| - You're tough. Tougher than tough. You're Made of Iron! What's more, nothing, and we mean nothing can surprise you or unsettle your Stoic countenance. Except for injections, that is. Those make you scream like a little girl and hide behind your Love Interest. Trypanophobia, the fear of injections and hypodermic needles, is a recognized disorder in the American Psychiatric Association's Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (the psychiatrist's bible) which is estimated to afflict up to 10% of adults. For some reason, the Fatal Flaw of many a Badass is fear of hypodermic needles and antiseptics. Not knives, not absurdly large guns, not even Snakes! There's just something deliciously ironic about a Big Damn Heroes who routinely gets cut up with huge knives, beat to within an inch of his life and without giving up, becoming squirmy and panicky when his lady friend comes over with a simple syringe and sanitary cotton to clean his wounds. It seems most any non-battle pain can cripple this dude. It's certainly a "clever" way to bring a Badass Longcoat into a less Marty Stu-ish territory, and is a very humanizing flaw to have. In extreme cases, expect fainting -- even if the needle isn't going into him! Even the Fearless Fool can fear needles. This can help make the pain of the fight more recognizable. Few viewers will have been riddled with bullets or been hit by a speeding motorcycle, but most will have had antiseptic rubbed on a wound or a bandage removed, and know how much that hurt. This is a common enough fear among many people, and a particularly fun example of Truth in Television. It may be related to the fact that while combat injuries and the resulting pain are usually suppressed by adrenaline, the pain that comes along with tearing off bandages, or putting peroxide into wounds is not. A subset of Fatal Flaw. Examples of Afraid of Needles include: