| - Altverses, also known as alternative universes. They are, in essence, alternative versions of a given specific universe. There is nothing special with that specific universe though, it's just that a baseline is convenient for defining the term "alternative" for that term poses the question: alternative to what? In essence, if the universe A is an alternative version of the universe B than the universe B is also an alternative version of the universe A. There is no main one, or, from another point of view, the main one is always the one inhabited by the observer, or one chosen arbitrarily to serve as that baseline for some reason. Many times, and for the reason given above, such baseline is usually our universe. Not all universes need to be considered alternative versions of each other, not even all universes existing inside the same multiverse. Sometimes two different universes can just be seen as being two different independent universes, not being versions of each other at all. This is always a matter of point of view as well. Everyone can easily define their subjective definitions for what makes a universe to be an alternative version of another and what makes it just another different universe. There are several different types of alternative universes described below. Anything not following on any of those types would be considered as just another different universe instead of an alternate version. This case as been defined as Type 0. It is possible for higher level verses than that of universes to also have alternative versions. Like an alternative version of a multiverse or above, in the extreme to alternative versions of the omniverse which would correspond to other altarcas. Many of these realities were likely formed from the Polyverse.