| - __NOEDITSECTION__ Image:Information-silk.png|Character Template rect 0 0 20 20 Staff Template desc none Anna-Maria Cool Real Name Anna-Maria Cool Employers [[|]][[Category: Staff]], [[|]][[Category: Staff]], [[|]][[Category: Staff]], [[|]][[Category: Staff]], [[|]][[Category: Staff]], [[|]][[Category: Staff]], [[|]][[Category: Staff]], [[|]][[Category: Staff]], [[|]][[Category: Staff]], [[|]][[Category: Staff]], [[|]][[Category: Staff]], [[|]][[Category: Staff]], [[|]][[Category: Staff]], [[|]][[Category: Staff]], [[|]][[Category: Staff]], [[|]][[Category: Staff]], [[|]][[Category: Staff]], [[|]][[Category: Staff]], [[|]][[Category: Staff]], [[|]][[Category: Staff]], [[|]][[Category: Staff]], [[|]][[Category: Staff]] , [[|]][[Category: Staff]] , [[|]][[Category: Staff]] ,
- Anna-Maria Cool is a contemporary American illustrator; she drew the pictures in Gina Wickwar's two Oz novels, The Hidden Prince of Oz (2000) and Toto of Oz (2006). A Cool illustration accompanied Ruth Plumly Thompson's "The Dragon of Pumperdink" in Oz-story Magazine No. 1 (1995). She drew the comic "The Green Goblin of Oz" in Oz-story No. 2 (1996). Her illustrations for Atticus Gannaway's story "Toto and the Truth" appeared in Oz-story No. 6 (2000).
| - Anna-Maria Cool is a contemporary American illustrator; she drew the pictures in Gina Wickwar's two Oz novels, The Hidden Prince of Oz (2000) and Toto of Oz (2006). A Cool illustration accompanied Ruth Plumly Thompson's "The Dragon of Pumperdink" in Oz-story Magazine No. 1 (1995). She drew the comic "The Green Goblin of Oz" in Oz-story No. 2 (1996). Her illustrations for Atticus Gannaway's story "Toto and the Truth" appeared in Oz-story No. 6 (2000). Cool worked on the Barbie comic published by Marvel Comics between 1990 and 1995. She inked the comic-book version of the film Hook (1992), and she drew the comic Soulsearchers and Company (1993). She has illustrated books on Betsy Ross and Dolly Madison.
- __NOEDITSECTION__ Image:Information-silk.png|Character Template rect 0 0 20 20 Staff Template desc none Anna-Maria Cool Real Name Anna-Maria Cool Employers [[|]][[Category: Staff]], [[|]][[Category: Staff]], [[|]][[Category: Staff]], [[|]][[Category: Staff]], [[|]][[Category: Staff]], [[|]][[Category: Staff]], [[|]][[Category: Staff]], [[|]][[Category: Staff]], [[|]][[Category: Staff]], [[|]][[Category: Staff]], [[|]][[Category: Staff]], [[|]][[Category: Staff]], [[|]][[Category: Staff]], [[|]][[Category: Staff]], [[|]][[Category: Staff]], [[|]][[Category: Staff]], [[|]][[Category: Staff]], [[|]][[Category: Staff]], [[|]][[Category: Staff]], [[|]][[Category: Staff]], [[|]][[Category: Staff]], [[|]][[Category: Staff]] , [[|]][[Category: Staff]] , [[|]][[Category: Staff]] , [[|]][[Category: Staff]] , [[|]][[Category: Staff]] , [[|]][[Category: Staff]] , [[|]][[Category: Staff]] , [[|]][[Category: Staff]] , [[|]][[Category: Staff]] , [[|]][[Category: Staff]] Job Titles Penciler; Cover Artist Gender First publication Unknown