The side-scrolling platformer consists of four stages: Magical Forest, Magical Town, Magical Sea, and Magical Moon. Each consists of a platforming sequence, a boss fight, and a story-related sequence. Important to each stage is the collection of Magical Jewels and Gold Bars, the former of which are needed for advancement, and the latter of which can be used to buy items.
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| - McDonald's Treasure Land Adventure
| - The side-scrolling platformer consists of four stages: Magical Forest, Magical Town, Magical Sea, and Magical Moon. Each consists of a platforming sequence, a boss fight, and a story-related sequence. Important to each stage is the collection of Magical Jewels and Gold Bars, the former of which are needed for advancement, and the latter of which can be used to buy items.
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| - The side-scrolling platformer consists of four stages: Magical Forest, Magical Town, Magical Sea, and Magical Moon. Each consists of a platforming sequence, a boss fight, and a story-related sequence. Important to each stage is the collection of Magical Jewels and Gold Bars, the former of which are needed for advancement, and the latter of which can be used to buy items. The player takes control of Ronald McDonald, who must traverse through several obstacles in the game. The controls for McDonald's Treasure Land Adventure are straightforward: B-button to attack, C-button to jump, and Arrow-buttons (or D-Pad) to move left and right. The most innovative game play element is the Scarf (A-button), which can stretch out and latch onto a hook, then retract using the D-pad and pull Ronald McDonald quickly to the hook.