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- TV Guide included him in their 2013 list of The 60 Nastiest Villains of All Time.
- Sylar è un secchione con tendenze emo, che raccogliendo i cervelli di persone apparentemente normali che alla fine erano veramente normali, ha ottenuto il nobel in neurologia.
- Sylar is the leading villian in the series Heroes Sylar kills most of his victims by cutting their heads open at first it was thought that he eats brains but it was later shown that he does'nt.Sylar is shown to have a soft side in many episodes as he turns good and then goes back to doing his dirty deeds and in the end he turns good for ever as he helps Peter save the world.
- Sylar is a superhuman from the TV show Heroes. He has the ability of Intuitive Aptitude (to understand how things work by just looking at them), but his power comes with a 'hunger' (as it is called in the show) for other peoples powers. Originally, he had to cut his victim's scalps off and examine their brains to take their powers, but he eventually "worked out" that he can duplicate powers of people without killing them. He continued to kill his victims however, as he found it enjoyable. He serves as the primary antagonist of the first season, and later a recurring primary antagonist of the rest of the series, up until the end of the fourth season, where he redeems himself and becomes a protagonist. Overall, he is the (former) primary antagonist of the series.
- Gabriel Gray alias Sylar (nom qu'il a adopté du marquage de sa montre) était un simple restaurateur d'horloge qui désirait toujours être quelqu'un de spécial. Chandra Suresh vint à lui, l'identifiant comme le « Patient Zéro » dans ses recherches et lui révéla l'existence des humains évolués. Découvrant son pouvoir d’aptitude intuitive, il réalisa qu'il pouvait apprendre comment les pouvoirs fonctionnaient et comment en acquérir d'autres. Sylar devint un serial killer, ayant pour cible les autres humains évolués afin de leur voler leurs cerveaux et acquérir leurs pouvoirs. Sylar est poussé par une « faim » incontrôlable qu'il n'a jamais pu surmonter. Une fois enfin neutralisé, son souvenir en tant que Sylar fut effacé par Matt Parkman, qui utilisa son pouvoir de changement d'apparence contr