| - A frame is
- Dr. Frame ist ein Arzt der Sternenflotte. 2375 findet Jepella Admiral Ross bewusstlos auf. Dr. Frame vermutet ein Aneurysma. Später erfährt Dr. Bashir von den Sternenflottenoffizieren Wheeler und Hickam darüber. Später fordert Dr. Frame ihn auf, es in den nächsten Tagen ruhig angehen zu lassen. (DS9: )
- Doctor Frame was a Starfleet medical officer who served aboard the USS Bellerophon in the 2370s. Julian Bashir overheard Wheeler and Hickam discussing how Frame treated Admiral Ross after suffering an aneurysm during the Dominion War conference held on Romulus in 2375. (DS9: "Inter Arma Enim Silent Leges") This character was only mentioned in dialogue.
- A frame is Diablo II's measure of time at .04 seconds, yielding 25 frames per second.
- Frame is the twenith episode of The Young Knight season 2 and introduces the debut of the series' version of Spellbinder.
- Unless otherwise specified, the remainder of this article focuses primarily on the diamond frame.
- "Frames" sind die Kampfanzüge der Imperialelbor und gehören zur Standart Ausrüstung eines Jeden Soldaten,Frames haben die verschiedensten Wirkungsweisen und Technologien.
- The discovery of a picture next to the grave of Detective Goren's mother indicates the return of an old nemesis.
- The Frame is a component in The Last Stand: Dead Zone.
- This model uses the WorldForge avalon texture template.
- HTML example: <body> This text will appear only if the browser does not support frames. </body>
- A frame is the smallest time unit of Counter-Strike 2D. It is 20 milliseconds or 0.02 seconds long.
- Ein Frame ist ein Teilbereich einer HTML-Seite, in dem eine andere HTML-Seite dargestellt werden kann. Das einzelne Segment wird dabei als Frame (engl. Rahmen) bezeichnet, die Definition aller Frames als Frameset.
- Frames are similar to chips, except that they are half as heavy, and they don't experience air resistance. There is a random chance of bullets going through without hitting them. Note that "ghosted" frames can be hit, too. Additional notes:
* Notes
- A frame is the primary unit of time in the Super Smash Bros. series. Every frame, the game reads controller input, performs calculations, and renders an image on the screen. In all the series' games so far, one frame is 1/60th of a second, meaning the game runs at 60 frames per second. In Super Smash Bros. for Nintendo 3DS, assist characters' graphics are rendered at 30 frames per second. However, their physics are still applied at 60 frames per second.
- A framework, or simply frame, is a term used by Magic users to describe the physical item used in creating a magical gateway, called a Portal. A portal is composed of a framework of some sort with a magic spell placed on the frame, connecting it to the portal network. The portal can send people, animals, or things across any distance instantaneously to another portal in the network.
- Attaches the Object with the Name ObjectName to the Frame frameName. Currently it is only possible to child Images, Textfields, Textareas, Frames and Scollbars to a Frame. Once an Object got attached to a Frame, it will use the relative zero-Position of the Frame (in other Words: The defined origin of the Frame) for its own positioning. An Image is set up to x 10 and y 10, but the Frame is set up to originate from x20, y20, so if this Image got childed to the Frame, is the Image displayed on 30,30 because its using 10,10 for its own start-from. --rawkitD 16:43, 25 January 2006 (UTC)
- The term frame describes the "ribs" of a vessel or main lateral bulkheads within a ship. In the Colonial Fleet, frames refer to the ribs that form structural segments of a battlestar. These major structural bulkheads provide structural strength as well as serve as dividers within the vessel's interior space into airtight compartments. Frames form a damage control against hull breaches that could vent atmosphere, equipment or crew into space. Frames help contain decompression within small compartments or bays.
- A frame is an internally used time unit to denominate many time-based things like construction and research speed, gather rates, unit movement, and so on. It is the basic unit of time at which the state of the game is updated. A few times/rates are actually shown in the game, while most of them (like building and research times) are not, making them kind of obscure. However, they can be acquired from the game's XML files.