Lenalee Lee is the main female protagonist of the anime/manga series D.Gray-man. She is an Exorcist for the Black Order and the younger sister of Chief Komui Lee. She is also the first (and, for a while, only) person in the Order to show protagonist Allen Walker any kindness, technically making her his first friend. She is voiced by Shizuka Ito in the Japanese version of the anime and Luci Christian in the English version. In the English version of D.Gray-man Hallow, she is voiced by Ai Kakuma, who also voices Rossweisse.
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- Lenalee Lee
- Lenalee Lee
| - Lenalee Lee is the main female protagonist of the anime/manga series D.Gray-man. She is an Exorcist for the Black Order and the younger sister of Chief Komui Lee. She is also the first (and, for a while, only) person in the Order to show protagonist Allen Walker any kindness, technically making her his first friend. She is voiced by Shizuka Ito in the Japanese version of the anime and Luci Christian in the English version. In the English version of D.Gray-man Hallow, she is voiced by Ai Kakuma, who also voices Rossweisse.
- Lenalee Lee (リナリー・リー,Rinarī Rī) is one of the main characters of D.Gray-Man. She is an Exorcist and member of the European Branch of the Black Order.Lenalee was the assistant Branch Chief of the European Branch. She is also the younger sister of the Black Order's Chief Officer, Komui Lee. Previously from Marian Unit Lenalee belongs to Nine Unit
- Lenalee es una reciente mutante, o como en su pais se llama gente con poderes de dios. Ella es de nacionalidad china pero debido a sus poderes mutante se vio obligada a marcharse de su pais para asi poder ir a la academia mutante del profesor X. Categoría:En construccion Categoría:X-Men Categoría:Mutantes
- Born in China, Lenalee cannot remember her parents as they were killed by Akuma when she was still very young. Lenalee has completely suppressed her memories of her parents due to the shock from their deaths. From then on she was raised by her older brother Komui, who is extremely doting even up through the present. It wasn't long after her parents' deaths that Lenalee's life was turned upside down again, when the Black Order discovered she was the Accommodator of the Dark Boots. Lenalee was taken from Komui and confined to the Order's headquarters for three years. She resented being taken from her brother and resisted the Orders attempts to train her in the use of the Black Boots, finding them heavy and painful to wear. Her only refuge was when she'd spend time with Kanda.
- "Der Charakter war schon sehr früh fertig entworfen, so wie Allen. Vielleicht sogar noch vor Allen. Ich habe ziemlich lange über dem Design für die Ordenskleidung eines Mädchen gesessen. Aber mit dem Ergebnis bin ich sehr zufrieden. Auch Lenalee gibt es ein Vorbild aus der Wirklichkeit. Mein Redakteur hat gelacht, als er gehört hat, wer das ist, dewegen verrat ich es niemanden mehr. Das hab ich geschworen!" Lenalee Lee ist ein Exorzist des Schwarzen Ordens der Kirche und die Schwester von Komui Lee.
- Categoría:Personajes Lenalee Lee 「(リナリー・リー, Rinarī Rī ?」 es una Exorcista perteneciente a la División Europea de la Orden Negra. Ella es la hermana menor del director de la Orden, Komui Lee. A pesar de su pasado, Lenalee ha demostrado que ella puede tener la convicción de echar las cosas que le dan miedo a un lado para luchar para defender a su familia, después de haber prometido a su Inocencia y a Dios que iba a luchar por todo el tiempo que se lo pidieran mientras que pueda volver al lado de su hermano (esta convicción llevó a la cristalización de su Inocencia), llegando a estar dispuesta a dejar que Hevlaska le implante la Inocencia en su cuerpo para tratar de forzar una sincronización, a pesar de haber tenido una tasa de sincronización por debajo del diez por ciento la última vez que
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type of hero
| - Exorcist, Athletic Amazon, Protector, Determinator
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| - Controlar su fuerza fisica y duplicarla, Velocidad, Capacidad de controlar la gravedad
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