| - Black demons originate on Infernus, where they were called Alyaroth, as the other demons seen in Gielinor do. They are part of the Avernic race, which were tribal and primitive, and slaves to whoever was ruling Infernus at the time. At the time of Palkeera's memory of the realm, they were enslaved by the cannibalistic Chthonians, who were unable to consume the Avernics for some reason. Among the Avernic demons, the Tsutsaroth were the dominant tribe, ruling over the Alyaroth and Byzroth in a brutal manner.
- Black Demons are the hardest Demon in their race. They are considered the best Monster for Slayer tasks because they require a Slayer level of 1 while giving off massive amounts of experience. They can be found in Taverly Dungeon through; Dungeon Teleports > More.. (to the very end) > Taverly Dungeon. Once inside the dungeon, follow the path until you come across them. If you have 60 agility, you can take the shortcut to the left (immediately after teleporting in) and then continue on forwards to them in moments.
- A black demon is defeated during The Grand Tree. This demon can be re-fought in the Nightmare Zone after the quest has been completed. Demonic gorillas, Balfrug Kreeyath, Skotizo, Kolodion's final form as well as the demons of Light, Balance and Darkness can be killed in place of black demons in regards to a Slayer assignment. Black demons can be safespotted with Magic or Ranged in all of their locations.
- thumb Black Demon on musta demoni, jonka taistelutaso on 172. Se on vain jäsenille ja se voi iskeä maksimissaan 160 eikä siltä voi saada poisonia. Koska Black Demon on demoni, siihen vaikuttavat miekat Silverlight ja Darklight. Black demon käyttää vain meleetä ja on voimakkaampi kuin Greater demon. Black demonin life pointsit ovat 1570.
- By Acidic~ Info: Black Demons, found ontop of a mysterious mountain and first killed by Acidic, drop nothing. Location: tele 03085,03567 Drops: Nothing - how do you know you were the first to kill it?
- Black Demons are monsters that appear in Atelier Rorona: The Alchemist of Arland, Atelier Totori: The Adventurer of Arland and Atelier Meruru: The Apprentice of Arland.
- Black demons are one of the strongest demons that inhabit multiple dungeons throughout RuneScape Classic. They are quite dangerous and caution should be taken if you are fighting them. A level 175 black demon is fought during the Grand Tree quest.
- Black demons originate on Infernus, where they were called Alyaroth, as do the other demons seen in Gielinor. They are part of the Avernic race, which were tribal and primitive, and slaves to whoever was ruling Infernus at the time. At the time of Palkeera's memory of the realm, they were enslaved by the cannibalistic Chthonians, who were unable to consume the Avernics for some reason. Among the Avernic demons, the Tsutsaroth were the dominant tribe, ruling over the Alyaroth and Byzroth in a brutal manner.
- Black demons zijn grote demons die in dungeons over heel RuneScape leven. Ze gebruiken melee aanvallen waarmee ze tot 160 op een speler of tot 200 op een familiar kunnen hitten. Ze zijn veel sterker dan hun Greater demon broers en worden vaak toegewezen door Sumona, Duradel en Kuradal als Slayer opdrachten. Er moet rekening mee gehouden worden dat Black demons best vaak kleine aantallen munten droppen, het vermoorden van Black Demons om enige andere reden dan een Slayer opdracht is de moeite meestal niet waard. Veel spelers annuleren Black demons permanent via het Slayer reward points systeem, hoewel ze zeer effectief geslacht kunnen worden en daarom door sommige mensen niet geblockt worden, om ruimte te houden voor andere monsters. De opdracht kost vaak veel tijd, maar geeft een aanzienli