| - Write the first section of your page here.
- If you have changed any controls, either try the cheats with the corresponding keys you've assigned, or revert to the defaults before entering cheats.
- This page contains the cheats for every game in the Wipeout series (ordered by game).
- The following are a complete set of cheats for every LEGO® Star Wars game.
- Here you may put cheats for the two worlds game for PC. Press x to access the keyboard. On the PC press the ~ key. All cheats with "BonusCode" in them don't affect your achievements. All other codes do. First type in "twoworldscheats 1" or "thisisgreatgame" to put the game into a special cheat mode. Remember: enter the code excactly the way it appears.
- Music Jam 10.Candence backround 9065.Band backround 996.Go to Clubpenguincheatsinfo.wikia.com.only for penguin storm ____━━____┓━╭━━━━╮ ____━━____┗┓|::::::^━━^ ____━━____━┗|:::::|。◕‿‿◕。| ____━━____━━╰O-O----O-O
- This is all of the cheats, codes and tricks to Kya Dark Lineage.
- __TOC__ This page is a list of cheats in the Zoo Tycoon games.
- In the main menu, select Options, then Extras, then select the "Enter Code" button. Enter a code from the two below here to unlock it's respective reward.
* MAPMAYHEM: Bonus Multiplayer Map Pack (4 new Wrecking Crew maps)
* HARDHITTER: Unlocks Gold Sledgehammer for use in singleplayer
- Cheats are special codes or rewards built into the Midnight Club games that allow the player to activate features that are either not yet unlocked or not available at all within the game.
- Cheats are game modifiers in various Tony Hawk's video games, which may give an advantage in scoring or used for other various reasons, such as executing glitches and exploring hidden parts of levels. Cheats are unlocked by advancing in Career or Story modes or by entering corresponding cheat codes.
- SPOILER WARNING: Though I DO recommend cheats, USE THEM AT YOUR OWN RISK! Some has reported glitches with the cheats and it will NOT be supported as the game is now offically outdated. It will ALSO spoil the ENTIRE game if you use them. So be very carful with them.
- Cheat codes have been included in some games of the Carmageddon series. Some games may block the player's save system, for instance, or lower ranks, but in the Carmageddon series there are no penalties to using them.
- go to the game files and go into the "saves" files and open the archive LOCOS with the notepad and change what you want to #TRUE# each line means a feature from the dir command 1-zmlgame.exe 2-asteroids.exe 3-gemgame.exe 4-r_edit.exe 5-lazer.exe 6-revive.exe 7-cheats.exe 8-disturbed.exe
- Escribe la segunda sección de tu artículo aquí.
- Cheats are unlockable, humourous gameplay enhancers. Some of them don't affect gameplay whereas others do; for example, Big Heads and Small Heads makes it easier or more difficult to score headshots. Cheats can only be used in the Arcade of the game or in the Story. If cheats are active, even if they have no effect upon gameplay, you cannot progress in Story, nor can you obtain arcade awards from playing in Arcade.
- Die Cheats sind ein beliebtes Mittel, um in einem Videospiel selbst oder durch externe Programme den Spielverlauf in einer nicht dem gewöhnlichen Verlauf entsprechenden Weise zu beeinflussen. Durch erneute Eingabe eines Cheats können viele Cheats deaktiviert bzw. rückgängig gemacht werden.
- Cheats may refer to:
* Cheats (Tropico 1)
* Cheats (Tropico 2)
* Cheats (Tropico 3 and 4)
* Cheats (Tropico 5)
- These are cheats
- To unlock body surf, select 'Extras' from the Main Menu and then select 'Cheats' and enter the code RIGHT, RIGHT, LEFT, DOWN, UP, UP, UP, DOWN.
- Here is some cheat for anyone, for fun, for victory.
- Gah. You shouldn't be on this page, you know. But if you are, prepare to have the cheat codes spoiled! However, the cheats are invisible, so highlight any you want to see. All cheats listed on this page should be typed in while playing unless otherwise stated.
- I alla GTA-spel finns det rätt många fusk, allt ifrån vapen till roliga saker. Det är rekomenderat att man inte sparar sitt spel om man använder fusk, eftersom spelet då kan crasha. Här är en lista på alla buggar som finns. Du har blivit varnad. Använd fusk på ditt eget bevåg.
- The following cheats can be entered directly in-game to have the desired effect. If the code was successfully entered, a laser shooting sound can be heard. There are no known cheats for Airline Tycoon 2.
- Es nützt jedoch nichts, diese Cheats einfach so einzugeben. Mann muss zuerst mit Cheato sprechen, sonst wirken sie nicht.
- This is a list of the cheats that are currently known:
* Auction Sniper (Download)
* Slot Automator (Download)
* Daily Automator (Download)
- Wer cheats und tipps findet soll sie bitte reinschreiben
- The 2011 PC, PlayStation 3, and Xbox 360 versions do not allow cheats without modding due to the console being disabled. However, cheats can be modded into the 2011 PC remaster using one of two methods. For the "ultimate" experience, install Peixoto's Patch first and then do the OmriKoresh mod. This is because Peixoto's Patch also contains some other features, while OmriKoresh mod also has more cheat features.
- There are numerous of cheats in Teslatron. Some are very well known and used by almost everyone, some are hidden secret only known by clan members.
- However, it must be noted that playing with Cheats enabled will stop you from receiving Steam Achievements (Mount & Blade: Warband). If cheats are used, you may disable them again at any time to re-enable Steam achievements since they are only disabled for the sessions in which they are used. It is an extremely useful tool for modders as it helps to "speed" gameplay time so features normally restricted to late game can be accessed far sooner.
- Cheats are used mainly to aid in gameplay by eliminating certain challenges or obstacles. Cheats can also be activated to aid in story telling, to fix bugs or glitches in the game, or just for the enjoyment of the player. The term "cheat" applies to every use of these hidden codes or features, regardless of whether the cheats give the player an unearned advantage. Thus a player can use cheats without "cheating" the game, though this depends on which cheats are used and how.
- There is a wide array of cheats available for the Grand Theft Auto games on most major platforms.
- Cool site for cheats do u know cheats for grand theft thauto sanandreas
- They are no cheats on Urban Rivals. Any cheat mentioned by another player/website is a scam.
- These are the cheats that have been found out by many people over the Internet.
- Cheats are unlockable options available that will either make a game easier, harder, or add a humorous aspect to it. Cheats are available in Call of Duty: Finest Hour, Call of Duty 4: Modern Warfare, Call of Duty: World at War and Call of Duty: Modern Warfare Remastered. Cheats can be unlocked by collecting intel (Call of Duty 4: Modern Warfare and Call of Duty: Modern Warfare Remastered) or Death Cards in Call of Duty: World at War to unlock something special like unlimited ammo.
- Cheats are methods to break the rules of a game, and alter its intended gameplay. It's up to each individual person whether they want to use cheats or not. Cheats may be intentionally programmed into the game, or they may exist as unpatched bugs.
- Cheats driver are a method of cheating in Driv3r. There are six cheats in this game- All Missions, All Vehicles, Immunity, Invincibility, Unlimited Ammo, and All Weapons. By going into the menu screen and pressing the buttons will unlock the cheat. You will hear a noise saying you are correct. Then find the Cheats in the options abd turn them on. Once turned on they will never have to be turned on; the game saves and starts with them on every time you play it. The Immunity and Invincibility cheats don't work in Undercover. Unlimited Ammo gives you unlimited bullets meaning you can shoot bullets and never run out. The Invincibility cheat makes you invincible. You can't die for nothing even if you jumped off the tower at Nice's Airport. The All Weapons cheat gives you all weapons. The Immuni
- Cheats are the codes and stuff you can use when wanting to make your Sim's Life easier. I do warn you, with the tricks, the game is easier, but the game loses all the fun and the charm of playing for it. I personally like restricting myself to only using one cheat so it is more interesting. This are the different cheats and codes
- In videospellen bestaan er cheats (letterlijk bedrog), een functie toegevoegd door de spelontwerpers en verborgen in de normale gameplay dat het spelmechanismen veranderd op verschillende manieren. In De Sims series worden cheats geactiveerd door ze in te typen in een tekstscherm die geopend kan worden door een bepaalde toetsencombinatie (meestal CTRL + SHIFT + C). Cheats kunnen ook een vorm van glitches of bugs in het spel, die expres geuit worden om iets toe te voegen wat origineel niet door de spelontwerpers bedacht was.
- There are a lot of cheats available for HoMM2. The ones below are the ones that I have personally confirmed. Be aware that using any of the below cheats will list you as a cheater on the high-score list. Would you take the easy way out, or play with honor? The other side of the issue is,"What good is honor if you've been defeated?" You type in these cheats by using the top row of keys on your keyboard.
- The following codewords can be keyed in during a mission:
* athena - Gives you the highest tech level
* hybris - Makes you invincible. However, in some particular cases you may die even if you have typed this
* hefaistos - Gives you all available weapons full
* slomo - Makes the game run slower
* birgeroco - Makes the game run extremely fast!
* racerwagen - Makes you drive a car. Yay!
* hades - Makes you lose
* autopilot - Toggles the autopilot
* admiral - Gives you all medals
* realtimelightning - Gives you Tesla coil Enjoy !!
- Als Cheat (englisch für Betrug, Schwindel) wird die Möglichkeit bezeichnet, in einem Computer- oder Videospiel selbst oder durch externe Programme den Spielverlauf in einer nicht dem gewöhnlichen Verlauf entsprechenden Weise zu beeinflussen. Meist handelt es sich dabei um Tricks, mit denen man aus der Sicht des Spielers uninteressante Bereiche des Levels umgehen kann. Aber auch das Verschaffen von zum Beispiel unendlicher Lebenskraft, mehr Munition oder weiterer Einheiten werden meist von Cheats abgedeckt. Cheat-Techniken Gewollte Cheats / Easter Eggs Ausnutzung von Programmfehlern Teleport Aimbot
- 2134 DAL = Aobasar Apex 1243 AHE = Danaphant Tuska 4123 CHK = Danilob 2134 BGJ = Emerald Mineral 1243 BED = Grilden Biblad 3412 IDG = Grildragos Drafly 2134 AFJ = Gristar 1243 AHD = Hammer Geo (must beat game) 3412 DAG = Ice Geo (must beat game) 1243 CHL = Inkalade 1243 KDA = Iota Cube 3412 DIF = Komainu 1243 AFI = Naglub 2134 LJE = Rho Cube 3412 BGK = Ruby Mineral 1243 KHE = Samukabu 2134 HDI = Samurite Voltar 1243 BFK = Sapphire Mineral 3412 CGL = Seguslice 4123 IHG = Shakor Bristle 2143 DEI = Spiko 4123 AEJ = Vilagrisp 3412 HFE = Vilakroma 2134 JHI = Vilakroma (Red) 4123 ACL = Vilakroma (Gold) 1243 ICL = Windora
- Cheats are special extras in Perfect Dark that affect appearances or gameplay when enabled. Only one cheat is available by default. Many of these cheats originated in the game's spiritual predecessor, GoldenEye 007. When a cheat is enabled, mission stats will not be saved, new cheats will not be unlocked, Leaderboard Crowns will not be earned, and game modes in the Perfect Menu, except Carrington Institute will display "Cheat", before them. The 'Velvet Dark' Cheat is the only exeption to this. After completing a mission, the Mission Status and Agent Status will be "Cheated" and "Dishonored."
- During a game, a number of cheats may be used. They're available in the campaign, and may be enabled for a multiplayer skirmish before the game. The console in which to enter the cheats is activated with a key, depending on the keyboard; most Anglophone keyboards use the tilde (~) key. The cheats are as follows:
- Speler cheats Full Health #1 Car Mass (increased mass for harder collisions) #2 Milk Bones (increased melee attack damage) #3 Add Police Notoriety (+1 star to police wanted meter) #4 Player Pratfalls #5 Infinite Sprint #6 Unlimited Clip (never reload, except for RPGs) #9 Infinite Ammo #11 Heaven Bound (killed bodies float upward) #12 Add Gang Notoriety (+1 gang attack level) #35 Never Die #36 No Cop Notoriety #50 No Gang Notoriety #51 I Am Giant (become very tall) #200 Itty Bitty (become very short) #201 Give Cash (gain $1,000) #2274666399
- Pause the game while playing in any mode, then press and hold L2 and R2, then enter the code.
* Code: Up, down, left, down, left, right
* Effect: shows funny comic book captions when you attack a Rebel as a Wampa
* Code: Up, up, up, up, left, up, up, down, left, down, up, up, left
* Effect: removes the Heads-Up Display (HUD)
* Code: Up, up, up, left, up, down, up, up, left, down, down, down, left, up, down, down, left, right
* Effect: alternates the sounds (gives Slow-Motion sounds)
* Code: Up, down, left, down, down, left, down, down, left, down, down, down, left, right
* Effect: grants you Infinite Ammo
* Code: Down, down, down, up, up, left, down, down, down, down, down, left, up, up, up, left, right
* Effect: gives you Alternate Sol