| - The Muppet Show is a variety-program television series that originally aired from 1976 to 1981. The series, which was produced by Jim Henson and features the Muppets, lasted for five seasons and 120 episodes. Each episode featured a human guest star. Main Muppet characters include Kermit the Frog, Fozzie Bear, Miss Piggy, Rowlf, Scooter, Gonzo, and many others. Currently, only the first three seasons for The Muppet Show is available on DVD, although there are Best of The Muppet Show DVDs which consist of three episodes from the series.
- The Muppet Show is een Amerikaans TV-programma dat werd uitgezonden van 1976 tot 1981. Er was elke aflevering een andere speciale gast.
- The Muppet Show was a television show that ran for 5 seasons (Sept. 5, 1976 - Mar. 15, 1981).
- Mark Hamill, Anthony Daniels and Peter Mayhew guest starred as their respective characters on the show's January 16, 1980 episode, which was four months before the original theatrical release of The Empire Strikes Back. Although the other two men play only their respective Star Wars roles, Hamill plays Luke Skywalker, as well as himself—known as "Luke's cousin".
- The Muppet Show is a holiday television show that was produced by puppeteer Jim Henson and features The Muppets. After two pilot episodes produced in 1974 and 1975 failed to get the attention of America's network heads, Approached Henson to produce the programme for his ATV Associated Television franchise in the UK. The show lasted for five series consisting of 120 episodes which were first broadcast in Britain between January 1, 1976 and March 15, 1981. The programmes were recorded at ATV's Elstree Studios just north of London.
- The Muppet Show fue una serie de televisión que se emitió en la sindicación de 1976 a 1981. Con un elenco de marionetas, llamadas Muppets, cada capítulo contaba con una estrella invitada especial. Los Muppets fueron diseñados por The Jim Henson Company, y han sido propiedad de The Walt Disney Company desde 2004.
- The Muppet Show is a half-hour variety show in which Kermit the Frog and the Muppets put on a weekly musical/comedy revue at the Muppet Theater. Unfortunately for them, things never quite go according to plan, resulting in the wise-cracking commentary on the proceedings by the two old curmudgeons named Statler and Waldorf. The action in each episode was balanced between both the on-stage acts, and the frantic activity backstage. The concept was reminiscent of old-time radio shows like The Jack Benny Program.
- The immense popularity of The Muppets they created for Sesame Street gave Jim Henson, Jerry Juhl and Frank Oz the impetus to create a variety show for family viewing, but with social and political satire. ABC aired a pair of Pilot specials, The Muppets Valentine Show (1974) and The Muppet Show: Sex and Violence (1975), but when all the U.S. networks rejected their (frankly awesome) pitch for a weekly series, they instead finagled a distribution deal with Britain's ITC, under the auspices of Lord Lew Grade.
- The Muppet Show is a half-hour variety show in which Kermit the Frog and the Muppets put on a weekly musical/comedy revue at The Muppet Theatre. Unfortunately for them, things never quite go according to plan, for the Muppets or their weekly guest stars.
- Muppet Show (ang. The Muppet Show) – brytyjsko-amerykański program telewizyjny w formie serialu, którego głównymi bohaterami są muppety, lalki wymyślone przez Jima Hensona. Do każdego programu zapraszano sławnego gościa ze świata filmu lub muzyki i były to jedyne osoby w ludzkiej postaci. Muppet Show był emitowany w latach 1976-1981. Program zdobył wiele nagród m.in Brytyjskiej Akademii Filmu i Telewizji dla najlepszej komedii telewizyjnej. Ta sama akademia w 1976 uznała Kermita (żabę konferansjera) za najlepszego aktora telewizyjnego. W 1977 przyznano serialowi Złotą Różę w Montreux.