| - Scooby Doo is the eponymous character and the protagonist in the Scooby-Doo animated television series created by the popular American animation company Hanna-Barbera. Scooby-Doo is the pet and lifelong companion of Shaggy Rogers and in many iterations, including the original series, is regarded as a unique Great Dane dog who is able to speak in broken English, unlike most other dogs in his reality, and usually puts the letter R in front of words spoken. Other incarnations, such as A Pup Named Scooby-Doo, present talking dogs like Scooby as quite common.
- Scooby Doo is a detective dog who is friends with The Mystery Gang. He appeared in The Grand Adventure 2 as the tritagonist.
- This is Scooby Doo's Nation.
- Scooby Dooby Doo is a fictional character from the animated Hannah-Barbera cartoon, Scooby-Doo. He appeared twice in Drawn Together.
- Scooby Doo (also known as Scooby Dooby Doo) is a detective dog who works for Mystery Inc. He was the tritagonist in The Grand Adventure 2.
- Uniquely for a cartoon, Scooby-Doo was filmed live. The Productions Productions production team chose to employ and film the antics of an array of two-dimensional men and women for the show; furthermore, the characters portrayed by these individuals were named after them. This, more than anything else, has given rise to the internet rumour that the show was filmed based on true enough events. Further discussion of this and other rumours --- fallacious, retarded and otherwise --- can be found at the bottom of this article.
- Scooby-Doo (pronuncia Scoubidou) è una serie di cartoni statunitensi per ragazzi nata nel 1969 per puro caso e mai più terminata: vuoi perché "il mistero affascina sempre", vuoi per la leggerezza dei contenuti, vuoi perché con una produzione a basso costo gli studios di Hanna & Barbera incassano fior di quattrini. La serie tratta di un gruppo strampalato - due ragazze, due ragazzi e un cane - con vestiti assurdi che si caccia sempre nei guai. In pratica come la finale di Ballando con le stelle, ma senza Carlucci.
- Scooby Doo – serial animowany produkcji amerykańskiej produkowany dłużej niż Moda na sukces (od 1969 do dziś) i mający z tym serialem wiele wspólnego. Serial wymyślili pracownicy Williama Hanny i Josepha Barbery, którzy przypisali sobie prawa do serialu, a postać Scooby'ego wymyślił Japończyk Iwao Takamoto, bo w końcu tylko Japończyk mógłby wymyślić gadającego psa, którego wszyscy rozumieją. Takie W11 dla dzieci.
- Rhian Salmond reminded Anji Kapoor of Scooby Doo's Velma. (PROSE: The Book of the Still) Pete Tyler compared the Preachers to "Scooby Doo and the gang," indicating that the series also existed on Pete's World. (TV: The Age of Steel) In 2007, Larry Nightingale, upon visiting Wester Drumlins for the first time, compared the spooky mansion to "Scooby-Doo's house". (TV: Blink) When Rhys Williams said that Torchwood Three could hide in the back of his van while he drove up to Harries & Harries' headquarters, Gwen Cooper compared the plan to Scooby-Doo. (TV: Meat)