| - Gay people gargle semen is a gay way of saying homosexual. Gay people aren't usually lesbians, unless a gay person had a sex change and then became lesbian. That would be a time wasting way of being a gay bisexual.
- =={{Mark for deletion}}==
- Being Gay means/meant being happy, joyful, and lively. Gay also means/meant being Festive, bright, or colourful. Today being gay means that you are happy, joyful and lively with partners of your own sex and you won't let homophobic Neocons brainwash you into feeling guilty about it.
- Gay is gay. Gay full stop.
- Gay is the second episode in Season 1 of the show Rescue Me. It is the second overall episode.
- Gay was one of the first brands of multi-functional printers ever to be produced. Combining a scanner, a printer and a Xerox machine, the Gay printers were sold in numbers during the late 90s. After their development, several large companies became interested in selling similar products. Because of this Gay went bankrupt in 2001.
- I gay, o più correttamente okama, sono gli omosessuali. Nonostante possano vivere dovunque hanno un proprio regno, il cui regino è Emporio Ivankov: si tratta del regno di Kamabakka.
- Gay is defined as those who have GAY SEX, or who won't admit to themselves that they want to, or listen to Depeche Mode. It is the opposite of hetero. It is not under any circumstances to be confused with lesbian or humbling.
- Gay men are monosexual males who are sexually and emotionally attracted exclusively to other males.
- You can use the box below to create new pages for this mini-wiki. preload=Gay/preload editintro=Gay/editintro width=25 This is a scrchtpad to create a wiki about glbt
- From [[w:|]][[Category: derivations|Gay]] gai, of uncertain origin. Possibly from [[w:|]][[Category: derivations|Gay]] gaudium ‘joy’. (Friedrich Christian Diez has suggested that it comes from [[w:|]][[Category: derivations|Gay]]. The sense of "homosexual" is said by some to have come from an Arabic word via French; it is also said to come from the word's older sense of "dissolute".) The sense of ‘upright’, used in reference to a dog’s tail, probably derives from the ‘happy’ sense of the word.
- Gay is a supporting character who appeared in the 6th episode of Nelvana's The Care Bears Family TV series, "The Big Star Round-Up". She is a somewhat klutzy girl who is upset because she always seems to mess things up. To help her regain her confidence, Tenderheart Bear takes her to Care-a-Lot to participate in the annual herding of the Starbuddies.
- The Gays are the single greatest crazy threat facing God's Law, , America, God's America, American Culture, The American Family, The American Dream, The American Language, America's God and Stephen Colbert today, besides bears. By definition, the gays are Godless America-hating liberal heathens. What kind of people would steal such beautiful words as "gay" and "fag" and define themselves with it?!
- Gay è la parola inglese che sta per gaio. Tutto ciò che è gaio, quindi, è gay per definizione. Essere gay è una delle principali malattie del mondo, è considerata la principale causa di morte in Africa; è bene ricordare che gay non si nasce ma si diventa e che si può guarire da questo terribile stato, come ci insegna il grande profeta taumaturgo Povia.
- To be against homosexuality (or against anything that homosexuals are for) is said to be homophobia. For example, it is homophobic to call two homosexuals homosexual. For this reason, we refer to them as gay. It is gay to refer to female homosexuals as gay. They are called lesbian. The origins of homosexuality are obscure. The first documentation of the gay lifestyle appear during the the Greco-Roman era, but at the time it was referred to as "wrestling." The Greeks, of course, were all gay as modern playwrights. __TOC__
- Gay je označení pro muže, který je přitahován jinými muži jako Žid penězi. Tato touha prozkoumávat jiné muže může být od přirození nebo se jedná o módní záležitost. Problém nastává, když se potkají 2 a více gayů. Počet gayů je přímo úměrný velikosti hrozby společnosti. Takto tvořené páry (nebo organizované gangy, tzv. homoskupiny) vedou k rozkladu lidské populace. Děti a mladí potkávají tyto muže na ulicích a jsou ohromeni jejich ladností (to je jeden ze základních poznávacích znaků) a přejí si být jako oni. To následně vede k vymírání lidské rasy díky nemožnosti další reprodukce homopárů. Jako jedni z prvních si povšimli nebezpečí homosexuálů a homosexualismu nejrozvinutější státy: Německo a Spojené státy americké, jak dokazuje toto americké video (pozor, záběry mohou být pro někoho šokuj
- During the 1960s, the word "gay" came to assume its modern meaning, "homosexual." This is now its only recognized meaning, and as such was used by President Obama in his inauguration speech. In 1955, however, just as it was impossible to imagine a "colored mayor", let alone such a President, the word "gay" had a different meaning. It was a synonym for "happy" and "joyful," and was regularly used with this meaning in the songs of time (Perry Como sings, "Look at them sway with it/ getting so gay with it" of a husband and wife dancing with each other in Papa Loves Mambo, the song playing on Biff's car radio on the way to the Enchantment Under the Sea dance).
- Gay war eine Asiatische Elefantenkuh im südenglischen Zoo Paignton. Sie wurde um 1970 wild geboren und gehörte in jungen Jahren zum Fawcett's Circus in Irland. In Paignton lebte sie seit 1977 (nach einem Jahr im Longleat Safari Park), zusammen mit der etwa gleichaltrigen Afrikanischen Elefantenkuh Duchess, die mit ihr am 04.04.1977 von Longleat kam. 1999 zogen beide auf eine größere Anlage um. Seit April 2005 wurden beide nachts getrennt gehalten, nachdem Duchess in einer Nacht ihrer asiatischen Hausgenossin mit den Stoßzähnen Wunden zugefügt hatte. 2006 fing das Gehege Feuer, doch beide Elefanten konnten von ihren Pflegern gerettet werden.
- thumb|220px|Americký sendvič Gej (gáj, z pôvodného gay, v anglosasčine, čo je degenerovaný germánsky jazyk, roduverní Slovania odporúčajú používať radšej balkánsky výraz Peder) označuje radostného človeka. A to takého, ktorý svoju radosť vie predať ďalej. Teda je rád, keď dáva. Najbližší slovenský výraz tomuto výrazu je radodaj. Tento výraz pôvodne označoval rovnako muža ako ženu, ktorý sa oddával promiskuite. Ako sa Viktoriánska éra blížila ku svojmu záveru, posúval sa význam z radodajky na prostitútku (pre ženy) a z figliara na gaya (pre muža).
- Gay is an adjective that in modern usage usually refers to homosexuality. In earlier and in literary usage, the word means "carefree", "happy", or "bright and showy". From the 1890s, it had begun to carry a connotation of promiscuity, as in a "gay house" referring to a brothel. It began to be used in reference to homosexuality in particular from the early 20th century, from the 1920s at the latest.