| - Sonic Youth é unha banda de rock alternativo estadounidense formada en New York no ano 1981. Actualmente é un dos grupos máis respetados e influíntes dentro da escena alternativa. A súa formación actual consiste nos guitarristas Thurston Moore e Lee Ranaldo, a baixista Kim Gordon (os tres fundadores da banda) e o baterista Steve Shelley, que está con eles dende 1985.
- Sonic Youth aus New York, USA, wurde 1981 gegründet. ... Noise Rock ... Sonic Youth ... und haben sich 2011 nach 30 Jahren aufgelöst. Big Respect ! Siehe auch ... PJ Harvey, Mudhoney, ... < Kategorie "Grunge" passt nicht, ist schon klar, aber es gibt grad nix besseres. - Vorschlag willkommen ! -> Bitte auf die Disku-Seite ! >
- thumb|300px|Sonic Youth – Band thumb|right|300 px Sonic Youth aus New York, USA, wurde 1981 gegründet. Die Band hat No Wave und Noise Rock richtung Alternative Rock gemacht. Sonic Youth waren enorm einflussreich, ihr Höhepunkt war Anfang der 1990er. 2011 haben sie sich nach 30 Jahren aufgelöst. Big Respect ! → Siehe auch Butthole Surfers, The Jesus Lizard,
- thumb|Sonic YouthSonic Youth es una banda de rock estadounidense formada en el año 1981 en New York. La banda surgió como un grupo, que tomó influencias del movimiento artístico No Wave, para crear música más asociada a sus propias ideas. Fueron los pioneros de la escena Noise Rock, que influyó decisivamente en el rock alternativo de los 90.
- In Sonic Youth, the Extreme Ghostbusters encounter a Banshee and fail to trap her but things get worse when her sister Syren drains away the youth of her fans and enthralls Roland!
- Sonic Youth was an American rock band from New York City, formed in 1981. The band guest stared in the episode "Homerpalooza." The lineup consisted of:
* Thurston Moore (vocals and guitar)
* Kim Gordon (vocals, bass, guitar)
* Lee Ranaldo (vocals and guitar)
* Steve Shelley (drums),
* Mark Ibold (bass, guitar) In their early career, Sonic Youth was associated with the No Wave art and music scene in New York City.
- Sonic Youth – jedna z piosenek zespołu Crush 40. Nie pojawiła się w żadnej grze z serii Sonic the Hedgehog, ale jest z nią mocno powiązana. Nawiązuje do poprzednich piosenek zespołu, które były wykorzystane w grach z niebieskim jeżem. Powstała ona w hołdzie dla fanów, którzy na przestrzeni lat wspierali zespół.
- Sonic Youth ist ein Lied von Crush 40, welches in keinem Sonic Spiel vorkommt, jedoch an das Sonic-Franchise gebunden ist. Es wird als Annerkennung von Crush 40 für die Unterstützung der Fans betrachtet. Der Song verweist im Text auf mehrere Lieder.
- thumb|right|335 px|sonic youth- crush 40 "Sonic Youth" es una canción dedicada a todos los fanáticos de Sonic , la cual fue incluida en el sencillo Rise Again de Crush 40 . La canción habla de que Sonic nunca morirá, además menciona el nombre de anteriores canciones de Sonic y Crush 40 en forma de cameo.
- Sonic Youth is an American rock band from New York City, formed in 1981. The current lineup consists of Thurston Moore (vocals and guitar), Kim Gordon (vocals, bass, guitar), Lee Ranaldo (vocals and guitar), Steve Shelley (drums), Mark Ibold (bass, guitar) In their early career, Sonic Youth was associated with the No Wave art and music scene in New York City.
- Sonic Youth were among the artists chosen by Peel to take part in the 1998 Meltdown festival. The band had been played on his show as far back as 1983 and recorded three sessions during the 1980s, including one devoted to Fall covers (although one song had originally been by the Kinks before being tackled by Peel’s favourite band). JP appreciated Sonic Youth’s liking for unexpected covers and played several by them during his July 1991 cover version shows, including one of a Madonna track by side project ‘Ciccone Youth.’
- Sonic Youth is an American rock band from New York City, formed in 1981. The current lineup consists of Thurston Moore (vocals and guitar), Kim Gordon (vocals, bass, guitar), Lee Ranaldo (vocals and guitar), Steve Shelley (drums), Mark Ibold (bass, guitar) In their early career, Sonic Youth was associated with the No Wave art and music scene in New York City. Part of the first wave of American noise rock groups, the band carried out their interpretation of the hardcore punk ethos throughout the evolving American underground that focused more on the DIY ethic of the genre rather than its specific sound. As a result, some consider Sonic Youth as pivotal in the rise of the alternative rock and indie rock movements. The band has experienced success and critical acclaim throughout the last thre
- [[Dosiero:Moonlander.jpg|thumb|181px|Moonlander, Lee Ranaldo, Sonic Youth, Yuri Landman, 2007]] Sonic Youth (Sona Juneco) estas usona rokgrupo, organizita 1981 en Novjorko. Dum unuaj jaroj la grupo estis identigita kun Novjorka arta kaj muzika movado No Wave (Ne Ondo, kontraŭ New Wave, Nova Ondo). Malgraŭ tio movado malaperis post mallonga tempo, Sonic Youth kontinuis evoluigi ilian stilon en direktojn de punko kaj rok-muziko kaj iĝis unu da plej gravaj grupoj de alternativ-muziko. Sonic Youth estas speciale sciata pro malordinaraj gitaraj bruoj kaj sintonizoj. Anoj: Eksanoj:
- Sonic Youth are an American free-art-rock-avant-punk-core-jazz-garde musical group from New York City, USA. They are kind of a Rock band, if you want to be so glib. Signed to an Earth-based record company, Sonic Youth have released ten-thousand full length records in their long, long career, growing in popularity in the 1990s with their explosive collaborations with Public Enemy and Will Smith. The band experiment with an array of alternative tunings for their guitars and alter the sound by inserting various objects, such as drumsticks, into the strings, and seemingly down Kim Gordon's throat.