| - While its origins lay in Judaism, an even older monotheist faith, Christianity was characterized by the teachings of its founder, Jesus Christ, who was in fact a Jewish rabbi.
- Christianity (from the Ancient Greek word Χριστός, Christos, a translation of the Hebrew מָשִׁיחַ, Māšîăḥ, meaning "the anointed one", together with the Latin suffixes -ian and -itas) is an Abrahamic, monotheistic religion based on the life and oral teachings of Jesus of Nazareth as presented in the New Testament. Christianity is the world's largest religion, with nearly 2.4 billion adherents, known as Christians. Christians believe that Jesus has a "unique significance" in the world. Most Christians believe that Jesus is the Son of God, fully divine and fully human, and the saviour of humanity whose coming was prophesied in the Old Testament. Consequently, Christians refer to Jesus as Christ or the Messiah.
- The Book of Magic resembles a stereotypical depiction of the holy book of Christianity, the Bible, as it has a cross on its cover. This is because the Japanese version of the game actually called the item the Bible. This was likely changed due to Nintendo of America's guidelines. In spite of this, the later Famicom cartridge edition retains both names, with Bible in Japanese and Book of Magic in English text beside it. In addition, the shields used by Link and Darknuts also have a cross painted on it.
- Christianity is a religion that involves worshipping Jesus Christ. Churches are buildings people go to, for this religion.
- Allegedly started in the Year Zero, it remains popular today because it is the only socially acceptable large scale religion for Caucasians, and sometimes you get free bread and wine. Worship involves praying to effigies to save you from Hell, eating Jesus's body and drinking his blood; finding security in the fact that someone is watching you-always, loves you, and is taking care of you, but will send you to burn in hell for all eternity if you disobey him once; believing that homosexuality between consenting adults is a sin that is on par with all others (yes, including that one) and routinely trying to get rid of the stereotype Catholics have given all the other other various types of Christianity. In addition most Christians wear nice hats.
- Christianity shares its origins and many religious texts with Judaism, specifically the Hebrew Bible, known to Christians as the Old Testament. Like Judaism and Islam, Christianity is classified as an Abrahamic religion. Christianity has three main denominations: Catholicism, Orthodox Christianity and Protestantism.
- Christianity is a monotheistic religion that grew out of Jewish roots. A basic tenet of Christianity is that Jesus, a Jew, is the Messiah and son of G-d, while Jews believe that the Messiah is still to come. Christianity has split into many sects. The relationships between Jews and Christians has, like all human relationships between large groups, varied greatly over time and sub-groups.
- Christianity is a religion in some of the Civilization games.
- Christianity (十字教(じゅうじきょう) Juuji Kyou?, lit. "Religion of the Cross") is a monotheistic religion based on the life and teachings of the Son of God. Christianity is the most represented and largest religion in the Toaru Majutsu no Index universe, and represents the greater part of the magic side. Most notably, Index is a Christian of the Anglican Church denomination.
- Christianity is a monotheistic religion on Earth and on the Medieval planet. It is also possibly the main religion on the planets ruled by King Arthur. Its sacred text is the Bible. Teal'c claimed that no Goa'uld is capable of showing the necessary compassion to impersonate the Christian God. Sokar instead chose to impersonate Satan, an angel who had fallen out of favour with God in Christian theology. (SG1: "Demons")
- Christianity is currently the worlds largest religion, based upon the teachings of Jesus of Nazareth.
- Christianity is a pre-War monotheistic religion based on the life and teachings of Jesus of Nazareth as presented in the gospels and other New Testament writings.
- Throughout the show, Christianity is referred to the most among other religions. Christianity is the belief that Jesus Christ is the Son of God, and that he came to Earth, died on the cross and rose from the dead in order to save humanity from their sins. Christians believe that sincere repentance of sins, and faith in Jesus Christ is the path to salvation. Some explicit references are made through the characters' own practices, and other implicit references are found in the storyline, mostly to reflect the general concept of "faith" more than the specific religion.
- Christianity is a monotheistic religion centered on the life and teachings of Jesus of Nazareth as presented in the New Testament.
- The map below shows the percentage of Christian believers worldwide, click on the image to get a bigger picture.
- Christianity is a monotheistic religion based on the life and teachings of Jesus of Nazareth as presented in the New Testament writings of his early followers. It is the world's largest religion, with an estimated 2.1 billion adherents, or about one-third of the total world population. It shares with Judaism the Hebrew Scriptures (called the Old Testament by Christians), and for this reason is sometimes called an Abrahamic religion, along with Judaism and Islam.
- Baptists are one such group, who believe that baptism can only be by those who choose to follow the Christ and therefore this cannot include babies.
- Christianity was one of the major religions of Earth. It centred around the teachings of the religious figure Jesus Christ. Humans would come to base their calendar for much of their history on the estimated year of Christ's birth. The Doctor was apparently present at Jesus Christ's birth (TV: Voyage of the Damned) and his resurrection. (TV: Planet of the Dead) These two events were celebrated by the Earth holidays of Christmas and Easter, respectively. Christianity was one of countless religions throughout the universe to have a devil figure inspired by the Beast. (TV: The Satan Pit)
- The title of Christian has been claimed to mean different things. Many draw their title from biblicism, upon which there are many disagreements in understanding. Most include the Old Testament and the New Testament, though there are some that place the Old Testament as a lesser half of the Holy Bible or remove it entirely, refuse the New Testament and/or Apocrypha books, which can include Jewish apocrypha. There are also those that pick which verses they believe to be from the original writings. Others merely adhere to historical teachings of Christ located outside the bible, viewing the Gospel as tainted by tyrannical edits intended to control Christians. Aside from these, there are branches that grew from one or a combination of the examples aforementioned, but do not heed the holiness o
- Christianity was an Earth religion founded in the first century AD following the life and teachings of Jesus Christ. Its adherents, usually called Christians, believe that Jesus is the Son of the one God who created the universe and that he was sent to redeem the people from their sins through his death and resurrection. Christianity was a religion with multiple sects--usually called denominations, that largely fall under three major groups: Catholicism, Protestantism, and Orthodoxy. The Christian Old Testament has the same books as the Jewish Tanakh; however, Christianity also adds the New Testament to its Bible, and its doctrines diverged from Judaism almost immediately.
- Christianity is a monotheistic religion centered on the life, teachings, and actions of Jesus of Nazareth, known by Christians as Jesus Christ, as recounted in the New Testament. With an estimated 2.1 billion adherents, Christianity is the world's largest religion. Its origins are intertwined with Judaism, with which it shares much sacred text and early history; specifically, it shares the Hebrew Bible, known in the Christian context as the Old Testament (see Judeo-Christian). Christianity is considered an Abrahamic religion, along with Judaism and Islam.
- Christianity was a body of religions on Earth that were based on the teachings of the 1st century Human Jesus Christ. Over the centuries since the initial founding of Christianity in the first century, it had become one of the dominant religious forces on Earth. A parallel to Earth Christianity developed on planet 892-IV (Magna Roma). The adherents of this religion referred to themselves as "Children of the Son". (TOS episode: "Bread and Circuses")
- Christianity, as portrayed in the 2003 Fullmetal Alchemist anime series is an ancient monotheistic religion. The followers of this ancient faith created the secret city that exists beneath Dante's lair and, as such, she and Hohenheim Elric may have been practitioners. However, according to Dante, all the adherents besides the two of them - as well as their system of time measurement based on the birth of their founder and icon, Jesus Christ - had died out centuries ago, because of their religious intolerance and subsequent conflicts based on that intolerance. Although no one in the Fullmetal Alchemist series practices or even knows of Christianity, the town of Aquroya holds a church which seems to mimic some of the practices of the Christian church. The infamous thief Psiren spends a short
- Since the first decades of Christianity, most Christians have regarded homosexuality as immoral. This has led to the position upheld today by denominations such as the Roman Catholic and Orthodox Churches, as well as by most Evangelical Protestant churches such as the Southern Baptist Convention.
- At the very least Christianity is a belief in Jesus Christ or his ideas, often called a religion although not all believers or followers of Jesus Christ's ideas claim to be or agree with being called religious. It is the world's largest religion, with over 2.4 billion followers, or 33% of the global population, known as Christians.
- The Infinite religion that lead to Jesus of Nazareth and his father, Glorious God Life-giving God Almighty God All-present God Omnipresent God All-powerful God Omnipotent God All-knowing God Omniscient God All-loving God Omniphiliac God All-Merciful God Forgiving God Infinitely Just God Eternal God God, the One True God, God, the Ruler of Heaven, God, the Father, God, the Almighty, God, the Maker of Heaven and Earth, God, the Supreme Ruler, God, the Final Judge, God, the First Being, God, the Intelligent Designer, God, the Ultimate Entity, God, the Creator, God, I-am-that-I-am, God, the G-d, Spaghedeitic God Invisible God Pink God Unicornic God Celestial God Teapotic God. Real Christians existed before Jesus was ever born cause they had the FAith to know it was the one TRUE religion. Adam
- Christianity (from the Ancient Greek word Χριστός, Christos, a translation of the Hebrew מָשִׁיחַ, Māšîăḥ, meaning "the anointed one", together with the Latin suffixes -ian and -itas) is an Abrahamic, monotheistic religion based on the life and oral teachings of Jesus of Nazareth as presented in the New Testament. Christianity is the world's largest religion, with nearly 2.4 billion adherents, known as Christians. Most Christians believe that Jesus is the Son of God, fully divine and fully human, and the saviour of humanity whose coming was prophesied in the Old Testament. Consequently, Christians refer to Jesus as Christ or the Messiah.
- Christianity is a human religion founded upon the teachings of Jesus Christ, whom the Bible records as being the only begotten Son of God and the Savior of all mankind, who has died on the cross for the sins of the world and has risen from the dead the third day to offer eternal life for those who believe in Him. It is a religion that emphasizes the virtues of righteousness through the obedience of God's commandments, including those of showing mercy and charity, and commonly depicts an eternal reward of heaven for the faithful and righteous and of hell for the unbelieving and wicked.
- Christianity is the system of beliefs and practices based on the Old and New Testament of the Bible focusing upon the person and work of Jesus Christ, the Son of the one true God, Yahweh, and recognized as God-incarnate. According to the Bible, Christ came to Earth to establish the New Covenant, an agreement to die as the ultimate sacrifice for sin in the place of those who had no hope apart from that sacrifice.
- Christianity was a monotheistic religion, stating that there was one God who created the universe. This one God, however, was both a unity and a trinity. There were three persons, God the Father, God the Son and God the Holy Spirit, who although distinct in person-hood share one and the same God-hood. Most images of the Christian God depicted a wise old man, seen as the universal father figure (indeed, God was often called "God the Father"), or Jesus Christ, who is God the Son incarnate as man, or the Holy Spirit with the image of a dove or as fire. In 2287, the entity of Sha Ka Ree assumed this form of the Christian God so as to "better suit the expectations" of the USS Enterprise team who had encountered it. (Star Trek V: The Final Frontier)
- Christianity is one of the three major religions that sprang forth from the Middle East, along with Judaism and Islam. Its founder was Jesus Christ, the Son of God who was believed to be the Messiah of the Jews and the Savior of all mankind. It started from Jerusalem after the time of His death, resurrection, and ascension into heaven and eventually spread forth unto all the earth throughout the centuries. From that time it has divided into many different sects, including Orthodox, Protestantism, and the Roman Catholic Church. During the time of the Tribulation, true followers of Christ were considered enemies of the state and were called "Judah-ites". Jesus' Biblical message that He alone is the way to God also makes Christianity seem intolerant in the eyes of those of either no religion
- Christianity is one of three monotheistic Abrahamic religion, which originally developed from an offshoot of 1st century Judaism. It differs from its parent religion in that its believers claim that Jesus Christ was (or is) the Son of God, who came to the earth to "save" mankind. Despite this supposed "Sacrifice" most of mankind according to Christian fundamentalists will go to Hell. And despite the vast majority of mankind facing eternal torment somehow the Christian god is also a god of love. Liberal Christians and Christian Universalists are more reasonable.
- Christianity is a monotheistic religion centered on the life and teachings of Jesus of Nazareth as presented in the New Testament of the Bible. Christians believe Jesus to be the Son of God and the Jewish Messiah prophesied in the Old Testament. For specific forms of Christianity, see:
* Catholicism
* Eastern Orthodox
* Holy Mission Church (fictional, existing only in "Vermin")
* Mormon (full name: Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints)
* Protestantism
* Puritanism
* The Second Revelation (fictional, existing only in In High Places)
- Christianity is one of the world's main religions. It is a monotheistic faith that developed its core concepts around the life and message of Jesus Christ. Practitioners are called Christians, the central holy scripture is the Bible, and the local house of worship is called a church. A common symbol of Christianity is the cross.
- Christianity (from the Ancient Greekword Χριστός, Christos, a translation of the Hebrew מָשִׁיחַ, Māšîăḥ, meaning "the anointed one", together with the Latinsuffixes -ian and -itas) is an Abrahamic, monotheistic religion based on the life and oral teachings of Jesus of Nazarethas presented in the New Testament. Christianity is the world's largest religion, with about 2.2 billion adherents, known as Christians. Christians believe that Jesus has a "unique significance" in the world. Most Christians believe that Jesus is the Son of God, fully divine and fully human, and the saviour of humanity whose coming was prophesied in the Old Testament. Consequently, Christians refer to Jesus as Christ or the Messiah.
- Christianity (from the Ancient Greek translation Χριστός, Christos of the Hebrew מָשִׁיחַ, Mašíaḥ, meaning "the anointed one" and the Latin suffixes ian and -itas) is a monotheistic religion based on the life and teachings of Jesus Christ as presented in the New Testament. Christianity is the world's largest religion, with approximately 2.2 billion adherents. Most Christians believe that Jesus is the Son of God, fully divine and fully human, and the savior of humanity prophesied in the Old Testament. Consequentially, Christians refer to Jesus as Christ or Messiah.
- Christianity is the belief that Jesus and God are you friggin saviers and will make you go to hell in Satan's crib if you don't waste your life worshipping the lord and getting saved. Christians are afraid that if they don't do this, they'll go to hell and they'll be forever damned and will live there for eternity, burning from flames (or whatever). They gather at churches, the baptists especially, some spending half their life there, hearing about preachers preach about nothing but getting saved or going to hell. They even have a choir sing gospel stuff. Wtf?
- It's not entirely clear what the story is with Christianity. There were a lot of prophets and religious leaders roaming around the world at the time of Christ, and the carpenter from Nazareth didn't really show up on Heaven's radar until the story was mostly over. Gabriel did inform Mary of her upcoming pregnancy, but he made more than a few such supernatural announcements of that sort. After the fact, angels (and demons) were able to investigate and gather some information...but an aura of ineffability (such as that which surrounds Superiors) prevented Seraphs and the like from discovering the Truth, even when speaking with eyewitnesses. In retrospect, most agree that something very out of the ordinary was going on.