| - was a shinobi who hailed from the Land of Demons and appeared in Naruto Shippūden the Movie.
- Setsuna(セツナ) ist eine spielbare Charakterin in Fire Emblem Fates Vermächnis und Fire Emblem Fates Offenbarung. Sie wird von Ayano Ishikawa in der japanischen Version gesprochen.
- Setsuna tenía el pelo largo por debajo de los hombros, liso y de color azul; al igual que sus ojos. Llevaba un traje blanco, parecido a una bata, que le llegaba a las rodillas, con un símbolo similar al del resto de la Banda de los Cuatro, bajo este vestía una camiseta negra; también llevaba un cinturón marrón con una bolsa de armas atada, un pantalón largo del mismo blanco que el traje, unos guantes negros que le llegaban a los codos y unos zapatos de artes marciales.
- SHIKI's most famous song. This song is featured in EXIT TUNES PRESENTS Vocaloanthems feat. 初音ミク and Project DIVA.
- Setsuna ist...
* ein Shinobi aus Konohagakure und Mitglied des Uchiha-Clans, siehe Setsuna Uchiha
* ein Shinobi aus dem 1. Shippuden-Film, siehe Setsuna (1. Shippuuden-Film)
- Setsuna is the flash flame Dragon. When Setsuna opens his eye, it creates a bright red flare. If one looks into the eye, he will instantly combust and the flames won't die until the target is completely incinerated.
- Setsuna (刹那) is an original character in Warriors All-Stars.
- Setsuna (刹那) is a character in the The Last Blade series of fighting games. He first appeared in The Last Blade 2 and is voiced by Takaya Yamauchi. In many ways, Setsuna substitutes Moriya Minakata as Kaede's rival, especially in terms of fighting style. His official nickname is "The Dark Soul" (暗闇の殺戮剣). He is symbolized by his owl, Nagi, and his black katana. __TOC__
- Setsuna (セツナ; Moment) is Shibata Ayumi’s second solo single. The single was released in 2 editions, regular and limited. The limited edition came with a DVD. The single was released on March 28, 2012.
- Setsuna is a playable character from Fire Emblem Fates on the Birthright and Revelation paths.
- right|230px Setsuna (jap. セツナ) ist ein Charakter aus Final Fantasy Type-0 und eine L'Cie. Sie ist Rubrums L'Cie des zweiten Zirkels und zudem die älteste lebende, weshalb ihr eigener Wille beinahe völlig aufgezehrt wurde und sie nur noch in Rätseln spricht. Setsuna hat akzeptiert, dass sie eine Marionette des Kristalls ist und führt dessen Befehle ohne zu zögern aus. Im Gegensatz zu Zhuyu wird sie als Schatten der Flamme des Feuervogels bezeichnet und ist für ihre Gabe für Beschwörungen bekannt.
- Setsuna (セツナ Setsuna Setsuna?) is the Designer Child that plays host to the Planetary Gear known as Siren. She is the 7th member introduced and the last to awaken, assuming the leadership of the Planetary Gears upon her reawakening due to being part of the royal family. Like Hana Mutou's pet Pitz, Setsuna is accompanied by her pet squirrel, Lappa.
- Setsuna (セツナ, Setsuna) era un Shinobi del Pais de los Demonios.
- Setsuna (セツナ) is a playable character from Fire Emblem Fates on the Birthright and Revelation routes. One of Hinoka's personal retainers, Setsuna is an absent-minded Hoshidan archer who is prone to falling into traps due to the lack of attention that she gives to her surroundings. Setsuna is voiced by Ayano Ishikawa in the Japanese version and by Julianne Alexander in the English version of Fates and Heroes (Credited as Conner Kelley in Heroes).
- Setsuna (セツナ, Setsuna) è uno shinobi del Paese dei Demoni. È stato uno degli antagonisti in Naruto Shippūden: il film.
- 刹那 is the Kanji for Moment.
- {| class="box headnote" align="right" style="font-size:90%" |- ||Please note that this is the Animepedia's article on the final episode of the first season of Mobile Suit Gundam 00; if you are looking for the article on the main protagonist of Mobile Suit Gundam 00 then you should head to Setsuna F. Seiei. |} Setsuna is the twenty-fifth episode and the season finale to the first season of Mobile Suit Gundam 00
- Maître de la Keyblade actuellement en cavale. Originaire de Done, ce jeune homme, ex-assassin de profession (et de père en fils ), a survécu au cataclysme qui a fait de Done ce qu'elle est aujourd'hui. Il a alors été choisi par la Lumière pour devenir un des membres de la ligue des Maîtres de Keyblade. S'il se résigne au début à ce destin qui lui a été imposé, il saisit l'occasion pour se faire la belle au bout de quinze ans de bons et loyaux services en trouvant le cocon de création de Done. Il a sur ce monde de nombreux comptes à régler, mais aussi, "quelqu'un d'important", à retrouver. A noter que par le biais des différentiels temporels entre les mondes, Setsuna paraît toujours avoir la vingtaine alors qu'il a déjà 36 ans. C'est un homme froid et cynique, pour qui tuer ne représente pa
- Name: Setsuna Origin: Needless Gender: Female Age: 18 years old Classification: Human, Needless; leader of the Pretty Girls Squad Powers and Abilities: Superhuman Physical Characteristics, Superhuman Speed, Martial Arts Speed: Hypersonic (She possesses the fragment of Speed, and is able to reach the Mach 9) Lifting Strength: At least Above Average Human Durability: At least Large Building level Stamina: Very high, she and her team was able to withstand another four Needless for awhile Range: Standard melee range Standard Equipment: None notable Intelligence: High. She is the leader of a team.