| - Nicholas Joseph Fury is the eldest of three children born to Jack and Katherine Fury in New York City, New York. His father was a firefighter who had served in the United States Army as a warrant officer helicopter pilot. Inspired by his father's military service, after Nick graduated from high school, he went on to the United States Military Academy at West Point. He graduated from West Point with a Bachelor of Science in History and a commission as a Second Lieutenant in the United States Army. While at West Point, Nick decided to become an infantry officer. Upon completing the Infantry Officer Basic Course, he attended the U.S. Army Airborne School. Nick was then assigned to the 82nd Airborne Division as a rifle platoon leader within the 1st Battalion, 504th Parachute Infantry Regiment. He later attended the U.S. Army Ranger School, earning the Ranger Tab. Soon afterwards, Nick went through Ranger orientation training and was then assigned to the 75th Ranger Regiment as a platoon leader in the 1st Ranger Battalion. Eventually, he rose to the position of company executive officer. Nick was made a company commander soon after being promoted to Captain. He later attended and graduated from the Infantry Officer Advanced Course. Soon after, Nick attended the Assessment and Selection Course for the 1st Special Forces Operational Detachment-Delta. Upon successful completion of the course, he went on to the Operator Training Course. Afterwards, Nick joined Delta Force as an assault troop commander. With numerous commendations, he left the U.S. Army after twelve years of service at the rank of Major. Nick then obtained a position as a special operations contractor with a private military company. A little while later, he applied for employment with the Central Intelligence Agency. Upon successfully completing the entire application process, Nick was selected to serve in the CIA's Special Operations Group of the Special Activities Division. After an orientation period, he resigned from his position with the private military company and was sent to the CIA Special Training Center - "The Farm," Camp Peary for intensive operational training. After completing the Clandestine Service Trainee Program, Nick became a paramilitary operations officer in the Ground Branch of the Special Operations Group. As a paramilitary officer, he excelled in a variety of clandestine and covert operations, but was especially exceptional in counterterrorism missions. Within the Special Activities Division, Nick specifically became notable for his innate tactical investigative skills. At some point, his extraordinary work caught the attention of a few high-level U.S. government officials and he was personally contacted by Rick Stoner, the executive director of the Office of the Director of National Intelligence's Strategic Homeland Intervention Enforcement and Logistics Directorate with an offer of employment. Officially, S.H.I.E.L.D. is a counterterrorism police and intelligence liaison unit that represents the collective intelligence capability and full muscle of the U.S. government to help neutralize and prevent terrorist actions against U.S. interests on a global level. Its overt mission is to assist foreign police, military, and intelligence agencies in helping prevent terrorist attacks against Americans and American interests abroad with S.H.I.E.L.D. special agents working in the field assisting foreign governments and law enforcement agencies in their counterterrorism efforts. In reality, S.H.I.E.L.D. agents are responsible for identifying terrorist leadership, tracking them to a specific location, capturing or killing them as necessary, and using the information gleaned from the assignment to plan the next operation. Nick accepted the job offer and joined the Strategic Homeland Intervention Enforcement and Logistics Directorate as a "senior special agent." In his capacity as a S.H.I.E.L.D. agent, he is a very secretive dog of war to be unleashed upon the enemies of the United States to help prevent any future terrorist attacks on America. Nick's goal is to level the playing field with international terrorists through one simple mandate -- as long as the terrorists refuse to play by any rules, he won't either. Simply put, his job is to hunt down terrorists and neutralize them by any means necessary. Much of Nick's work is unofficial and "off the books." This includes top-secret assignments wherein he operates independent of the U.S. national security apparatus and can therefore disregard impediments such as the executive order banning assassinations. As a premier counterterrorism agent, Nick Fury has helped save the United States from devastating terrorist attacks on numerous occasions.