| - Dark Lord Mortis was born on Naboo,the child of a popular nobleman and his wife,both members of the Theed council. Kind people whos only concern was to make sure life was well for others,they politcally faught crime lords,and syndicates with strong protests and council meetings. A dark evening, their triumph caught up with them,they earlier had made an attempt to try and have a local crimelord removed,before he could buy the council or corrupt the council. The crime lord Distrok Kumazii had them both killed in their sleep. Being left by himself he was quickly taken in by close friends of the family and nobles themselves, Sheva and Broniff Galev.
| - Dark Lord Mortis was born on Naboo,the child of a popular nobleman and his wife,both members of the Theed council. Kind people whos only concern was to make sure life was well for others,they politcally faught crime lords,and syndicates with strong protests and council meetings. A dark evening, their triumph caught up with them,they earlier had made an attempt to try and have a local crimelord removed,before he could buy the council or corrupt the council. The crime lord Distrok Kumazii had them both killed in their sleep. Being left by himself he was quickly taken in by close friends of the family and nobles themselves, Sheva and Broniff Galev. At the age of 8 he ran from home seeking answers to his parents murder. Being a a bit too young and on his own, he had nowhere to go. Mortis soon saught refuge with a Jedi who took him in as his own. The council of course did not approve of his training but the Jedi master insisted in secret. Through the years Mortis developed a strong relationship with the force through his training and constant studying of its ways. As time moved on Mortis felt he was missing something...something more. Mortis wanted revenge for what transpired and he knew the only way to do this was to build his power and improve his skill. To accomplish this he must push himself harder. Over time Mortis began to study the ways beyond the light...the dark. He quickly learned many traits,codes and powers of the darkside. He wanted revenge,but the jedi did not allow it,said it was "not the jedi way... not right". Feeling he was stronger than the jedi before him and all the others int he order,he wanted to seek answers,answers to help him gain a better understanding and knowledge of the force..mainly the darkside. He wanted to be above all others; no rules,no orders...and to achieve this he must eliminate any who could get in his way. That day came soon enough. He had overheard a holo briefing his master participated in with the council. The plans were to assign four Jedi to comandeer a droid control station. The four jedi were to be hand picked by Mortis' master. His Jedi master believe Mortis had proved himself worthy for his first assignment would be one of those four. Mortis seeing this oppurtunity as a chance to venture out and find answers excepted without hesitation. Mortis with three other jedi,who were oblivious of his studies set off on their assignment. Taking jedi figthers they quickly made way to the control station,which was on a secluded planet outside the mid rim. They quickly entered the facility,eliminating the droids and shutting down all the units it had in its control....of course it was simple. After it was done,Mortis saw his chance,he quickly turned on his jedi brothers! Catching one off gaurd he made quick work of him with his saber removing the head in a single swift action. The second master shocked by what had happened,drew his saber but hesitant, Mortis quickly put him in to a choke retention with the force. Slowing callapsing his airway killing him. While this was transpiring the third master drawing his saber was force pushed by Mortis,loosing his saber in the process. With Mortis still concentrating on one master the 3rd quickly used the force to pull a blaster at hand ,then fired striking Mortis in the face scarring him for life... Mortis stunned and loosing concentration on the 2nd master, made pain his power and anger his strength, the walls cracked and the ground shook,objects crushed by the gathering of power, he used all he had,even the memories of what he had lost as a child, turning his force into a lightning form ending the two masters and causing extensive damage to the facility? After all was done he became so full of hate,anger and power from the darkside,his surrounding force soon became cold and uninviting... not understanding it right away he just moved on. He proceeded injured to the deck,setting the facility to self distruct. Bleeding and needing to escape from the building before the building being incinerated,he made his way to an EVAC pod. Exiting the planet and the facility blowing apart his set coords for the nearest planet. Mortis then came across a planet with no sign of life and no name. With no other options he set course for a clearing. Entering the atmosphere at a great speed and burning up upon entry Mortis passed out. The EVAC pod then crashed with great force on a remote planet,a volcanic wasteland...awaking after the crash he then made his way out of the shuttle ,reaching for his lightsaber for protection..it was not there...just a survival knife in the pods survival bag...the saber possibly lost during the struggle with the last two masters. He quickly fancied a hilt from spare ship/droid parts and electronics from the pod, (a hilt that he still carries to this day)...he had no crystal to power this. Upon being stuck with his saber he fealt a familiar feeling coming from a volcano,it had an entrance? How was this possible he thought. He then entered to see droid mining into the ground right next to raw force crystals...he quickly picked the one he felt was best suited for him,carved it with elaborate cutting tools ,completed the saber and on it went with a thundering sound louder than any saber he heard...strangly comfortable with it he moved on. Later after walking many hours Mortis came across a temple... inside was a man meditating... the man stopped... and said "come in".... Mortis moved forward... and asked the mans name... he responded "Darth Padar,I am the Dark Lord... this is my land"...Mortis responded "i have turned away from the light, three jedi I have killed in my rage"... Darth Padar quickly interrupted..." I know I sense much power , anger, confusion,hate and thirst for revenge in you", Mortis said "I have studied the ways of the sith,I want revenge for the bloodshed of my mother and father and i wish to join ...my Lord", Darth Padar smiled and replied "Welcome to Korriban... Darth Mortis".