temet Nosce" Brian Pratt "Bjbrains" Mariusz Jurek "northrop" Jason Fleischman "terminatus"
- Staff
* Speed: 6
* Accuracy: +2
* Damage: +7B
* Defense: +2
* Rate: 2
* Minimums: Str *
* Cost: **
* Tags: 2,R
- This is a list of Staff on The Mars Argo Wiki. Please contact one of these users if you need help.
- The Phantasy staff was organized on November 22nd 2008, currently consisting of 12 members and 2 benefactors. Founders:
* Sylexus
* The Blackfooted Eel
* Gadmosikano Admins:
* Pokepossum
* J-man
* Xeethos
* Darkdrake
* VerusMaya II
* Sophismata Tech and Coders:
* Sasquatch Moderators:
* Runaway
* Demon
* El Tortugo
* Bioshark Benefactors:
* Devogen
- Learned: Level 1 Area: Cone-shaped Radius: 5 Attack with your equipped weapon. Learned: Level 1 Area: Cone-shaped Radius: 6 Attacks all enemies in front of you and generates a large amount of threat. Learned: Level 1 Area: Spot Radius: 20 Damages a single enemy and dazes the target for up to 5 seconds. Also increases aggression.
- In order to help run the game day-to-day, Mech Crusaders has a team of staff, made up of otherwise normal players. The only "benefit", in addition to powers and access for their respective position, is that their VIC days do not drop below 1, if a staff member has 0 VIC days, a day will be added to their account. The staff team is divided up into several departments. Each department has specific powers and responsibilities, and most have one or more 'Heads', who have more powers/responsibilities than the rest of their respective teams. The departments include:
- The lovely staff of Arelith. Alphabetic list is available . Current details for contacting most of the staff members can be usually found from their profiles on forums. Those are easily accessible from The team list. Please, read the guide to contacting DMs before sending them private messages.