- Ra was the Sun God in Maori Mythology. He was caught by Maui, in the film, MAUI.
- RA - Partei - Royalisten Aisenathas, eine der Machtgruppen (Parteien) im Reich +Aisenatha, wo hervorragende Bürger durch Wahlen die Regierung bestimmen. Die aus der Regierungspartei +APA des Labas Krosys hervorgegangene AA (Arbeiterschaft Aisenathas) steht dabei im Wettstreit mit der Nationalen Vereinigung NV, den Royalisten Aisenathas RA, den Demokraten Aisenathas DA, sowie den Handelsherrn und Gildenmeistern H&G. Segment: Gwynddor - Reich: Aisenatha - Myra-Fundort: WB17/15 .
- Ra is the Egyptian god of the Sun and the King of the Egyptian Gods who appears in "Hercules and the Romans." Alongside Bastet and Khnum , Ra meets the request by the Romans for worshiping deities. But when the three Egyptians arrive to the Eternal City, it is revealed that their real intent is to mold it in the image of their homeland - and, for that, enslave the citizens.
- School: Image:Balance.png Pip Cost: 8 Accuracy: 85% Type: Image:Damage.png Description: Deal 560 - 640 to all enemies Image:Balance.png Image:Damage.png Received From: Requirements: Required Character Level: 58 Spells:
* None Prerequisite for: Spells:
* None Can be purchased with Training Points*: No
- Ra (auch Ra-den) zählt zu den ursprünglichen Wächtern, welche von den Titanen in der Frühzeit Azeroths geschaffen wurden, um die Alten Götter zu bekämpfen.
- Ra (ラー) è il Dio egizio del Sole, nemico di Apopi. Non compare mai nel manga, ma viene citato in Episode G, in cui Aiolia si scontra con una sua armata.
- Ra + Khepera + Atum = Ra-Khepri-Atum Ra + Amon = Amon-Ra Ra + Horus = Re-Horakhty Ra + Bagel = Bahgelhotep
- The acronym RA may refer to:
* Registration authority
* Risk assessment
- File:Izanami Ball.png Impossibles/Colossals: File:FireIcon.png Fire: File:WaterIcon.png Water: File:WoodIcon.png Wood: File:LightIcon.png Light: File:DarkIcon.png Dark: Bahamut | Gilles de Rais | Tigarex | Kabushido | Princess Takiyasha File:Scroll.png Tower: File:S++.png Temple: Fire (Time) | Water (Time) | Dark (Carnage)
- The user focuses their eyes on an opponent and then the opponent is shortly engulfed in invisible flames. Only wielders of the Rinnegan are able to see this or those that acquire the powers of the sage can, vaguely, sense the flames. These flames are incredibly hot, rivalling the sun in terms of temperature and are able to burn chakra itself or chakra cloaks. Only those with the power of the sage can remove the flames, albeit with difficulty. The user can also remove the flames. These flames can even burn senjutsu or a tailed beasts chakra. The technique is noted to be similar to Amaterasu, but on a far more superior level.
- Ra is a powerful god, in Egyptian mythology, who made his first appearance in Episode XXXI: Jack in Egypt.
- The God of Sun every night sails through the twelve gates of the night hours on The boat of Millions of Years, usually fighting with Apep, the Snake of Chaos before the last gate. He can blast magic rays from his Ankh.
- Ra is a character in Worms Forts: Under Siege.
- leftLos Ra (nombre japonés) son unos enemigos de Zelda II: The Adventure of Link. Son unos enemigos con aspecto de cabeza de dragón similares a los que decoran las paredes de las Mazmorras donde aparecen. Se desplazan flotando y moviéndose haciendo ondas en un patrón mientras lanzan bolas azules de fuego a Link. Si se les golpea una vez con la Espada se paralizan brevemente, y se destruyen con varios golpes. Son similares al Mau.
- Ra was the Goa'uld System Lord who personified the Egyptian sun god, and the first to discover the Tau'ri. His mate was Hathor, by whom he had a son, Heru'ur, and his brother was Apophis. His elite Jaffa were the Horus Guards. Because of his power, authority, and cunning, Ra was the most powerful of the System Lords. Despite the animosity System Lords feel for each other, Ra was recognized as the Supreme System Lord of the Goa'uld Empire, a title which made him nominal Emperor of the Goa'uld. It was because of this, and his supposed murder of Egeria, that the Tok'ra took their name, which literally means "against Ra". (Stargate) (SG1: "Children of the Gods", "Thor's Chariot", "The Tok'ra", "Cure")
- Ra (or Re) is the Egyptian god of the sun. Lara discovers the Ra Cartouche pieces in the Tomb of Semerkhet at Karnak and the Stone of Re underneath the Sphinx at Giza.
- Ra is a shortened diminutive form of Assamura used in south-west Allansia. It is most commonly applied to the creature known as the Rasaur, which means "Lizard of the Sun Goddess".
- Ra is a former pharaoh of the Egyptian gods and the most powerful god in existence. He was forced into retirement by Isis and after taking precautions to stop Apophis, he became a senile old man, who wound up in the House of Rest in the Duat. After being hosted by Zia, he returns to his former self as a powerful god. He has four aspects: Khepri as the morning god, Ra as the day god, Khnum as the evening god, and Atum as the afternoon god.
- Ra è il nome della principale divinità dell'Antico Egitto; attualmente è passato di moda e ora in Egitto non lo caga più nessuno.
- Rahmut, otherwise known as Ra, is one of the most prominent gods in Egyptian mythology and the god of the sun. He has the body of a man, but the head of Falcon and usually had an Aten sun-disk on his head as a symbol of his title. He was seen riding on a crocodile, an animal treated in Egyptian myth.
- Ra is a social memory complex responsible for channeling the Law of One. A significant amount of Wanderers are of Ra. They call themselves “The Brothers and Sisters of Sorrow”.
- Ra is an Archaic Age Egyptian major god. He is the king of the Egyptian Gods.
- In the episode Sphinx Jinx, Flicker asked him how to harness the power of the sun. He claimed that gods were not allowed to interfere in the affairs of mortals, but gave them a sundial, which contained the power to harness the sun. He also put Loungelot in a tanning booth.
- thumb|160pxRa "Gran Dios" era er sémbolo e la lú solar, creaor e la vïa, asín como responsable der ciclo e la moerte y la resurrección.
- Primero de los servidores desarrollado por NGD de habla internacional que a lo largo de la historia del Regnum Online fue durante bastante tiempo el unico servidor, sufriendo un Reset Global que hizo que se pasase de la Beta al servidor final. Categoría:Esbozos Categoría:Servidores
- Ra (ラー ) is the ancient Sun God of Ancient Egypt and the central god of the Egyptian Pantheon. He once clashed against Sagittarius Aiolos using his army of the sun. He does not appear to be malevolent. He made his first appearance in the spin-off manga Episode G.
- Ra je filmovou postavou ve filmu Hvězdná brána a v seriálu Stargate SG-1, (epizoda Moebius 8 řada).
- used to express sameness of identity or equality in amount or quantity zu ayari ra (you are my mom) ra shaesha dwi (one plus one equals two)
- Ra is the supreme deity of Egyptian mythology and is the God of the Sun. He is the father of Shu (Wind) and Tefnut (Rain).
- Ra is the queen of the Magical Mimics of Mount Illuso.
- Ra ラー (Rā) est le nom japonais d'un ennemi (qui n'a pas de nom dans les autres langues) de The Adventure of Link.
- Ra was the Goa'uld System Lord who personified the Egyptian sun god, and the first to discover the Tau'ri. His mate was Hathor, by whom he had a son, Heru'ur, and his brother was Apophis. His elite Jaffa were the Horus Guards. Because of his power, authority, and cunning, Ra was the most powerful of the System Lords. Despite the animosity System Lords feel for each other, Ra was recognized as the Supreme System Lord of the Goa'uld Empire, a title which made him nominal Emperor of the Goa'uld. It was because of this, and his supposed murder of Egeria, that the Tok'ra took their name, which literally means "against Ra". After some 10,000 years of despotic rule, Ra was finally killed by Colonel Jack O'Neill and Dr. Daniel Jackson, who ringed an enhanced nuclear warhead on board his ship after
- Ra, also known as Ra-Horakhty, was the almighty King of both the Egyptian and Sumerian Gods. He was the father of Gilgamesh. Gilgamesh blamed Ra for allowing his wife and child to be killed while Gilgamesh was away at war. In anger, Gilgamesh turned to Dahak. With the other Egyptian gods, Ra banished the god Set to the Egyptian underworld. According to Dumuzi, the Sumerian Gods all perished when the Chalice of the Gods was destroyed by Gilgamesh under Dahak's orders.
- Ra "Gran Dios" anónimo, demiurgo, dios Solar de Heliópolis en la mitología egipcia. Ra era el símbolo de la luz solar, dador de vida, así como responsable del ciclo de la muerte y la resurrección. Iconografía: Su representación más habitual era la de un hombre con cabeza de halcón, sobre la cual portaba el disco solar. Otra forma de culto que se dio a esta deidad fue como Ra-Horajti, un dios Solar con cabeza de halcón, coronado por el disco solar y el uraeus, con cetro y anj. Historia: A principios del Imperio Antiguo, Ra era sólo una de las varias deidades solares existentes, pero hacia 2400 adC se había convertido ya en el dios oficial de los faraones, que se consideraban sus hijos, e incluso sus reencarnaciones. Durante la dinastía V fue elevado a deidad nacional y posteriormente vincul
- Ra (Arabic: رع }})(sometimes spelled Rê based on the attested Coptic name and reconstructed as *Rīʕu (ree-uh-uh) ) is the sun-god of Heliopolis in ancient Egypt. In later Egyptian dynastic times, Ra was subsumed into the god Horus, as Re-Horakhty (and many variant spellings).
- Defunto dio del sole di Abydos, Ra è stato il primo contatto degli umani con i Goa’uld. Fu uno dei più grandi Signori del Sistema e fu il primo a deportare gli umani su altri pianeti, avendo scoperto che erano adatti come ospiti, e che la loro breve vita poteva essere facilmente allungata con le tecnologie a loro disposizione. I coloni umani, convinti che i Goa’uld fossero dei, servivano come schiavi (come per esempio su Abydos, dove lavoravano nella miniera di naquadah) e non avevano idea di essere originari di un altro pianeta, la Terra.Ra aveva parecchi nemici, tra cui Apophis, suo fratello nella mitologia Egizia, il Goa’uld Shaq’ran ed Egeria, la regina madre che si oppose ai Goa’uld e diede vita al movimento Tok’ra. Entrò in conflitto con la Terra quando la prima missione Stargate app
- Ras are found in every palace except Parapa Palace. They resemble the dragon head statues found throughout the palaces. They move forward in an undulating pattern, and are quite durable. Though not particularly dangerous on their own, Ras are frequently found in conjunction with lava pits, and can knock Link to his death. They also drain Experience points from him on contact.
- Ra era el Señor del Sistema Goa'uld que personificaba al dios sol egipcio, y el primero en descubrir los Tau'ri. Su compañero fue Hathor, con quien tuvo un hijo, Heru'ur, y su hermano fue Apophis. Su elite Jaffa fueron los guardias Horus. Debido a su poder, autoridad, y la astucia, Ra era el más poderoso de los Señores del Sistema. A pesar de la animosidad que los Señores del Sistema sienten uno por el otro, Ra fue reconocido como el Señor Supremo del Imperio Goa'uld, un título que le hizo el emperador nominal de los Goa'uld. Fue debido a esto, y su supuesto asesinato de Egeria, que los Tok'ra tomó su nombre, que literalmente significa "en contra de Ra". (Stargate) Ra fue finalmente asesinado por el coronel Jack O'Neill y el doctor Daniel Jackson poniendo una ojiva nuclear en su nave por m
- Ra (also spelled Ré) is the ancient Egyptian sun god. The meaning of the name is uncertain, but it is thought that, if ra is not itself a word for "sun", then it may be a variant of a root meaning "creative". To all ancient peoples, the sun brought light, warmth, and growth, making sun deities very important. In the myths about Ra, the sun is either seen as the body or the eye of the god.
- Ra var en Goa'uld Systemherre som personifierade Egypten solguden, och den första att upptäcka den Tau'ri. Hans maka var Hathor, som han hade en son, Heru'ur, och hans bror var Apophis. Hans eliten Jaffa var Horus Vakter. På grund av hans makt, auktoritet och list var Ra den mäktigaste av Systemherrarna. Trots den fientlighet Systemherrarna känner för varandra, var Ra erkänd som Högsta Systemherre av Goa'uld imperiet, en titel som gjorde honom nominella Kejsaren av Goa'uld. Det var på grund av detta, och hans förmodade mordet på Egeria, som Tok'ra tog sitt namn, som ordagrant betyder "mot Ra". Ra slutligen dödades av Överste Jonathan J. O'Neill och Dr Daniel Jackson som transportera en förbättrad kärnstridsspetsar ombord på sitt skepp efter att Abydonianernas uppror och han tvingades från
- Robot Factory was a group invented for the sole purpose of getting as many bungie.net members involved as possible. It was a social experiment. The groups founder - Purgatory, was actually an alternate account of the original user, Darthdizor . There were many attempts to create bots that would spam messages to all who posted in the public forums. This lasted for months, and even if you were a member of the group, you were spammed with these invites unless you blocked those bot accounts. File:Capture.png
- Ra was the last of an ancient technologically sophisticated race belonging to the planet Abydos. In time his body became weaker and began to die, but having the power to migrate into other bodies, he eventually came to Earth in pre-history and took over the body of a young boy. He enslaved the human race and and was worshiped as a god.
- The chief cult centre of Ra was Heliopolis (called Inun, "Place of Pillars", in Egyptian), where he was identified with the local sun-god Atum. Through Atum, or as Atum-Ra he was also seen as the first being and the originator of the Ennead, consisting of Shu and Tefnut, Geb and Nut, Osiris, Set, Isis and Nephthys. During the Amarna Period, Akhenaten suppressed the cult of Ra in favour of another solar deity, the Aten, the deified solar disc, but after the death of Akhenaten the cult of Ra was restored.