| - Big the Cat (Biggu za Kyatto) is a character from the Sonic the Hedgehog series. He is the heaviest and largest non-metal character in the series. His character designer is either Yuji Uekawa, Takashi Iizuka or even Naoto Oshima.
- Big the Cat (ビッグ ・ザ ・キャット Biggu za Kyatto?) – wielki, fioletowy antropomorficzny kot zamieszkujący dżunglę w Mystic Ruins. Mimo swojej masywnej postury Big miły i przyjazny, ale jednocześnie głupkowaty. Big mieszka samotnie ze swoim przyjacielem Żabkiem w Mystic Ruins. Większość swojego czasu spędza na łowieniu ryb i relaksowaniu się. Nie przepada za przeżywaniem wielkich przygód i woli wieść spokojne życie. Jeśli jednak zajdzie taka potrzeba to jest gotów ruszyć im z pomocą. Czasami musi opuszczać swój dom, kiedy Żabek mu ucieka.
- Brown Gloves Block
- Big the Cat is a character in the Super Mario series. His first Mario game was Mario and Sonic at the Olympic Games. He is a referee in it. He can be seen in the background of the awards ceremony. The other Sonic referees are Cream, Espio, and Charmy Bee. He has a sticker in Super Smash Bros. Brawl.
- Big the Cat (ビッグ・ザ・キャット Biggu za Kyatto?) is a character from the Sonic the Hedgehog and Sonic Universe comic book series. A fat, laid-back fellow, his main concerns in life are fishing and caring for his best friend, Froggy. His most notable traits are his impressive physical strength and fishing skill.
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- Big the Cat (ビッグ ・ザ ・キャット Biggu za Kyatto) ist ein großer, etwas schwerfälliger Kater, der mit seinem Frosch Froggy in den Wäldern der Mystic Ruins lebt. Er liebt es, stundenlang zu angeln. Big ist zwar kein Kämpfer, aber stark genug, um mit Leichtigkeit Autos hochzuheben oder Felsen zu zertrümmern. Er ist ein guter Freund von Amy und Cream. Er verliert oft seinen Freund Froggy aus den Augen. Wenn dem so ist, macht er sich auf die Suche nach ihm und schreckt nicht davor zurück, ihn zu retten.
- </p> Big the Cat or better known as Captain Fucksalot is the leader of the Froggy Brigade. The Froggy Brigade's goal is to find and slaughter the Anura known as Froggy. His reasoning for hunting down this frog is unknown but he vowed he will eliminate the beast.
- Big the Cat is a cat in the Sonic Series. He is a part of Team Rose.
- Big the Cat is a purple, tabby, dim-witted cat who first appeared in Sonic Adventure.
- Big the Cat (ビッグ · ザ · キャット Biggu za Kyatto) Es un gran gato púrpura antropomorfo de la serie Sonic the Hedgehog. Es fuerte y a la vez tranquilo. Él reside en lo profundo de la selva de Mystic Ruins, donde pasa su tiempo pescando en la tranquilidad, con su mejor amigo Froggy, una rana. A Big no le gusta salir de aventura, prefiriendo su estilo de vida tranquila y silenciosa en la selva de Mystic Ruins. Sin embargo, en caso de que sus amigos estén en peligro (en muchos casos su rana Froggy) no dudará en protegerlos de cualquier forma que pueda. Él es el Personaje más pesado y más grande no metálico de la serie. Sus diseñadores pudieron ser Yuji Uekawa, Takashi Iizuka o incluso Naoto Oshima.
- Big makes an appearance in Sonic Heroes 2 as the leader of Team Big.
- Big has lost Froggy AGAIN! This time, Froggy has escaped so far, that Big needs a new team of three. Shadow the Hedgehog and Tails the Fox join Big for an epic adventure.
- Big the Cat es un personaje de la saga de videojuegos y Sonic the Hedgehog. Es un gran gato tranquilo y relajado a quien le gusta pescar con su rana Froggy.
- Big the Cat is a large, purple, cat obsessed with his pet frog, Froggy. Big wears a tan and mango colored belt, and is one of the only characters in the series to not be wearing sneakers or boots. He is a laid back, easy-going, friendly feline.
- is a character from the Sonic the Hedgehog series. He is the heaviest and largest non-metal character in the series. His character designer is either Yuji Uekawa, Takashi Iizuka or even Naoto Oshima.
- Big made his first appearance in Point of No Return!, where he was quietly fishing somewhere outside Robotnik's Retreat. His fishing was interrupted by Chaos, who had returned to his Drakon form and been unceremoniously flung out of the ruined retreat by a rejuvenated Super Sonic, luckily landing in the pool where Big was fishing. Big fished Chaos out of the pool, and soon after departed, taking the Drakon with him.
- Nothing about Big's early life is known, other than that he lived for most of his life at his shack in the Mystic Ruins jungle with his best pal Froggy, completely undisturbed by the world at large. This all changed when a series of events pulled Big into Dr. Eggmans latest scheme involving the ancient water monster Chaos. When Froggy inadvertidly swallowed the creatures tail, he immediately caught the attention of Eggman's robots. Big took it upon himself to rescue Froggy when he was captured by E-102 Gamma, chasing the robot back to the Egg Carrier before the ship took off, where the large cat found himself up against the fearsome Chaos alongside Sonic the Hedgehog. After saving Froggy from the monsters clutches, the pair of friends returned to their home in the Mystic Ruins, where they
- Big the Cat (ビッグ ・ザ ・キャット Biggu za Kyatto?) is a large, fictional anthropomorphic purple cat from the Sonic the Hedgehog series. His character designer may be either Yuji Uekawa, Takashi Iizuka, or even Naoto Oshima. Though physically strong and imposing of stature, Big is a gentle and easy-going, though somewhat dim-witted, person with a heart of gold.