Silva: "Let's throw away everything if we are to preserve the twins" ---Oath of the Guards of Hope
Pepper: "If fate divides the twins, then we will follow it as well"
Clap: "A miracle will surely happen"
Funk: "Fate will definitely bring the twins back"
双子の片割れはアンノウンにさらわれてしまったが、まだ鬼丸という希望は残されている。ラプソディたち3人は、鬼丸だけは最後まで守り抜こうと誓った。黄金に光り輝く未来のために。One of the twins has been hidden by the Unknowns, but the hope of Onimaru is still left. Out of the three, Rhapsody swears that he will protect Onimaru until the end. For the glowing shining future.
ラプソディ「我々は命をかけて、この双子を守る」ペッパー「双子を分かつ運命が待つならば、我らもそれに従おう」ファンク「運命はきっと双子を再び引き合わせる」クラップ「奇跡はきっと起きる」シウバ「双子を守るためなら、すべてを捨てよう」Rhapsody: "We will protect the life of this twin"