| - Not much is know of Abel's past, when his name first came to the attention of authorities he was working for the most nefarious gang in Lower Coruscant and had been working for them for a very long time. If the gang needed information from someone, Abel was their man. An expert in gathering information by any means from manipulation to torture, so infamous was he that the criminal underworld only spoke his name in whispers and hushed tones. For a long while no knowledge could escape him and none were left to speak his name, so Abel was mostly unknown to the public of Coruscant, only rumors lingered. Abel quickly rose through the ranks of the gang and through twisted words and misinformation managed to usurp the current leader and place himself in the seat of power in his stead. He proved to be an effective leader and a devious and cunning strategist when co-ordinating his underlings. Once established as their leader he began twisting the gangs purposes to his own, as above all Abel desired knowledge and through that; power. A traitor in the gang brought Mr.Haines to the attention of the rest of Coruscant; vids were leaked, some of which contained gruesome content. It was then the authorities began a manhunt for Abel, who could now be linked to a huge backlog of unsolved murders from lowly thugs to esteemed businessmen. Yet his work continued. The authorities were chasing a trail of bloodied corpses, yet never catching the one leaving them. The chase continued for years, with the trail going cold for a few months and then a corpse suddenly popping up as if Abel was taunting them. This game of cat and mouse came to an abrupt end when the authorities cornered Haines and almost captured the criminal who had eluded them for years. But Abel proved to be just as effecient with his hands as he was with his mind and disarmed and defeated the squad they had sent for him. He decided it was time to leave Coruscant, the gang and his bloody trail behind. There was only so much he could gain from his small criminal enterprise and he had bled it dry. For a time Abel used his various criminal contacts to get work offplanet and found himself not truly satisfied anymore with his work. It lacked purpose and direction. An artist without inspiration. Abel could never lose the enjoyment he got from what he did but he desired a far greater cause and far more power. Abel thought of the Sith, he had always desired to enter their ranks as he shared a great many ideologies that they followed. They also wielded power he hungered for and possessed knowledge he had chased after for many years. It was only now, when he had cut his ties with (most of) his criminal endeavors did he feel he could offer his services to the fold and dedicate himself to furthering the ideals of the Sith and his own goals. For good or worse, his future lay in the halls of the Sith Empire.. ====Family==== None Revealed. ===Training and Abilities=== ====Disciple==== My character was trained by Darth Proeliator. My character was trained in the following force skills and abilities: ====Sith Warrior==== My character gained the rank of Sith Warrior on [insert link to promotion thread here]. My character was trained in the following force skills and abilities: *Here you can list all the abilities your character has learned. ====Sith Knight==== My character achieved the rank of Sith Knight on [insert link to promotion thread here]. My character was trained in the following force skills and abilities: *Here you can list all the abilities your character has learned. ====Sith Lord==== My character was bestowed the rank of Sith Lord on [insert link to promotion thread here]. My character was trained in the following force skills and abilities: *Here you can list all the abilities your character has learned. ====Sith Master==== My character earned the rank of Sith Master on [insert link to promotion thread here]. My character was trained in the following force skills and abilities: *Here you can list all the abilities your character has learned. ===Roleplaying Thread Links=== Here you can add links to all your character's roleplay threads. ==Out of Character== ===About the Roleplayer=== Not fan of talking about myself too much, but my name is Adam and I'm attending University on an engineering course. ===Other Characters Played=== No others, just good ol' Abel.