| - It is one of many sexual orientations - other prominent ones being homosexuality, bisexuality, and asexuality - all perfectly normal.
- Heterosexuality involves union between two people of different genders. It is the natural way that human beings and most animals reproduce. Heterosexual attraction is natural; that is, men for women, and women for men. Heterosexual union within marriage is the only form of sexual activity endorsed by God as His Word as revealed in the Bible.
- Heterosexuality is the leading cause of mental retardation in today's society as a result of horrible combinations of particular heterosexual men and women, who were too dumb to realize that together, they are mentally retarded. Bad combinations of heterosexuals also generate millions of douchebags, self-conscious whores, conceited pricks, and worst of all, homophobes. Heterosexuals often call their partners the most disturbing of nicknames, such as "baby" or "daddy" (or "baby daddy", or "baby mama"). TYPICAL COMMUNICATION BETWEEN STRAIGHT MALE HIS FEMALE ROMANTIC PARNTER
- Heterosexuality refers to the condition of being sexually attracted exclusively to members of the opposite sex and/or gender. Often seen as the opposite of homosexuality, it is also distinct from bisexuality, since a bisexual person is also attracted to members of their own sex and gender (and, often, to people of several non-binary genders), and asexuality, since an asexual person is not attracted to anyone. Heterosexuality can be considered one end of a spectrum which describes an individual's sexual identity as relates to gender, since many people are attracted to men and women to varying degrees. Common scales used are the Kinsey Scale and the Klein Sexual Orientation Grid. The majority of the population is heterosexual, leading to non-heterosexual identities being frequently marginali
- Heterosexuality is sexual or romantic attraction between opposite sexes, and is the most common sexual orientation among humans. The current use of the term has its roots in the broader 19th century tradition of personality taxonomy. These continue to influence the development of the modern concept of sexual orientation, gaining associations with romantic love and identity in addition to its original, exclusively sexual meaning.
| - It is one of many sexual orientations - other prominent ones being homosexuality, bisexuality, and asexuality - all perfectly normal.
- Heterosexuality is the leading cause of mental retardation in today's society as a result of horrible combinations of particular heterosexual men and women, who were too dumb to realize that together, they are mentally retarded. Bad combinations of heterosexuals also generate millions of douchebags, self-conscious whores, conceited pricks, and worst of all, homophobes. Heterosexuals often call their partners the most disturbing of nicknames, such as "baby" or "daddy" (or "baby daddy", or "baby mama"). COMMENTS OFTEN MADE BY HETEROSEXUALS yes, many times baby offspring -- to play the role of marriage counselor]]
* "Mom, take care of my baby so I can finish the sixth grade, will you? I have a addition/subtraction assignment due Thursday."
* "Where is my husband's child support? Jerry junior, sweetie, I'm fucking suing your dad if he doesn't pay me my child support. Just letting you know. Finish your first-grade homework now, sweetie."
* "We’re getting a divorce and our offspring will have to go back and forth between my husband and I through a bunch of legally set up visitation crap; not to mention, all the hostile interactions that we will have which will most likely end up on trash TV, forcing the little guy to suffer for the first 18 years of his life with no alternatives but suicide. "
* "My husband and I are ugly, fat-assed and have other impairments yet we have decided to make a baby and pass on our wonderful genes to Bob junior so he can enjoy them too."
* "I don't feel like taking care of this kid that's supposed to be coming out of me next month so I'm gonna' KILL'EM. Yea, that's right, I'm going to KILL'EM. I am going to kill it upon birth through an abortion and then I'm going to go have a beer... maybe watch the game. The football game coming on tonight."
* "That dude I didn't get to know whom I screwed last night took off this morning and I'm pregnant. Now my new baby isn't going to know his daddy."
* "I’m sending my baby off to some child adoption facility so he can live at a facility for the first bunch of years of his life until a strange family picks him up so my adopted kid has food and water. Awww! Poor thing won't know his birth parents and real family, the diseases that run through his family to protect himself, his heritage or anything like that. All because us straighties don't want to accept responsibility for our actions. AH WELL, F*CK IT! WHAT'S SAY WE GO GET A BEER NOW, PROUD PAPA!" "SURE DARLING!"
* "This kid is growing up living his life poor as hell because we were stupid and decided to make a baby when we couldn't afford it"
* "I didn't know parenting would have so much responsibility. I'm running out on my family. LATERS!"
* "Look at how many Quagmire juniors I have running around all over the world. GIGGIDY! GIGGIDY! I don't have to take responsibility for them. GIGGIDY GIGGIDY. Rather, I will pick on gays because they're of the same sex liking each other. GIGGIDY GIGGIDY. I'll pay more attention to that than this epidemic in the str8 community of all of us making babies the world over, we don't even know. GIGGIDY GIGGIDY!" TYPICAL COMMUNICATION BETWEEN STRAIGHT MALE HIS FEMALE ROMANTIC PARNTER Husband: "I DON'T WANT TO GO TO THE F*CKING OPERA, MARRY" Wife: "OH YOU NEVER DO ANYTHING I WANT TO DO AND I'M TIRED OF YOU ALWAYS DRAGGING ME TO THE SPORTS GAMES, MARK." Husband: "WHENEVER I WANT TO HAVE SEX, YOU DON'T WANT TO HAVE SEX." Wife: "I NEED MORE THAN SEX OUT OF THIS RELATIONSHIP. I NEED ROMANCE. I DEMAND THAT YOU AND I OPEN UP ABOUT OUR FEELINGS; BE ALL SAPPY AND GOOEY WITH EACH OTHER; AND GO TO THE OPERA OR NO SEX TONIGHT AND YOU WILL BE SLEEPING ON THE COUCH MR." Husband: "WHAT? I CAN'T HEAR YOU. THE ONLY TIME YOU EVER CROSS MY MIND IS DURING SEXUAL ACTIVITY OTHERWISE YOU'RE A NONENTITY TO ME. I WANT TO WATCH THE GAME NOW." Wife: "YOU KNOW WHAT, JUST F YOU!" Husband: "ALL RIGHT, THAT DOES IT. THAT DOES IT. I'M GOING TO BEAT YOU UP NOW! TAKE THAT. YEA, NOW WHAT? NOW WHAT? I JUST PUNCHED MY HELPLESS WIFE WHO'S HALF MY SIZE IN THE FACE EVERYBODY! YAY ME!" It is very possible that the male partner can go the entire romantic relationship without ever hearing his female partner because he's busy staring at her boobs whenever his female partner speaks. The initial words of his female partner may catch his attention for a millisecond, but once that millisecond is up, the male partner's attention is deflected towards her boobs because remember, in the straight male's mind nothing else about the female is worth the time of day. WHY STRAIGHT MEN ARE THE MOST PANSY-ASSED MEN IN THE WORLD In nearly every heterosexual relationship these days, the women are the boss, call the shots, and wear the pants in the family. What happened to the days when men were the calling all the shots and laying down the law? Well, that can certainly be found within the gay community but not the straight community. The television world highlights the typical heterosexual relationship perfectly. Most sitcom women are accustom to pushing their husbands around. As just a few examples, Roseanne Conner, Debra Barone, Carrie Heffernan, Lois from Malcolm In The Middle, Rochelle from Everybody Hates Chris, etc. Women being scared of their men, like Lucy was of Ricky is outdated. Straight men are the prime examples of pussies these days. Constant cases of women emasculating their straight men because straight men are pansy-assed and can't stand up to women. In the straight community, it's either the woman's way or the highway. Straight women have recently come up with a method of controlling their men through refusing them sex. This works wonderfully and there's nothing straight men can do about it. In the gay community, however, both males want sex so we don't have to worry about crap like that and the whole romantic relationship is smooth sailing. We also have the same interests and communication styles which is not the case for the straight community. The straight community is a prime example of how OPPOSITES DO NOT ATTRACT. Sucks for the str8 community. Successful heterosexual relationships are generally the ones where the male agrees with everything his wife says, whether she is wrong or she's right. Countless heterosexuals come out of the closet about this behavior, admitting to wearing the skirt in the relationship as opposed to the pants. Straight men say the secret to a successful relationship is just agreeing no matter how right they may be and how wrong the "Misses" is. STR8 JOKES Why are only str8 people allowed in the military? American society proudly agrees that only straight folks should die in such a brutal fashion. Why are only str8 people allowed to get married? Americans society only wants them to be unhappy. Although, there's no possible way the gay divorce rate would be as high as the str8 divorce rates in America THOSE PLEAURABLE RESULTS OF HETEROSEXUAL INTERCOURSE . The whole shocking process that goes into finding out you're pregnant when you're not ready, breaking it to the people closest to you, and having to worry about all their negative reactions. 2. One of the pleasurable intercourse results for the heteorsexual male is the constant presents of a fugly, potbellied pregnant lady constantly eating; a lady, who by the way, will never regain the figure she had before pregnancy. Kiss that goodbye forever and get used to tubbo!
- Heterosexuality involves union between two people of different genders. It is the natural way that human beings and most animals reproduce. Heterosexual attraction is natural; that is, men for women, and women for men. Heterosexual union within marriage is the only form of sexual activity endorsed by God as His Word as revealed in the Bible.
- Heterosexuality refers to the condition of being sexually attracted exclusively to members of the opposite sex and/or gender. Often seen as the opposite of homosexuality, it is also distinct from bisexuality, since a bisexual person is also attracted to members of their own sex and gender (and, often, to people of several non-binary genders), and asexuality, since an asexual person is not attracted to anyone. Heterosexuality can be considered one end of a spectrum which describes an individual's sexual identity as relates to gender, since many people are attracted to men and women to varying degrees. Common scales used are the Kinsey Scale and the Klein Sexual Orientation Grid. The majority of the population is heterosexual, leading to non-heterosexual identities being frequently marginalized or misunderstood. The term is typically used for people who fall clearly at one end or the other of the gender spectrum. A sexual relationship between a man and a woman would be considered heterosexual (whether the man and women are cis or trans), but a relationship between a genderqueer person and a man or a woman usually would not be, even though they are of different genders. Gender expression is usually not considered (e.g. a relationship between a woman and a drag queen would be considered heterosexual). This article is a . You can help My English Wiki by expanding it.
- Heterosexuality is sexual or romantic attraction between opposite sexes, and is the most common sexual orientation among humans. The current use of the term has its roots in the broader 19th century tradition of personality taxonomy. These continue to influence the development of the modern concept of sexual orientation, gaining associations with romantic love and identity in addition to its original, exclusively sexual meaning. The adjective heterosexual is used for intimate relationships and/or Human sexual behavior between male and female individuals, who may or may not identify themselves as straight. Heterosexuality, as an identifier, is usually contrasted with homosexuality and bisexuality. The term straight is used predominantly to refer to self-identified heterosexuals of either sex. Unlike lesbian, there is no gender-specific term that is only used for self-identified heterosexual females.