| - Matrim Cauthon, normalerweise einfach Mat genannt, ist einer der Hauptcharaktere der Serie. Er ist der Generalfeldmarschall der Bande der Roten Hand und der Ehemann der Kaiserin des seanchanischen Imperiums, so wie auch einer der größten Generäle, die die Welt jemals gesehen hat. Unter den Seanchan ist er als Knotai bekannt. Viele seiner Veränderungen im Verlauf der Geschichte reflektieren seine starke Verbindung zu den nordischen Göttern Odin und Loki.
- Matrim Cauthon, usually simply called 'Mat', is one of the main characters of the series. He is the Marshal-General of the Band of the Red Hand, and the husband of the Empress of the Seanchan empire, as well as one of the greatest generals the world has ever seen. Among the Seanchan he is known as Knotai. Many of his changes through the story reflect a strong connection to the Norse gods Odin and Loki.__TOC__
- At the beginning of The Eye of The World, Mat has gotten a name as a prankster in Emond's Field, but he also saw a dark rider like Rand did, a few days before Bel Tine. After the Trollocs attack the village, it turns out that the Cauthon house was one of those specifically targeted, and Moiraine says that Mat must leave the village with Perrin and Rand for Tar Valon. He is witness to Moiraine's confrontation with the villagers, where she tells the story of Manetheren. He teases Rand and Perrin about their weapons, having brought only his bow with him. He accompanies the group, now including Egwene and Thom Merrilin, out of Emond's Field.
| - Matrim Cauthon, normalerweise einfach Mat genannt, ist einer der Hauptcharaktere der Serie. Er ist der Generalfeldmarschall der Bande der Roten Hand und der Ehemann der Kaiserin des seanchanischen Imperiums, so wie auch einer der größten Generäle, die die Welt jemals gesehen hat. Unter den Seanchan ist er als Knotai bekannt. Viele seiner Veränderungen im Verlauf der Geschichte reflektieren seine starke Verbindung zu den nordischen Göttern Odin und Loki.
- At the beginning of The Eye of The World, Mat has gotten a name as a prankster in Emond's Field, but he also saw a dark rider like Rand did, a few days before Bel Tine. After the Trollocs attack the village, it turns out that the Cauthon house was one of those specifically targeted, and Moiraine says that Mat must leave the village with Perrin and Rand for Tar Valon. He is witness to Moiraine's confrontation with the villagers, where she tells the story of Manetheren. He teases Rand and Perrin about their weapons, having brought only his bow with him. He accompanies the group, now including Egwene and Thom Merrilin, out of Emond's Field. At the beginning of The Fires of Heaven, Mat is in Rhuidean with Rand. He has been drinking and gambling with the Aiel as much as his luck will let him get away with. He is eager to leave the Aiel Waste, though still wary of Moiraine and other Aes Sedai. After going through the redstone doorway ter'angreal, his memories have been filled with many men's from other eras, and he has a silver foxhead medallion and an odd polearm with ravens engraved on it. In FOH 6, Mat has taken Melindhra back to his rooms, when they are attacked by Darkhounds. Rand balefires them, saving him from instant death at the hounds' saliva, but Moiraine still has to Heal him, in the process discovering that his foxhead medallion protects against saidar. He leaves Rhuidean with Rand and the others in FOH 7. At the beginning of The Path of Daggers, Mat is in Ebou Dar, searching for Olver.
- Matrim Cauthon, usually simply called 'Mat', is one of the main characters of the series. He is the Marshal-General of the Band of the Red Hand, and the husband of the Empress of the Seanchan empire, as well as one of the greatest generals the world has ever seen. Among the Seanchan he is known as Knotai. Many of his changes through the story reflect a strong connection to the Norse gods Odin and Loki.__TOC__