| - This is a show based off of the 2008 film Bolt and TAWOG. It premiered on June 18, 2015 and is currently on its first season. The show centers around Bolt and his freind/ brother (yes, BROTHER) Mittens, and their parental figure named Penny. They do not live with Rhino, rather he lives next to them. The show is about the cat and dog whom have zany adventures in school, at home, and other locations across Jutiper City. <default>The Amazing World Of Bolt</default> Gender First Appearance Last Appearance Cause/Reason Born Died Cause of Death Occupation Parents Sibling(s) Spouse(s) Romances Children Grandchildren Grandparents Aunts and Uncles Nieces and Nephews Cousins Other Relatives
| - This is a show based off of the 2008 film Bolt and TAWOG. It premiered on June 18, 2015 and is currently on its first season. The show centers around Bolt and his freind/ brother (yes, BROTHER) Mittens, and their parental figure named Penny. They do not live with Rhino, rather he lives next to them. The show is about the cat and dog whom have zany adventures in school, at home, and other locations across Jutiper City. <default>The Amazing World Of Bolt</default> Gender First Appearance Last Appearance Cause/Reason Born Died Cause of Death Occupation Parents Sibling(s) Spouse(s) Romances Children Grandchildren Grandparents Aunts and Uncles Nieces and Nephews Cousins Other Relatives BOLT- A white German Shepard with an energetic, happy-go-lucky look on life. He was a former TV star, and still has some of the stunt talent left in him. He can be very intense when provoked, though, and his anger usually results in him turning silver and going in blind rage. The painted lightning bolt still is there, as it could not be washed off. Bolt usually tries to get people (mainly Mittens) to agree woth his outlooks on the world through any means possible, and is very competitve and loves racing, candy, baths, superhero movies, and peanut butter. He HATES pigeons, being called chunky cheese (by bullies) and his beloved Mittens getting harrassed or bullied. MITTENS- A black and white cat whom has spent HIS life on the streets, and usually can find a way to sneak through a situation and can sometimes blatenly flake out on someone (Bolt) and usually is very diligent and is (almost) always there for his freind except for in "The Confrontation" but he bailed out on Bolt because he was in the hospital getting his tonsils taken out. Mittens usually ends up having to be the peacemaer when Bolt gets angry and he usually fails...miserably. He lectures Bolt on all sorts of things he was oblivious to because he was on the set for his TV series, even the obvious. (I.E eating bad dog food) He likes food, playing, computers and lava cakes. He hates pigeons, being bullied, and being patronized by his older bro, Bolt. PENNY- The pets' paternal figure, whom usually gets etwined in the duo's schemes. She likes reading, being with her family, and playing with her pets. She dislikes theives, losing family, and coconut chocolate (she is allergic to cocnuts and eating any byproducts of it cause an extreme reaction, and she ends up in the hospital. PENNY'S MOTHER- Not much is known about her but in "The Deal" she scammed Bolt into getting her chocolate and not giving him a bag of treats like she promised, although she was clearly sick and couldn't call Penny because she was at school causing Bolt to think she was evil. RHINO- An energetic, dimwitted hamster in a ball. First appeared in "The Task," and had his first major role in "The Hamster," List of episodes: