| - Raeford Liles owned the general store of Nashville, North Carolina, and served as the town's postmaster as part of this job. He had a warm, easy going relationship with his frequent customer Nate Caudell, despite their occasional heated arguments about certain topics, and gently teased Caudell about his mysterious lady friend Mollie Bean. Liles favored Nathan Bedford Forrest to become the second CS President (though he distrusted the Rivington Men), while Caudell favored Robert E. Lee. Liles later admitted that Lee was a fine choice for the job.
| - Raeford Liles owned the general store of Nashville, North Carolina, and served as the town's postmaster as part of this job. He had a warm, easy going relationship with his frequent customer Nate Caudell, despite their occasional heated arguments about certain topics, and gently teased Caudell about his mysterious lady friend Mollie Bean. Liles favored Nathan Bedford Forrest to become the second CS President (though he distrusted the Rivington Men), while Caudell favored Robert E. Lee. Liles later admitted that Lee was a fine choice for the job. Liles had never become rich enough to buy slaves, and made several unsuccessful bids at Josiah A. Beard's auction. At one point he hired a free, literate Negro man named Israel as a clerk. However, Liles' attitude towards Negroes soon drove Israel away to work for farmer Henry Pleasants, a much more enlightened employer.