| - Erbin the Beggar God Divine Rank: varies Symbol: Extended hand with palm cupped like a beggar Alignment: Neutral Evil Worshippers: Assassins, fighters, rogues and beggars Weapon: Dagger Domains: Destruction, Evil, Trickery Dogma, Clergy, and Temples: Erbin has no dedicated “churchâ€â€”he does not care for followers, worshippers, or clergy. He instead focuses his attention on those who mistreated him as a mortal, and on those who continue to mistreat the unfortunate now that he’s a deity. Many a beggar has threatened passersby with Erbin’s wrath if they did not give, and give generously.
| - Erbin the Beggar God Divine Rank: varies Symbol: Extended hand with palm cupped like a beggar Alignment: Neutral Evil Worshippers: Assassins, fighters, rogues and beggars Weapon: Dagger Domains: Destruction, Evil, Trickery As a deity, Erbin appears much as he did in life. He is a human male who stands 5'2" tall and wears tattered rags under a shabby cloak. His feet are bare and filthy, his face spattered with open sores. One hand clutches his cloak around him, and the other constantly reaches out, begging for coins. A fringe of lank gray hair circles the crown of his skull, and a greasy, unkempt beard hangs from his chin. Dogma, Clergy, and Temples: Erbin has no dedicated “churchâ€â€”he does not care for followers, worshippers, or clergy. He instead focuses his attention on those who mistreated him as a mortal, and on those who continue to mistreat the unfortunate now that he’s a deity. Many a beggar has threatened passersby with Erbin’s wrath if they did not give, and give generously.