| - Manjula is Apu's wife and mother of their eight children. She is 35 years old; the same age as her husband Apu.
- Kategorie:Charakter Manjula Nahasapeemapetilon ist die Frau von Apu Nahasapeemapetilon Sie mag grüne Tomaten als Buch, Film und Essen. Zudem kann sie aus den Zutaten Kichererbsen, Linsen und Reis viele verschiedene Gerichte zubereiten. Sie ist mit den Simpsons befreundet.
- Manjula Nahasapeemapetilon is a major heroine from TV Series, "The Simpsons" Manjula is Apu's wife and mother of their eight children. For a reference of Manjula's age refer to episode see, Much Apu About Nothing. She is often seen wearing a red dress, yellow shoes and gold jewellery. She also appeared in "The Simpsons Movie". She also appeared in "The Simpsons: Tapped Out". She is voiced by the late Jan Hooks and currently voiced by Tress MacNeille.
- right|200px Manjula Nahasapeemapetilon è la moglie di Apu (da cui ha preso il cognome), promessagli sin dall'infanzia: inizialmente il proprietario del Jet Market, contrario ai matrimoni combinati, non volle sposarla e fece finta di essersi già accasato con Marge, ma quando la vide se ne innamorò perdutamente e cambiò idea.