| - Asmodeus (アスモデウス?) is a demon in the series.
- "I hunger for it all: the water, the wind, the trees, the land. I will never be satisfied until it is all mine." —Asmodeus Asmodeus is an antagonist in the first Star Ocean, as well as its remake, Star Ocean: First Departure.
- Asmodeus was a skilled assassin from Primordius Magna.
- Asmodeus was a demon who was captured by King Solomon to build
- Für diesen bestimmten Buff braucht ihr Poster. Es ist auch ein guter Buff im Zusammenhang mit Stonehand denn sobald ihr ein Monster gestunt (=gelähmt) habt könnt ihr es mit Leichtigkeit besiegen
- Archduke Asmodeus is the Fiend leader of the Silver Legion. He was one of the original five archdukes who were summoned from Hell and became Earthbound. Since his return from the Abyss, summoned by sorcerers in the Sumerian region, he became an Earthbound and vowed to destroy or absorb Lucifer. He controlled Rome with Abaddon before the advent of Christianity. He commands the dukes Mephistopheles and Tiamat.
- Asmodeus (アスモデウス, Asumodeusu) is a member of the Seven Demon Lords and the Overlord of Lust.
- Vipère géante aux crocs venimeux et au pouvoir d'hypnotiser. Après avoir longtemps terrorisé les habitants de Mousseray (à l'exception de ceux de Rougemuraille)car il dévorait toutes sortes de créatures, il périt de la lame de Martin le guerrier qu'il avait lui-même dérobé au Roi Macho, maniée par Matthieu le Guerrier de Rougemuaraille, son champion et fils spirituel.
- Asmodeus is a Prince of Hell.
- Asmodeus is a powerful demon.
- --Terry Pratchett Asmodeus, Djinn Demon Prince of the Game, sees the Symphony and the War as a massive, high-stakes game. He applies this framework to just about everything. His main duty as far as Hell goes is maintaining discipline in the ranks. (And if you thought Dominic was creepy...)
- Rasputin made a soul pact with Asmodeus and this is the form he takes.
- Asmodeus était un Megan de Megas-Tu, spécialiste en éthique de la magie.
- Asmodeus is the principal Archdevil, having overthrown the previous ruler.
- The Archfiend of the demon realm, a powerful sorerer who maintains dominion over many lesser demonic beings. Originally a seraph from the celestial world, he was banished and put to sleep in the demon realm by an ancient sage, but has since seduced the hearts of enough men to have them stage an attempt to reopen the door to his domain. The stone sickness virus spreading throughout Roak is claimed to be an omen of Asmodeus's return.
- Asmodeus (Possibly Darren ?) is a supervillain. He has a child, Camille with another supervillain, Iron Queen.
- Asmodeus es un Demonio Mayor y un Príncipe del Infierno, siendo además un Ángel caído. Es el padre de Magnus Bane.
- Asmodeus ist eine uralte Gottheit die zum Erzteufel wurde, er wartete tausende von Jahren darauf um seine Götlichkeit zurück zu erlangen. Durch die Zerstörung des Dweomerherzens, welches Azuth in die Neun Höllen fallen lies, konnte Asmodeus ihn erschlagen und seine göttliche Essenz assimilieren. Er konnte als Folge dessen den Blutigen Krieg beenden und die Neun Höllen am Grund des Elementaren Chaos ansiedeln. Asmodeus ist der uneingeschränkte Meister der Neun Höllen und befehligt die acht Erzteufel sowie Armeen über Armeen von niederer Dämonen sowie eine steig anwachsende Anzahl an sterblichen Anhängern.
- Asmodeus egy magas rangú démon, valamint a Pokol egyik hercege és egy bukott angyal. Ő az apja, Magnus Bane-nek.
- Asmodeus is a minor character in the Wild Cards series of books.
- Asmodeus is a demon mentioned in the book of Tobias. His name is from the Hebrew root meaning "to destroy". Asmodeus is also a devil in the Dungeons and Dragons gaming system where he is in charge of one of the nine planes of hell.
- Asmodeus (pronounced as-MO-day-us) is the most powerful of the nine archdevils that inhabit Hell and the only one of Hell's rulers to claim full divinity. It is he who is credited with the penning of the contract of creation, within which his followers believe is hidden the means for their patron's eventual rise to supremacy. __TOC__
- Asmodeus ist einer der neun Fürsten der Finsternis und der Vater von Magnus Bane. Er herrscht gemeinsam mit Lilith über Edom.
- Asmodeus is a Greater Demon, particularly a Prince of Hell and a fallen angel. He is also the father of the warlock Magnus Bane who, because of Asmodeus' influence and power, is often let off by other demons.
- Asmodeus, &, is the most powerful of the demon princes who is guaranteed to appear in Gehennom. He will generally be encountered in his lair, unless you have somehow managed to meet him before reaching that level. He is no trouble at all, provided you have decent AC and cold resistance. Alternatively, if you are not wielding Excalibur, you can pay Asmodeus instead of fighting him. He asks for a portion of your visible gold so it is best to hide most of it, for example in your bag of holding. Asmodeus is always generated with a wand of cold and a wand of fire, but never a random offensive item.
- Asmodeus or Asmodai (born June 14, 1968), Palm Springs, CA. is an Arch-Duke of hell, songwriter for the Easy Listening combo The Carpenters, film producer, talent scout, cookie baker, fencing instructor, yoga teacher, car salesman and CEO of the Crisco Corporation. With band members Karen and David Carpenter, Asmodeus brought the sweet sounds of maturity and wisdom to post-hippie culture as the uncredited author behind the hits "Close To You Mother", "We've Only Just Begun To Fuck With Vietnam", "Rainy Days and Jelly", and "All I Want To Do Is Hepatitis B". The last song was never recorded. Asmodeus has been listed on the list of "Greatest Sweaty Cornholers" from 2000 until 2006 when he was replaced with your mother.
- It is considered one of the seven princes of hell below only Lucifer (emperor of hell) (which feeds and strengthens avarice). It is the demon representative last sin, Lust, design given to considered the worst of sins. But some Jewish writings indicate Asmodeus is known as the "King of Sodom Forgotten" in this tale Asmodeus is seen as the most impure man ever born, and one that led to Sodom lust. Asmodeus made a covenant with hell to Lilith for his life in exchange for his kingdom, and carried Sodom Asmodeus to the Red Sea, and along with Lilith disappeared in the Red Sea going straight to hell, becoming a demon. Sodom has gained a new king who succeeded Asmodeus known as Bera until its destruction. In the deuterocanonical book of Tobias, is cited as the killer of Sarah Grooms. God sends t
- Asmodeus is a king of demons, mostly known from the deuterocanonical Book of Tobit, in which he is the primary antagonist. The demon is also mentioned in some Talmudic legends; for instance, in the story of the construction of the Temple of Solomon. Asmodeus also is referred to as one of the seven princes of Hell. In Binsfeld's classification of demons Asmodeus is the demon of lust and is therefore responsible for twisting people's sexual desires.
- Asmodeus is the Prince of Lust, otherwise the third of seven Princes of Hell. In the infernal chaos of the Separ Dimension, Asmodeus was one of the seven souls that escaped from the dead husk of the Arca Mala. Prior to absorption, Asmodeus was one of the Martedian settlers on Proto-Eros. She, like five others, established factions of Epon sympathizers, most primarily within a third of the population of Proto-Eros. She killed an entire colony of Lovebugs and Gridmasks that refused to join in on their plan, awakening Gaia's revenge. As custom for the other Princes, she holds Gaia in higher disdain than most other deities, under the same vendetta.
- Asmodeus is the evil god of tyranny, domination and sin. He is the King of Hell, ruling the Nine Hells of Baator, the Duke of the Ninth, Nessus, and father of Glasya, Duke of the Sixth Hell, Malbolge.
- Asmodeus was the name of the creature that possessed Babylon 5 security officer Simon Burke while on a vacation to Earth in 2271. When Father Cassidy and Colonel Lochley interviewed Burke in his holding cell on Babylon 5, he revealed that Burke's consciousness had been suppressed and the entity which had possessed Burke was named Asmodeus. Asmodeus claims his race to have been placed in deep space by God as a sign of the existence of demons and thus of other supernatural phenomena, to restore faith in a universe that had grown proud of its scientific achievements. In fact Asmodeus and the rest of his kind had been banished to Earth, and the only way he would be able to travel the stars again in his native form was to possess a body on Earth, take a transport to deep space (in this case, Ba
- Asmodeus, known to Humanity as "he who sees all," was a Megan specialist who lived on Megas-Tu, and specialized in the ethics of magic. In 2269, Asmodeus was appointed as the prosecutor in the case against the crew of the USS Enterprise, who served as representatives of Humanity in a trial which charged them for the aggressions of their Human ancestors. Following a convincing defense given by Spock and Kirk, as well as the review of Earth and Federation history, Asmodeus determined to drop the case; however, he sentenced Lucien to an eternity in limbo for betraying the Megans.
- thumb|Asmodeus (2269) Asmodeus ist ein Megasier, der in Megas-Tu lebt. 2269 ist Asmodeus der Staatsanwalt, der die Crew der USS Enterprise (NCC-1701), wegen der Verbrechen ihrer Vorfahren an seinem Volk anklagt. Nach einer überzeugenden Verteidigung durch James T. Kirk und Spock und einer Durchsicht der Geschichte der Vereinigten Föderation der Planeten, lässt er den Fall ruhen, bestraft aber Lucien für seinen Verrat an den Megasiern. Dadurch wird Asmodeus überzeugt, der Menschheit zu vergeben und erklärt, dass die Menschen von nun an in Megas-Tu willkommen sind. (TAS: )
- Asmodeus(アスモデウスAsmodeus) is the youngest of The Seven Stakes of Purgatory. She represents the patron demon of Lust, Asmodeus. Advanced-level Furniture created by Beatrice. She can act by her own will, but she cannot disobey the orders of her master. She is quite powerful while in her human form, but when she returns to her true form as Stake of Purgatory and flies at her enemy at high speed, she shows her full, terrifying potential.
- Asmodeus (æz-mo-DAY-us or æz-MO-dee-us), an archdevil before the Spellplague, Supreme of the Nine Hells (or Baator), was the god of sin. An ever ambitious and careful creature, Asmodeus retained his position all through the Reckoning of Hell, unlike many of the other archdevils. Asmodeus was lord of Nessus, the Ninth Layer of Hell, though he was generally recognized as lord of all of his divine dominion of Baator, which lay within the Astral Sea.