| - The highlight of the Holiday events was the Santa Rampage event which started on December 23rd and ended on January 1st. All players were divided into seven hordes (each named "Santa Claus" in various languages) upon logging into the game: Interestingly, the name Santa Rampage is derived from a festival in Austin, Texas Each time a player took part in a 1-on-1 challenge versus a player of a different team, the results were recorded and tallied toward the weekend total for each horde. The standings for each horde were regularly tallied and updated on a special "Competition!" tab of the notice board. At the conclusion of the Santa Rampage, the winning team members were awarded "Plunder Puddings." Each participating member on all teams received an award, which took the form of an untradeable trinket. In addition, various extra festive furniture items were added to the game, including snowmen and snow blocks which could only be placed outside (for example in gardens). The furniture would "melt" with the rest of the snow special effects. At the same time, Bearded Santa Hats were also introduced. Snow also returned, taking the place of grass floor tiles. On the same day, a PoEmail was sent out to all players who had registered an email address with Three Rings. It contained a link to obtain a free festive outfit consisting of a red Bearded Santa Hat, black Santa boots, as well as a random piece of old, red coloured torso and legs clothing. Pirates could out opt by going to Ye > Options > General and disabling "special event effects." Players who opted out could still participate in the team competition.