| - thumb Moiraine Damodred ist eine Aes Sedai der Blauen Ajah. Sie stammt aus dem Adelshaus Damodred aus Cairhien.
- Moiraine Damodred was born on Hapes on 28 ABY as the heir of the Hapan throne. From the beginning she was raised in the traditions of both of her parents, learning the ways of politics on Hapes. When she was 9 years old, her force presence were detected by a high ranked army officer, Elric de Odin who later would become the guardian of royal family. Despite her abilities, anti-Jedi ideology on Hapes had kept Elric to hide her presence too, as well as his own.
- Moiraine has become a legend among the Aes Sedai, possibly a legend even greater than Cadsuane Melaidhrin, because of her extraordinary achievements; she avoided being put on the Sun Throne as the Queen of Cairhien for years, she tracked down and became the trusted advisor of the Dragon Reborn, and most significantly: no other Aes Sedai in history has faced, let alone survived an encounter with a Forsaken. Moiraine has faced not one, but four, and beaten two of them, earning her a remarkable status as one of the greatest sisters in Tower history, rivaling even the Tower's early legends of the Age.
- At the beginning of The Eye of The World, Moiraine and Lan have arrived in Emond's Field. She meets Rand, Mat, and Ewin Finngar, and claims to be looking for old stories. When the Trollocs attack Emond's Field she uses the One Power to help the villagers fight them, revealing herself as Aes Sedai. Gathering the Trolloc bodies later, she counts more bands involved than have ever worked together since the Trolloc Wars. When Rand comes to ask her to heal his father, she agrees to try. She manages to soothe his pain, and then to Heal the full taint of the Trolloc weapon. She tells Rand how he, Perrin and Mat were the targets of the Trollocs, and tells them they should come with her to Tar Valon. Outside the Winespring Inn, she encounters an angry group of Emond's Fielders, but quells them with
- Moiraine Damodred è uno dei personaggi principali del mondo fantastico de La Ruota del Tempo dello scrittore statunitense Robert Jordan. Originaria di una delle famiglie regali di Cairhien, Moiraine è un'Aes Sedai dell'Ajah Azzurra, amica molto intima dell'ex Amyrlin Seat Siuan Sanche, sin dal tempo del loro noviziato. Il suo Custode inseparabile è Lan (al'Lan Mandragoran), re titolare della caduta nazione del Malkier.
| - thumb Moiraine Damodred ist eine Aes Sedai der Blauen Ajah. Sie stammt aus dem Adelshaus Damodred aus Cairhien.
- Moiraine has become a legend among the Aes Sedai, possibly a legend even greater than Cadsuane Melaidhrin, because of her extraordinary achievements; she avoided being put on the Sun Throne as the Queen of Cairhien for years, she tracked down and became the trusted advisor of the Dragon Reborn, and most significantly: no other Aes Sedai in history has faced, let alone survived an encounter with a Forsaken. Moiraine has faced not one, but four, and beaten two of them, earning her a remarkable status as one of the greatest sisters in Tower history, rivaling even the Tower's early legends of the Age. Her recent heroic deeds, as a member of the circle that resealed the Dark One's prison and survivor of the Tower of Ghenjei, have likely immortalized her name.
- Moiraine Damodred è uno dei personaggi principali del mondo fantastico de La Ruota del Tempo dello scrittore statunitense Robert Jordan. Originaria di una delle famiglie regali di Cairhien, Moiraine è un'Aes Sedai dell'Ajah Azzurra, amica molto intima dell'ex Amyrlin Seat Siuan Sanche, sin dal tempo del loro noviziato. Il suo Custode inseparabile è Lan (al'Lan Mandragoran), re titolare della caduta nazione del Malkier. Come è tipico della gente di Cairhien, Moiraine è molto bassa di statura, con un incarnato pallido e capelli castano scuri. Nel complesso è una donna molto bella, con un aspetto delicato, questo le ha guadagnato il soprannome di "bambolina di porcellana" da parte delle altre sorelle. In realtà dietro questo aspetto, apparentemente fragile, si cela una donna molto forte e determinata nei suoi propositi, che si rivela a volte fredda, spietata e calcolatrice, ma solo nel perseguire cause che ritiene nobili e giuste, come il ritrovare il giovane Drago Rinato, per poi aiutarlo nella sua missione. Moiraine spesso indossa una kesiera, un gioiello tipico delle donne d'alto rango del suo paese: consiste di una gemma pendente in mezzo alla fronte, retta da una sottile catenella, legata attorno alla testa (nel caso di Moiraine la gemma è uno zaffiro blu).
- At the beginning of The Eye of The World, Moiraine and Lan have arrived in Emond's Field. She meets Rand, Mat, and Ewin Finngar, and claims to be looking for old stories. When the Trollocs attack Emond's Field she uses the One Power to help the villagers fight them, revealing herself as Aes Sedai. Gathering the Trolloc bodies later, she counts more bands involved than have ever worked together since the Trolloc Wars. When Rand comes to ask her to heal his father, she agrees to try. She manages to soothe his pain, and then to Heal the full taint of the Trolloc weapon. She tells Rand how he, Perrin and Mat were the targets of the Trollocs, and tells them they should come with her to Tar Valon. Outside the Winespring Inn, she encounters an angry group of Emond's Fielders, but quells them with a stirring tale of their forgotten history, of King Aemon of Manetheren. In the stables, she invokes the Pattern several times, fatalistically accepting Rand telling Tam about their departure, as well as Egwene and Thom Merrilin joining their party. She summons up a fog to help them elude a Draghkar which is following them as they ride north from Emond's Field, and then creates a whirlpool in the Taren River to destroy the ferry after they cross. In EOTW 12, she tells Egwene about the One Power, and shows Egwene that she has the inborn ability to channel. At the beginning of The Fires of Heaven, Moiraine is in Rhuidean with Rand, arranging the shipment of ter'angreal from Rhuidean to Tar Valon. She comes up with Egwene to see Rand and shows him the corrupted cuendillar seal. She tells Rand she will have to leave him eventually, and seems to have odd foreknowledge of her fate. In FOH 6, she tells Rand about the deadliness of Darkhound blood and saliva, and Heals Mat, discovering his foxhead amulet's abilities in the process. After Rand tries to brush her off, she resorts to begging, desperate for him to listen to her. She tells him about the dangers of using balefire. The next day, in FOH 7, she obeys him as she has promised. She has achieved some foreknowledge from ter'angreal in Rhuidean that she is keeping secret, even from Lan. She and Lan accompany Rand when he leaves Rhuidean.
- Moiraine Damodred was born on Hapes on 28 ABY as the heir of the Hapan throne. From the beginning she was raised in the traditions of both of her parents, learning the ways of politics on Hapes. When she was 9 years old, her force presence were detected by a high ranked army officer, Elric de Odin who later would become the guardian of royal family. Despite her abilities, anti-Jedi ideology on Hapes had kept Elric to hide her presence too, as well as his own.