The Adventures of Teebo: A Tale of Magic and Suspense is a children's book written and illustrated by Joe Johnston. The plot involves Teebo facing a band of Duloks on the Forest Moon of Endor.
The Adventures of Teebo: A Tale of Magic and Suspense is a children's book written and illustrated by Joe Johnston. The plot involves Teebo facing a band of Duloks on the Forest Moon of Endor.
The Adventures of Teebo: A Tale of Magic and Suspense, to książka dla dzieci napisana przez Joe Johnston w 1984 roku.
The Adventures of Teebo: A Tale of Magic and Suspense es un libro para niños escrito e ilustrado por Joe Johnston. La trama se basa en Teebo frente a una banda de duloks en la luna boscosa de Endor.
*Árbol de nombre secreto
*Conjuro de los siete juramentos
*Gran Espíritu del Bosque
*Hermano Cielo
*Padre Árbol
*Padre Bosque
*Madre Tierra
*Serpiente voladora
*Brother Sky
*Father Tree
*Flying snake
*Forest Father
*Great Spirit
*Mother Land
*Secret tree name
*Spell of the seven oaths