| - Die Ravagers sind eine Gruppe von Dieben, Schmugglern und Piraten. Die Gruppierung wird von Yondu Udonta geleitet. Als ein ehemaliges Mitglied der Gruppierung gilt Star-Lord, welcher sich der Gruppe Guardians of the Galaxy anschloss, um die Erde zu retten. Die Ravagers sind keine Feinde der Guardians of The Galaxy.
- The Ravagers are an interstellar collective of thieves, smugglers and pirates. There are nearly one hundred factions of Ravagers around the Galaxy, with each one lead by a different captain.
- The Ravagers are a team of outlaws that pillage their way through the galaxy, taking whatever they want for solely their own benefit.
- A group of Gods mentioned in the Gods' First Error
* They made Abstraction the only way and forced it onto others.
* They destroyed the world of old.
* Their founder was Nothing Before This
* They may be chaotics. Source: Entekosiad
- The Ravagers, like the World Eaters Traitor Legion, wear the colours of devotees of the Blood God; blood-red Power Armour with brass trim.
- The Ravagers were a vicious vermin group that wandered the lands about Mossflower Woods and Salamandastron, who always followed the leadership of a sable. Originally, they were led by Armuk Rinn the Conqueror. Their numbers and species composition at that time were unknown, but they were numerous enough to cause great concern to Lord Brang Forgefire and his Long Patrol. Eventually, the Ravagers laid a trap for the Badger and his hares, catching them in an ambush. They nearly succeeded, until Feryn Kordyne managed to slay Armuk Rinn. The Ravagers' morale fell when they saw their leader die, and they fled into obscurity for several generations.
- The Ravagers are a technologically advanced race with radical bio-technology, anti-gravity systems, energy weapons and matter teleportation technology. Their hobbies include meddling with nature and attacking Earth because they can. There is a school of thought that the Ravagers are their weapons, having transferred their consciousness into them or being some form of organism plated over with metal, but there is no real support for this theory in the games themselves. As far as is known, no actual Ravager has ever been seen.