| - Mountain giants were a breed of brutish giants given to acts of cruelty.
- The Mountain Giant is a Norse Myth Unit available once the player's civilization worships Njord at the Heroic Age, or Hel in the Mythic Age.
- Apart from being trained, these beasts can also be used to automatically defend Goblin Fortresses, in a Giant Sentry Expansion.
- Race: giant Alignment: chaotic evil Armor class: 20 Hit points: 102 Attack bonus: +16/+11 Damage: 2d6 +7 (club) Hit dice (level): 12 Challenge rating: 10 Size: large Trained skills:(‡) spot (4) Feats: armor proficiency (light), armor proficiency (medium), cleave, darkvision, power attack, weapon focus (club), weapon proficiency (creature), weapon proficiency (simple)
- Mountain giants are colossal creatures, crafted by the titans when the world was young, composed of living stone and stout flora. Benevolent and solitary by nature, the mountain giants have awakened to find that the tranquil world they once helped to shape has become a hectic battlefield of fire and sorrow. Now the mountain giants have pledged their courage and strength to the night elves' cause — and stand ready to banish the last remnants of the Burning Legion from the world. These massive melee units can take incredible amounts of punishment from attackers.