| - en:jobsja:ジョブde:jobses:trabajosLe Job principal d'un personnage est le job primaire que le joueur à choisi d'employer, et qui gagnera ou perdra tous les points d'expérience. Un Job de soutien (subjob) est un job secondaire, limité, si c'est possible, à la moitié du niveau du job principal, qui permet d'accéder à des capacités additionnelles du job et aux traits du job basés sur le niveau restreint du subjob. « Les Jobs standards », ci-dessous, sont à disposition de tous les joueurs au début du jeu. « Les Jobs supplémentaires » sont disponibles après accomplissement de certaines Quêtes.
- Upon completing the construction of a building, a job may be assigned to that building so that it becomes fully operational. Some buildings do not require this, while many do. To assign a nugget to work in a building, left-click on the building to open the UI panel for it. There will be a button that will allow you to select any adult nugget to work in the building.
- Jobs is a discontinued activity in which RuneScape players did various tasks for the citizens of Lumbridge and Draynor Village in exchange for a reward. The activity was removed by Jagex on 17 September 2009, although it was still playable through a very limited number of employers until 25 May 2010. A player could only take 6 jobs every hour of being online. Jobs were counted regardless of whether or not they were completed.
- If you want to refresh jobs, scroll up all the way until you see a bar and let it progress through. Then it should ask for you to refresh for these amount of bux: 2 bux will refresh class 1 airports, 4 bux will refresh a class 2 airport, while 6 bux will refresh a class 3 airport. If refreshing an upgraded airport, each upgrade will increase the bux refreshment rate.
- Please see the Jobs Archive for jobs that have been posted in the past.
- Jobs is the 48th episode of Lights, Camera, Action, Wiggles! (TV Series).
- Your wages and stat gains are payed at 5pm each day
- Cada uma destas quatro Classes se divide em várias profissões distintas entre si, mas ainda pertencentes ao arquétipo geral da Classe. Estas Jobs, como são chamadas, são muito reconhecidas nos heróis e heroínas das séries de Final Fantasy, como os sábios Engenheiros, os furtivos Ladrões, os Ninjas mortais, os nobres Dragoons e muitas outras Jobs que são apresentadas.
- Jobs are only found in the Employment Office. You can do Hard Jobs, Easy Jobs or Medium Jobs to either get KinzCash, lose a level, get a level or nothing. You have to wait eight hours in between each job!
- Job info.
- In Earth Land, there is an organized system that Guilds utilize to intermediate Jobs (仕事 Shigoto), which Mages are able to partake in and receive reimbursement upon completion, most commonly by Jewels.
- Jobs is the first episode of season one of the Pure Pwnage TV series.
- Jobs is the twenty-fifth episode (first part of the thirteenth episode) of Season 1 of The Mr. Men Show.
- Mr. Bump gives Mr. Stubborn a job on a steamroller, Mr. Rude is having a bad license, Mr. Scatterbrain is been a policeman, Mr. Persnickety and Mr. Tickle is been a garbagemen, Mr. Bump and Little Miss Whoops are pushing a piano into a piano truck, finally, Mr. Lazy is doing at a cupcake factory, he wants to lunchtime, Mr. Lazy eats all the cupcakes. Cameos: Mr. Nosy and Mr. Small Mr. Quiet Mr. Bounce Little Miss Daredevil Mr. Happy (Driving a car) Mr. Nervous Followed By: Mr. Nosy and Mr. Small
- Every player starts out as a Visitor. There are four jobs to choose from in R.O.S.E. Online. In addition, there are two classes for each job, giving a total of eight paths for players to choose from. Image:Character Collection.jpg
- A job is something that has been stolen by China. A person usually loses a job by electing a Republican, being fired, or having it stolen by a Chinaman. The duration of a job may range from an hour (in the case of odd jobs) to a lifetime (in the case of some judges). If a person is trained for a certain type of job, they may have a profession. The series of jobs a person holds in their life is their career, although this has become less common after the election of Barack Obama.
- Jobs are positions in various Roleplay servers. Most servers require you to apply at their forums, although some servers allow you to get a e-job at the 1337 building or asking an admin. Rarely do you get a org/cop job without applying, just asking admins or org leaders.
- Some useful resources if you are trying to find a job.
- On this map you character can freely choose out of a variety of different jobs providing you with the right tool for the job. To progress to more advanced jobs you have to reach a certain profficiency in previous jobs. The job system and it's classes are mainly based on the old PS1 Final Fantasy Tactics In order to change job you must be near a Shrine of Battle or Shrine of Magic. There are 20 available Jobs to choose from and each has its own special ability
- For several new accounts, Manhattan replaced New York.
- Jobs are tasks that that player does to earn respect in the Godfather Five Families. Other than earning respect the player receives a certain amount of cash, food, cement, or steel every time they complete a job. Jobs usually require you to research topics such as muscle, train troops, or upgrade buildings.
- Looking for jobs and finding nothing relevant? Well, how about letting the jobs you want to look for you. Yes, Shine.com is your very own job search engine, the place to find jobs and let the job find you. The job-seekers recruiters' hosting platform has one of the widest databases of opportunities and (verified) recruiters looking for candidates for a wide spectrum of profiles. With features like applying online and linking LinkedIn profiles and services to adopt to make your profile better, Shine.com is the place to be.
- Each race has its own set of job options. Within each race you may choose from among 3 broad job classes: Warriors typically have high physical attack (P.Atk) or physical defense (P.Def) capabilities. Magicians typically have magical attack (M.Atk) or healing/buffing capabilities. Summoners typically focus on strengthening Pets through buffing or healing or with the help of passive skills. Your chosen race determines which set of jobs are available to you. Job transfer refers to the process where you change your job to the next Job Class.
- Anchormen and anchorwomen
* Copy editors perform quality control for publications. They polish the writing and correct errors in grammar, spelling and punctuation, along with larger problems such as with fairness, taste and accuracy. Copy editors also write headlines.
* Essentially, editors improve others' work. There are three main types: copy editors (see above) and section editors and top editors (see below for both).
* Graphic artists produce infographics, such as charts and graphs.
* News designers are responsible for the appearance of the newspaper.
* Photojournalists shoot photographs and gather information for captions, called cutlines in newspaper jargon.
* Reporters research and verify information and present it to the audience. They may intervie
- Jobs are a new type of "quest" introduced in Fable II where the player can make money by playing a small mini-game depending on the job. Fable III changes the jobs available and offers a way to upgrade the jobs, thus earning more money. In Fable II, these jobs can be found in the various towns of the world and include blacksmithing, chopping wood, and bounty hunting, to name a few. In Fable III, these jobs include; Pie Making, Lute Hero, and Blacksmith.
- Jobs affect 8 things and Base Stats: 1.
* Your appearance. 2.
* What stats increase at level up. 3.
* Which Battle Skills you can learn as your job level increases. 4.
* What Field Skill you have. 5.
* How many Items and Field Magics you can hold. 6.
* Your effectiveness with certain Weapons. 7.
* Your salary and job level pay raise multiplier. 8.
* The bonus prerequisites for each week.
- Jobs generally fall under three classifications. Freestyle jobs are, for the most part, quest driven jobs. Experience is gained by completing quests, playing mini-games, or exploring. Crafting jobs allow you to create items using ingredients bought from vendors or harvested in the world. Experience is gained by completing job specific quests and playing Mini-Games .
- en:jobsja:ジョブfr:jobses:trabajos Der Hauptjob eines Spielercharakters bezeichnet den Beruf, welchen der Spieler für einen Charakter momentan ausgewählt hat. Für diesen Beruf erhält oder verliert der Character während des Spiels Erfahrungspunkte. Der Nebenjob ist ein zweiter Beruf, der, sofern verfügbar, auf die Hälfte des Levels des Hauptjob beschränkt ist. Der Nebenjob verhilft dem Charakter zu zusätzlichen Jobfähigkeiten und Jobmerkmalen, basierend auf dem eingeschränkten Level des Nebenjobs.
- Jobs (stylized as jOBS) is a 2013 biographical drama film based on the career of late American businessman Steve Jobs, from 1971 to 2011. It was directed by Joshua Michael Stern, written by Matt Whiteley, and produced by Mark Hulme and Marcos A. Rodriguez. The title role is played by Ashton Kutcher, with Josh Gad playing the role of Apple Computer's co-founder Steve Wozniak. Production began in June 2012 with over three days of filming on location at Jobs' childhood home in Los Altos, California, followed by 28 days of filming in Los Angeles.
- There are 4 different job you can learn : Alchemist can craft :
* better HP/MP potion
* potions with bonus to stat or speed for a limited time
* random boxes from some looted items
* better upgrade stone Armoursmith can craft :
* better armours
* various materials used by armoursmith Jeweller can craft :
* necklaces
* earrings
* rings
* various jewel extractor used by jeweller Weaponsmith can craft :
* better weapons
* various materials used by alchemists and weaponsmith
- There are 4 Mastery Levels for Chapter 1 - 10: 1.
* Bronze (Downtown | The Getaway) 2.
* Silver (Downtown | The Getaway) 3.
* Gold (Downtown | The Getaway) 4.
* Ruby (Downtown) The highest Mastery Level gives the most Experience Points and also a better drop Chance for Items. If all Jobs in a Chapter are 100% complete, a special Reward can be collected. The rewards vary for each chapter. As each mastery level is complete, the Job Energy Requirements becomes higher and higher, capping at the gold or ruby status. The rate in which the energy requirements increase after a mastery level is the same for all players regardless of the amount of energy in the player's disposal.
- The normal jobs can be obtained by Normal Summon and using proofs to upgrade their tier.
* Archer Job
* Axe Job
* Elf Job
* Sister Job
* Spear Job
* Sword Job To summon a samurai you need the guild building Samurai Residence and the item Samurai Emblem.
- In Torn City, jobs are what provide your income. There is no special work required, and all users are paid at 24:00 Torn City Time (Unless you are working for Player-Regulated Companies that may have other payment options for their workers). Jobs are not necessary for income, however. If you have no job your happiness will regenerate at a faster rate than with a job. Jobs have job stat requirements and if you do not meet them you cannot work at the job (Unless you're a new player and are joining a starter job, in which case your stats don't matter).
- Jobs is the second tab in the game, unlocked after Q-Piddy informs you that you need to raise money to pay Cassie's hospital bill. Performing the various jobs accessed through this tab is the sole source of money in the game, used primarily to buy gifts and take girls on dates, but also serving as a gate for advancing relationships.
- Jobs (ジョブズ Jobuzu) is a character in Eureka Seven. He works for the Gekkostate, and is the bald member with glasses. Living up to his name, Jobs does the random jobs on the Gekko and also manages the majority of the hardware aboard it. Primarily, he's the Gekko's engineer and often is found around the core systems room when the ship requires extra attention in powered flights or battles. He's always immaculately dressed in a shirt, vest, and tie. He also has a calm, expert bearing, but he occasionally lets these mannerisms slip when something is mentioned that particularly excites or iritates him. Like Gonzy, he was originally a stowaway on the Gekko, but was allowed to stay and join Gekkostate because of his talents. He admires Dr. Bear, as seen in episode 31, and is a huge fan of Dr. Bea