| - Also, as the name implies, a Moogle is present in each Mog House. These Moogles have been dispatched by the Mog House Management Union (MHMU) to support adventurers by dealing with the matters of each individual Mog House. The Moogles’ jobs include the management of the renters’ goods, upkeep of the room, taking care of your , performing Job changes for adventurers, and various other required services.
| - Also, as the name implies, a Moogle is present in each Mog House. These Moogles have been dispatched by the Mog House Management Union (MHMU) to support adventurers by dealing with the matters of each individual Mog House. The Moogles’ jobs include the management of the renters’ goods, upkeep of the room, taking care of your , performing Job changes for adventurers, and various other required services. In addition to Mog Houses, Rent-a-Rooms are available for adventurers who travel far from their home nations, and are currently available in all major cities, as well as military barracks in Shadowreign era cities. These fully equipped rooms are also offered free of charge. Up to 17 guests can be invited into a player's mog house by having the ’host’ player speak with his/her Moogle and selecting the "Open Mog". The ’guest’ party members then speak with the NPC located immediately (formerly the Room Renter NPC) outside of the Residential Area, selecting to enter a party member's Mog House, then selecting the hosting player's name. Guests are ejected from the hosts mog house if the player chooses "Close Mog", leaves his/her mog, or disconnects from the game. In Aht Urhgan Whitegate it is possible to obtain a lease for a Mog Locker, which serves to further expand the storage capacity of the Mog House alongside the Mog Safe. Although the locker is normally only available within Aht Urhgan Whitegate and Al Zahbi, it is possible to make it accessible from any Mog House, Rent-a-Room, or Nomad Moogle in Vana'diel, just like the Mog Safe.