| - In the land of Oz, a cyclone appears. As it blows numerous objects through the sky, a baby's cry is heard. The cyclone comes to a stop, and a woman exclaims, “Did you hear that?” A couple are seen walking in the nighttime – a woodcutter and his wife. The man tells his wife that it's nothing and to stick to the road, but the woman is unable to avoid the sound. She looks around and finds none other than a newborn baby sitting in a basket, crying. The woodcutter's wife wonders where it came from; the woodcutter says that a cyclone must have come through. The woman starts untying the tie on the baby, and removes the little girl from the basket. The woodcutter wonders what his wife is doing. “Well what do you expect me to do? Leave the poor thing for the wolves?” the woman replies as she lifts
| - In the land of Oz, a cyclone appears. As it blows numerous objects through the sky, a baby's cry is heard. The cyclone comes to a stop, and a woman exclaims, “Did you hear that?” A couple are seen walking in the nighttime – a woodcutter and his wife. The man tells his wife that it's nothing and to stick to the road, but the woman is unable to avoid the sound. She looks around and finds none other than a newborn baby sitting in a basket, crying. The woodcutter's wife wonders where it came from; the woodcutter says that a cyclone must have come through. The woman starts untying the tie on the baby, and removes the little girl from the basket. The woodcutter wonders what his wife is doing. “Well what do you expect me to do? Leave the poor thing for the wolves?” the woman replies as she lifts up the baby. The woodcutter and his wife stare at the child, the woman comments that she is beautiful. However, a tree branch starts to break, coming down on the woodcutter and his wife, but the baby girl saves the day by waving her hand, using magic to make the tree fall in the other direction. This horrifies the woodcutter. “She did that,” he exclaims, but his wife brushes this off, saying it was just the wind and that she is only a baby who needs help. She then proceeds to ask her husband if they can keep her. The woodcutter does not think this is a good idea, clearly scared of the baby after seeing what she is capable of. He tells his wife that she is not like them. The wife agrees, saying that she is not like them because she is all alone, but now they are going to take care of her. She then tells her husband to start walking or else they'll never get to the Emerald City before dawn. As the couple start walking, the wife carrying the baby with them, the woodcutter wonders what they should call her. “Zelena,” the wife exclaims, “She is going to be the happiest baby in all of Oz.” As the couple continue walking, the camera pans out, revealing that they are going down the yellow brick road, and we are shown a far away view of what is known as the Emerald City. Back in Oz of the past, we're shown a closeup of a man's face. He is clearly being shaved. The camera pans out, revealing it to be the woodcutter being shaved by a much older Zelena. “How's that, father?” she asks. The woodcutter picks up a mirror to look at his newly groomed face. “You missed a spot,” he rudely comments. Zelena goes back to shave the spot she missed as her father states that no matter what you feel on the inside to always put on a good face. “I know father,” Zelena says before accidentally cutting him. The woodcutter jumps in pain, “Careless child!” he shouts. Zelena uses her magic to poof up a rag to wipe away the blood, but this results in her father jumping up in horror. “Don't touch me!” This saddens Zelena; she apologizes, stating that she can't help it. The woodcutter corrects her, saying that she can't control it. Zelena says that maybe if he would let her learn how to. Her father won't hear of it, however, because then everyone will know what she really is – wicked. Zelena wonders how the woodcutter could say something like that to his own daughter. “Because you're not my daughter!” the woodcutter shouts. He goes on to say that after all these years his wife has been gone, he can finally come out and say it. Zelena is confused, so the woodcutter explains how they found Zelena as baby in a basket, having been dropped out of a tornado. His wife wanted to take her in, having been taken by her beauty, but the man always knew the child was filled with wickedness. Zelena starts to cry, and tells her father that she'd rather be wicked than a drunk. “You drove me to drink, child! Now wipe away those tears and put on a good face,” the woodcutter says as he sits down. He then tells her to make him breakfast. Zelena tells him no, that if she's caused him this much trouble then she'll spare him anymore. She grabs her coat and heads for the door; the woodcutter wonders where she is going. Zelena tells him that she's going to the one person who can help her find a family that wants her – the Wizard of Oz, and with that she closes the door behind her, leaving the woodcutter forever. ("It's Not Easy Being Green")