| - Jet is a French nobleman invited to the birthday party of Garnet, son of the Marquess of an estate bordering the character very fierce and bloody (it is a lover of hunting).Its name comes from the jet, a mineraloide of plant origin from which you can get gems. It has a minor role in the story, acting only expedient to meet Flourite and Degel, when the young waitress (in a moment of distraction) pours the wine for revenge and he begins to abuse her, saying that should clean it with his own blood. He is stopped by with his Degel Koliso (especially to be noticed only by Flourite) fell unconscious shortly after.
- El jet es una droga altamente adictiva sintetizada por Myron, que aparece en Fallout 2 y Fallout 3. Se administra por vía respiratoria con un inhalador y según el propio Myron, procede de los gases de los excrementos de Brahmán.
- Jet is a gift in Fable, Fable: The Lost Chapters, Fable II, and Fable III. It is a piece of fossilized wood that can be purchased by a jeweller in Fable II. It resembles a black gem and it can also be sold for Gold.
- Jet is the second Japanese opening of Beyblade: V-Force. It is sung by Fairy Force.
- Categoría:Plantilla de personaje viejaJet es un personaje del manga y anime Saint Seiya conocido como Los Caballeros del Zodiaco, Jet es un invitado a la fiesta de cumpleaños de Garnet de Vouivre.
- The specifications of the Jet are classified at the highest levels. The highly modified ship functions as a deep-space mobile command centre, a personal transport and a diplomatic vehicle.
- Nothing's been written about Jet yet! Maybe you'd like to be the first?
- Jet, ook wel bekend als Marion Strumpel is een voormalig lid van de Habbo Staff in Nederland. Op 1 mei 2011 werd het Nederlandse Sulake kantoor gesloten i.v.m. bezuinigingen. Lotus is het nieuwe manager!
- Jet (ジェット Jetto), whose real name is Sarusuke (サルスケ Sarusuke), is a Mage of the Fairy Tail Guild and a member of its team Shadow Gear.
- Jet is a pilot in the Rock Raiders which appeared in a total of 7 sets.
- Jet is from Pallet Town and is now traveling with his childhood friend Ash. Unlike his friend, Jet wants to catch as many Pokemon as he can. As a kid, Jet spent time learning how to train pokemon from Simon Lee Wong. He taught Jet everything he needed to know. Below are Jet's Pokemon that he captured and befriended.
- Jet was a variant of bituminous coal that could be cut into fancy stones.
- Hair color: Black with a purple highlight Eye color: Purple Design: Refer to concept art Nationality/Race: Japanese Canadian
- Aoki Masaumi (青木(あおき) 将海(まさうみ)), also known as Jet (ジェット), is a scout character.
- Jet (born July 1, 1980 in Lexington, KY File:MiniUnitedStatesFlag.jpg) is an American professional wrestler preforming for Global Wrestling Alliance, a developmental federation for Christian Championship Wrestling, where he is the co- World Tag Team Champion.
- Jet was Captain and Commanding officer of the USS Shark in the late 24th century. He kept a suspicious eye on the USS Phoenix-X as he had an inkling of the true nature of the vessel. Unfortunately, he was never actually able to prove it. (Star Trek: Phoenix-X)
- Jets are the main vehicles used by the United States Air Force, Navy, and the North Korean Air Force. They are seen in Crysis and Crysis Warhead. They cannot be used by the player.
- Jet controls demons and has power in the underworld where the dead walk. It averts the Evil Eye. It cures snakebite. It prevents poisoning.
- Jet (ジェット, Jetto) is a Bounty Hunter currently operating in the Grand Line who is the partner and, if rumor is to be believed, lover of the exiled Kuja, Boa Dahlia. He has consumed the Paramecia-type Devil Fruit known as the Shu Shu no Mi, that allows him to cover himself in an energy shroud that can be used in a number of ways, both offensively and defensively, making him a "Shrouded-Man".
- Toen Jet acht jaar oud was werden zijn ouders gedood door de Ruige Rhino's. Daardoor groeit Jet op als iemand die steeds wraak wilt nemen, en ook makkelijk onschuldige levens neemt. Dit gebeurt vooral bij mensen die van de vuurnatie zijn, hoewel hij ook gauw mensen uitschakelt die hem dwarszitten. Hij verzint zelfs leugens om mensen schuldig te doen lijken.
- JET is a nightclub at The Mirage in Las Vegas.
- Jet is a journalist and cameraman.
- Jet is a long-haired black tom.
- thumb|400pxJet, более известный как 747 — авиалайнер в игре Grand Theft Auto V. Это первый управляемый широкофюзеляжный самолет во Вселенной HD и второй после AT-400 в Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas. Самолет присутствует только в одиночной игре. Он используется несколькими авиакомпаниями и часто встречается в Международном аэропорту Лос-Сантос. Аналогичный самолет также появлялся в Grand Theft Auto IV, но он служит лишь как декоративный элемент. Основой этого самолёта является Boeing 747-400.
- A jet is a type of airplane that runs on a jet engine. Wonder Woman had an invisible jet.
- JET is a rock band from Melbourne, Australia composed of Cameron Muncey, Mark Wilson, and brothers Nic and Chris Cester. The group has sold 4 million records worldwide; with their debut album Get Born, released in 2003, accounting for about 3.5 million of that figure.
- Jet is a highly addictive drug first synthesized by Myron. It is extracted from brahmin dung fumes and administered via an inhaler.
- Kirby wird zu Jet-Kirby, wenn er einen Jetset oder einen Jetset 2.0 einsaugt. Als Jet-Kirby hat er ein Jetpack auf dem Rücken, mit dem er schneller nach oben fliegen kann. Er greift an, indem er durch sein Jetpack vorschnellt und einen Tritt ausführt. Er kann auch Energie aufladen und einen riesigen Jetangriff starten, bei welchem er vorschnellt und dann eine Energiewelle freisetzt, oder er führt mit der Energie einen Raketen-Sprung aus, der ihn extrem schnell nach oben befördert und Feinde über ihm verletzt.
- Jet war ein Freiheitskämpfer, der während des Hundertjährigen Krieges gegen die Feuernation kämpfte.
- Jet (sometimes called Jet Shuriken) is a Wind Move Card.
- With this ability, Kirby wears a hat with jet-plane wings, with a big jet rocket attached on the back, and gets some shades on the front that drop down to protect his eyes. He uses this ability to hover for a long time and also get a speed boost while in midair. This ability also appeared in Kirby Super Star's Gourmet Race sub-game in the Onion Garden course. It can only be obtained through the third copy pedestal towards the start of the level. Jet also appears as a Mode for Robobot Armor in Kirby: Planet Robobot.
- jet are a too thigs: airplane or musik band. the musik baned is laud and i think anoying but daddy lieks it especially when he's with jennifer.
- Jet redirige aquí. Para las historias por Jet, véase Jet (Anime). 1.
* REDIRECCIÓN Jet es una region muy grande en forma de avion con varias islas a la derecha, muchos secretos , muchas cavernas, 8 gimnasios, un portal donde se puede viajar a otras regiones y mucho mas. Se ubica al occidente de todas las regiones, y tiene gran conexion con estas. Es la region que tiene mas pokemon nativos, con algo mas de 180. Es la region principal de la Tercera GeneracionN.
- Jet makes no appearances interacting with AiAi other than in the Super Monkey Ball 3D trailer, so not much is known about him. In the trailer, he snatches a banana AiAi wanted, and then fights AiAi over a Banana Bunch. This showcases, along with his description, that he may like bananas as much as AiAi. He is only playable in Super Monkey Ball 3D's Monkey Race and Monkey Fight.
- Aliases: Rach Age: 21 Gender: Female Alignment: Good Race: Metahuman Goal: To protect innocents, get revenge on Adrian Geigilherz and bring equality to humans and metahumans
- One of the characters in the holosuite program Julian Bashir, Secret Agent, named Mona Luvsitt, was an accomplished Cold War-era jet pilot. (DS9: "Our Man Bashir") During the 1960s, the US Air Force employed jets to protect its 498th Air Base in Omaha, Nebraska. (TOS: "Tomorrow is Yesterday" ) In the mirror universe, various jet fighters and bombers were used in the establishment and enforcement of the Terran Empire during its 20th century. (ENT: "In a Mirror, Darkly")
- From [[w:|]][[Category: derivations|Jet]] jet, [[w:|]][[Category: derivations|Jet]] get giet, [[w:|]][[Category: derivations|Jet]] iactus (“‘a throwing, a throw’”) from iacere (“‘to throw’”). See abject, ejaculate, gist, jess, jut.
- The Jet is a wide-body airliner featured in Grand Theft Auto V and Grand Theft Auto Online, albeit only being briefly seen as an uncontrollable vehicle in the latter. Similar 747-based jets were also prominent in Grand Theft Auto IV, but they were only present as scenic props and couldn't be interacted with in any way.
- thumb|left|Dom Jeta atakuje Narod Ognia Młody Jet ma głęboki żal do Narodu Ognia z powodu ataku Bandy Nosorożców, którzy zabili jego rodziców, gdy miał osiem lat i zobaczył, jak jego ludzie są spalani. Od tego dnia, zaczął gardzić Narodem Ognia i poświęcił swoje życie, aby zatrzymać go w każdy możliwy sposób, nawet kosztem niewinnych ludzi. Przez lata, Jet tworzy grupę młodych sierot Bojownicy o wolność z Królestwo Ziemi, którzy zostali wysiedleni z Narodu Ognia. On i jego zespół spędzili kilka dni na zasadzkę żołnierzy Narodu Ognia i migrantów na obrzeżach tętniącego życiem miasta, mieszka w domkach na drzewie. Jakiś czas przed spotkaniem drużyna Emblemat, opracował plan, aby usunąć obecność Narodu Ognia w lesie, aby zniszczyć tamy, zalewając miasto zajęty.
- Please check out Hexadecimal Chart to see what codes are available to name. The hexadecimal code that matches this color is 23261D
- Jet is an achievement in Ratchet & Clank: Before the Nexus. To gain the achievement, use the Jetpack 10 times.
- Jet sinks in Water because the impact pushes the Water away and Jet goes into the gap. The Water below the gap is pushed away and Jet sinks deeper. Another way to provide thrust on your creations is a Baker Drive.
- Jet är en form av framdrivningsenhet som Gadmeer använder till sin terraformare. Terraformaren har 14 jet motorer. (SG1: "Stargate SG-1: The DVD Collection 25")kategori:Gadmeer teknologikategori:Drift teknologi
- Jet ist eine Droge mit hohem Suchtpotential, die als erstes von Myron synthetisiert wurde. Es wird aus den Gasen von Brahmin-Dung extrahiert und mit Hilfe eines Inhalators eingenommen.
- Il devait apparaître dans le cross-over Mario & Sonic aux Jeux Olympiques, mais a été retiré de la version finale pour des raisons inconnues. Cependant, ses données restent toujours dans le jeu et il peut être utilisé en piratant le jeu.
- Jet es una Habilidad de copia que solo aparece en Kirby Super Star, Kirby Super Star Ultra y Kirby: Planet Robobot. También aparece en Kirby: Right Back at Ya!. Con esta habilidad, Kirby lleva un jetpack para volar alto como un cohete y usar poderes supersónicos para aturdir enemigos. Normalmente se usa para ir rápido a algún lugar pero no es recomendable usarlo en lugares con muchos enemigos ya que al chocar te quedas vulnerable aunque no sea por mucho tiempo puede ser suficiente para que un enemigo te de el golpe de suerte. Al mantener apretado "B" cargas el cohete. Además te permite volar mejor usando sus propulsores (cosa que se mejora mas en Kirby: Planet Robobot).
- El Jet es un avión de pasajeros que aparece en Grand Theft Auto V. Es hasta el momento, el segundo vehículo controlable más grande en el juego, siendo mínimamente superado por el Avión de carga.
- Jets are tools implanted into an androids body allowing them to fly faster than the speed of sound. Gero Shirogane uses them to increase the speed of his punches as he has one on the back of each shoulder and at the base of his spine. Gero also has two built into each of his feet.
- Originally just one of the J-Team possessing a load of special material designed by Sara, Jet spent some time in Carmilla's Hell of Flesh. Her inability to rejoin with Jade is result of a curse she received there. Now, instead of depending on Jade's charges, she obtains energy to survive like a succubus. During her infernal adventure, she unlocked her power as a shapeshifter. Her status is still up in the air. I'm calling her a student for the moment, although that might not be accurate.
- "Jet" is the tenth episode of Avatar: The Last Airbender.
- Jet is a male Pixie NPC Merchant that can be found in Seaside. Jet sells Warrior Job related items, and was introduced in game on the update of October 1, 2013.
- Der Jet ist ein Baum, der sehr wahrscheinlich auf Sanghelios endemisch ist, da die Sangheili aus seinem Holz antike Gegenstände schnitzen, die Jahrtausende bestehen können und deswegen vermutlich aus der Zeit vor der Allianz stammen und nicht von anderen Allianzrassen später importiert wurden. Grosse Tische können in einem Stück aus Jet geschnitzt werden, weshalb der Baum wahrscheinlich einen sehr breiten Stamm besitzt. Das Holz ist sehr robust, so dass es problemlos tausende Jahre standhält und erhält mit der Zeit durch Abnutzung einen satinschwarzen Glanz.
- Jet is one of the Rocket Brothers, lead by his big brother Rocket.
- Strips included...
* "Adare's Anglians"
* "Bala The Briton"
* "Bertie Bumpkin"
* "Bonehead"
* "Crazy Car Capers"
* "Carno's Cadets"
* "Faceache"
* "Kester Kid"
* "The Kids of Stalag"
* "Paddy McGinty's Goat"
* "Partridge's Patch"
* "Sergeants Four"
* "The Sludgemouth Sloggers"
* "Von Hoffman's Invasion"
- Jets are enemies in Shining Force: The Legacy of Great Intention and Resurrection of the Dark Dragon.
- Jet fue el líder adolescente de un grupo de niños refugiados del Reino Tierra que se hicieron llamar los Luchadores Libertadores. Cuando Jet sólo tenía ocho años de edad, fue testigo de la muerte de sus padres a manos de los soldados de la Nación del Fuego conocidos como los Rinocerontes Rudos. Jet creció hasta convertirse en un experto de las espadas gancho, poseyendo un odio ardiente por la Nación del Fuego y yendo a extremos para promulgar su venganza, incluso hasta el punto de poner en peligro vidas inocentes en un ataque a un pueblo pequeño de la Nación del Fuego.
- Jet was the leader of the Gulls. Jet offered to help out at Dal's farm in exchange for antidote for her tribe to combat the virus that had been sweeping through the city. She and the Gulls cornered Dal on his way back from the farm and accused him of forcing them to work despite the fact the antidote wasn't needed anymore. She and Ebony's militia organised a lynch mob against the Mallrats until Ebony talked them out of it. Later, she sent some of her tribe to Dal's farm to help out as a way of apology. She also sent a letter to Dal to apologise and tell him that she "really liked" him.
- The Jet is a type of chip that can be programmed to act like a rocket. It is commonly used in planes, and sometimes even boats. Some cars use it as a boost mechanism. It can be programmed to act as an air balloon, and also as a hydrogen balloon. If a jet is on option=0, it can be programmed to eject smoke, at increasing levels 0 to 4. Additional notes:
- Alias No information Origin No information Occupation No information Powers/Skills No information Hobby No information Goals No information Type of Villain No information Jet is a teenage rogue who serves as a minor antagonist (sometimes anti-hero) in Avatar: The Last Airbender. His major motivation is a xenophobic hatred of the denizens of the Fire Nation, who stems from a tragedy in his childhood, when the Fire Nation burned down his home and killed his parents.
- Jet / Celia Windward Jet is a woman who was one of the "chosen" by the extra terrestrial Guardians and Zamorans to become a super-human being to usher in the new millennium. First a member of the Guardians and later the leader of the newly created Global Guardians. Origin The Guardian Herupa Hando Hu and the Zamaron Nadia Safir came to Earth to find ten people to propel Earth into the new millennium. The only problem was that they were very bitter about how they were treated after the Guardians abandoned them after forming the Green Lantern Corps. The Manhunters lied in wait for centuries waiting for this moment, having sleeper agents all over the universe including Earth and they did everything they could to stop Herupa and Nadia from fulfilling their duty. Celia Windward was the fifth to
- When Jet was only eight years old, he witnessed his parents' deaths at the hands of the Fire Nation soldiers known as the Rough Rhinos. Jet grew up to become a hook sword-wielding vigilante, possessing a burning hatred for the Fire Nation and going to extreme lengths to exact his revenge, even to the point of endangering innocent lives in a raid of a small Fire Nation-occupied Earth Kingdom town.
- The creators of the Green Lantern Corps, the Guardians of the Universe, had planned to create their successors, a race of new Guardians. The Guardians foresaw that their successors were destined to originate on the planet Earth, so they channeled their vast powers into the "Millennium Project," gathering ten individuals together, teaching them about the nature of the cosmos and endowing them with immortality and metahuman powers. One of these was Celia Windward, a young Jamaican woman living in Great Britain, to whom the Guardians gave the power to control electromagnetic energies.[1] She became Jet, and joined the other heroes the Guardians had made in the team named (appropriately enough) the New Guardians. Jet fought many foes, but contracted a lethal disease fighting the "Hemo-Goblin".
- Jet is ORCA's special self-customized Arms Forts and represents a deadly foe for an average NEXT who doesn't know his weak point. Jet is the smallest AF encountered in the game; it's black and tapered, and it's armed with small Hi-laser cannons hidden in the blue-brighting points and large scale laser blades who are wielded in the welds of the various pieces of the AF.
- Jet è un nobile francese invitato alla festa di compleanno di Garnet, figlio del marchese di un feudo confinante dal carattere molto feroce e sanguinolento (è infatti un amante della caccia). Il suo nome deriva dal giaietto, un mineraloide di origine vegetale da cui è possibile ricavare gioielli.
- JET(Joint Europen Torus,1984-현재) 는 유럽연합의 대형 토카막이다. 영국 옥스포드샤이어의 컬햄 연구소에 있는 JET, 대형 토카막 JET 진공용기의 내부 표면의 대부분은 탄소 타일로 덮여 있다. 알려진 토카막으로는 일본의 JT-60U 토카막, 유럽 연합의 유럽 공동연구 토러스(JET), 독일의 ASDEX-U, 미국의 DIII-D 등이 있다. 국내에서도 카이스트에 소형 토카막인 KAIST-TOKAMAK이 있다. 토카막은 1960년대 소련의 쿠르차토프연구소에서 처음으로 개발된 것이다. 1990년대 들어서는, 유럽에서는 EU가 건설한 세계 최대의 토카막인 JET에서 1991년 중수소(D):삼중 수소(T)=9:1 비율의 혼합 연료를 쓴 세계 최초의 D-T 핵융합 실험이 성공했다. 1991년 JET에서 세계 최초로 중수소와 삼중수소를 사용한 1MW 열 에너지 방출의 핵융합 실험의 성공하였고 최초로 1.7 MW 의 전력을 얻는 데 성공하였다. 일본의 ‘JT60’, 미국의 ‘TFTR’ 등도 이와 같은 수준의 성과를 올렸다. 1997년 대형토카막 JET에서 16MW 핵융합 에너지를 달성했다.
- Jet was the teenaged leader of a band of refugee Earth Kingdom children called the Freedom Fighters. When Jet was eight years old, he witnessed his parents' deaths at the hands of Fire Nation soldiers. Jet grew up to become a sword-wielding vigilante, possessing a burning hatred for the Fire Nation and going to extreme lengths to enact his revenge, endangering innocent lives.