| - Make your way to the camp. When you arrive, Kazoc will yell "My axes hunger for blood!" Kill him, then Yraldar will arrive, saying that he saw the whole thing. He will leave, saying as he goes that you still need to put Kazoc's head on a pike. Meet Yraldar by the barn. I can't wait to tell Haraldar that this Kazok bastard is dead."
* (What did you do with Kazok's head?) "Nothing yet, but it needs to get stuck on one of these pikes. That's where it belongs. You should do the honors. It's only fair, since you defeated him and all. That should put the fear of Shot in the rest of those Stormfist lackeys."
* (Very well, I'll do it.) "Ha! That is a thing of beauty. Kazok's head never looked better!"
* (I hope that sends the message you wanted.) "It might be ugly, but nothing says security like an 0rc's head on a pike. Haraldar will be pleased that! um, that we took care of Kazok. It's small comfort for the loss of his wife, but he'll appreciate anything that helps the meadery."
* "Now we can put this meadery back together again. Thanks!" This completes the quest. If you have also completed A Friend in Mead, than this completes Voljar's Meadery."