| - Alex skinny-shamed Evanne. HayliNic subscribed to the channel and raided the show! Alex made a machine that intercepts telemarketers and insults them. It worked for one call, but then it rejected a call from a talent agent who got so cheesed off that he sent Jerry (Corrado) to rough him up. Then it took a call from his grandma, who then died of buttcheekitis. Alex fat-shamed some people in a Pile video. Alex shot Yaniv dead with a paintball gun. Alex called Dr. Butts to revive him, but he didn't come. Then they played a clip of his death in Episode 139. Evanne had a vision of Dr. Butts which said "On the third day, he will rise." Alex took Evanne on a date and they both wore "hammer hands." They colored (non-boiled) Easter eggs, drank wine, and ate spaghetti with their hammer hands. Alex called an end to the date when Evanne "finished her salad," which involved pulverizing a cucumber and an eggplant. In The Rundown, Alex and Evanne discussed:
* YouTube working on a Periscope competitor called YouTube Connect
* A Blu-Ray version of The Force Awakens showed up on torrent sites
* Microsoft's TayTweets AI turned into a racist within a day
* Sony bringing IPs to mobile devices
* An NX controller picture leaked Alex showed edits by LoafOfHamm, Skataneric, JesTr82, and a few others. He also submissions to the KevCap edit contest and announced Hunter as the winner! The show closed out with TPOTSWIC.