| - Naval Exercises are practice matches where you combat the fleets of other admirals. Exercises reset twice daily, once at 03:00 JST and again at 15:00 JST. This means you can run a maximum of 10 exercises per day. 1.
* Opponent's fleet can change while you're choosing to fight it. 2.
* If you refresh or get disconnected during a practice match you will not get any experience from it, the rank will be calculated, but it will not affect PvP quests or Admiral's PvP counters and win rate (ships' fuel and ammo also will be unchanged). That is, refresh can't be used to speed-up PvP, but can be used to avoid unwanted losses (e.g., due to 1.). Note, however, that intentional refresh is against ToS. 3.
* In PvP defeated ships (dealt damage >= initial HP, 0 HP on the API level, can't be targeted anymore, treated as sunken by victory conditions) are displayed as having 1 HP, same as ships that weren't defeated and actually have 1 HP (dealt damage = initial HP - 1, still can be targeted).