| - Hetur-an Ondice, later known as Hetur-an Vohore, was a female Arkanian and Lady of the Ondice family on Arkania, her homeworld, born in 84 BBY. She later became the wife of Pirate Tesh Vohore, and the mother of Alura Vohore and Zan Vohore. She was kidnapped towards the end of The Pirate Wars by a bounty hunter named Ethe Ertes during the raid of Shadda-Bi-Boran. She was taken to an un-chartered planet in the Unknown Regions called Hjim, where the she was sold as a slave.
| - Hetur-an Ondice, later known as Hetur-an Vohore, was a female Arkanian and Lady of the Ondice family on Arkania, her homeworld, born in 84 BBY. She later became the wife of Pirate Tesh Vohore, and the mother of Alura Vohore and Zan Vohore. She was kidnapped towards the end of The Pirate Wars by a bounty hunter named Ethe Ertes during the raid of Shadda-Bi-Boran. She was taken to an un-chartered planet in the Unknown Regions called Hjim, where the she was sold as a slave. While she was a slave on Hjim, the dictator of Hjim, Zhar had a certain infatuation with her and proposed to her, though she was still married to Tesh. She was later rescued by her husband after he set out to find her, during the Battle of Hjim. But, she had been impregnated by Zhar and gave birth to a son, half Arkanian and half Xian. She named him Jate Vohore. She was the key person to help Tesh get free of his addiction to pirating. She died in 70 ABY of a fatal viral infection.