| - Bergen Nelson was a powerful Jedi who was influential mainly in the years after 40 ABY. He was born on the isolated planet of Arthe in 5 ABY, along with other future Jedi Notanoj Khan, Limache Lesson, and Maichel Nahk. He heard tales of a strange space-traveler that had come from another galaxy three years before his birth and, with his friends, always had aspired to find the galaxy which the stranger had come from. As he grew on the more primitive world of Arthe, he discovered that he was very intelligent. This made be known by slang on his planet as a nerd. He found other "nerdy" friends on his home world and began to seem destined for a place of power on the lone planet. However, they discovered the parts of the space traveler's ship. Together, they built similar parts and eventually cr
| - Bergen Nelson was a powerful Jedi who was influential mainly in the years after 40 ABY. He was born on the isolated planet of Arthe in 5 ABY, along with other future Jedi Notanoj Khan, Limache Lesson, and Maichel Nahk. He heard tales of a strange space-traveler that had come from another galaxy three years before his birth and, with his friends, always had aspired to find the galaxy which the stranger had come from. As he grew on the more primitive world of Arthe, he discovered that he was very intelligent. This made be known by slang on his planet as a nerd. He found other "nerdy" friends on his home world and began to seem destined for a place of power on the lone planet. However, they discovered the parts of the space traveler's ship. Together, they built similar parts and eventually created a snubfighter with a hyperdrive. Bergen flew it to coordinates that the traveler had left behind, which happened to be the coordinates to Coruscant. He arrived in the galaxy in 21 ABY. He represented the planet of Arthe, which was soon initiated into the Galactic Republic. During this time, Luke Skywalker met Bergen and sensed his high Force-Sensitivity. He brought Bergen to the Jedi Temple where he instantly formed a competition with another apprentice named Ramk Lermill. As trainees the two competed for the attention of Luke Skywalker, both aspiring to become his apprentice. After time, it became clear that Bergen was the more talented. However, as Luke began to assign apprentices to masters in the reformed system, he chose Ramk as his own, assigning Bergen to the special outcast Jedi Brenge Solnon. He developed a close relationship with his master throughout the years as he fought alongside him during the Yhuzzan Vong War. During this time, Bergen trained well and his abilities grew. Brenge commented that he almost grew in Force ability. After surviving the war after joining his master's personal squadron, he was easily promoted to Jedi Knight. Little occurred for him until the year of 42 ABY, when his home planet was suddenly taken over. Thus began the infamous War Against Darth Pathos for which the Galactic Alliance was vastly unprepared for. As Alliance planets began to fall to his armies, Bergen pleaded to the Jedi to engage him or at least convince the Alliance to fight back with full force. By this time he was a Jedi Master, and therefore his opinion was taken into great consideration. However, the Jedi opinion was worthless to the Alliance under Daala's rule, and the Jedi did not have nearly enough forces to combat the armies of Pathos. So Bergen promptly left the order and invited certain people to join his vigilante group. His friends in the Jedi Order immediately left and joined him, as did some others who thought like him. With the help of his former master, he formed a small militia. For the main fighting force in the group, he banded together his friends, Jedi, and other pilots and dubbed them Geek Squadron. They combated Darth Pathos in various battles, with Bergen leading the squadron. Eventually, their vigilante group grew and gained support from different planets and sources. After various occurrences in war, including the betrayal of his best friend, the Alliance and the Jedi united with Bergen to stage a strike on the world of Arthe, which eventually ended with a final duel between Bergen and Pathos. Bergen had become a very talented Jedi, near the level of and Grand Master. He was eventually able to incapacitate Pathos, but left him to die as he attempted to bring the building down upon them. Pathos was eventually stabbed by his own apprentice. After the war, Bergen was made a master on the Jedi High Council, and still participated in missions with the perfected roster of Geek Squadron. He eventually married fellow squad-mate and Jedi Anin Donrel. It is unknown when he died.