Rugger is Jimmy's owned a dog fight, which took part in the world cup. Yamato, Ryō, Jumbo and Ishigake met Rugger and Jimmy for the first time while on the beach. Rugger played football with his owner, who was confirmed by a press mass. Thus they were training for a future championship match. Rugger was able tactical skill of controlling and anticipate the opponent's attack in battle. See More pictures in
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| - Rugger is Jimmy's owned a dog fight, which took part in the world cup. Yamato, Ryō, Jumbo and Ishigake met Rugger and Jimmy for the first time while on the beach. Rugger played football with his owner, who was confirmed by a press mass. Thus they were training for a future championship match. Rugger was able tactical skill of controlling and anticipate the opponent's attack in battle. See More pictures in
- Los rugger eran unos esponjosos roedor que vivían en el bosque de Endor. Habitaban las planicies llenas de hierva y eran de color amarillo, aunque los que vivían en los arboles podían ser de color verde. Los rugger comian nueces, bayas del bosque e hibernaban en el invierno. Los yuzzum y los temptors atrapaban a estas criaturas para alimentarse de ellos. Algunos rugger fueron domesticados y son propiedad de algunos ciudadanos de Coruscant.
- [Source] Les Ruggers sont des petits rongeurs vivant sur la lune Forestière d'Endor. Ils vivent dans les arbres ou dans les prairies et émettent un son comparable à un chant. Ils grimpent souvent aux arbres sur lesquels les Ewoks ont construits leurs villages. Les Ruggers sont chassés par les Yuzzums montés sur des Rakazzaks puis sont grillés avant d'être dégustés.
* Catégorie:Créatures Catégorie:Rongeurs Catégorie:Créatures d'Endor
- Rugger was a young shrew member of the Guosim under the leadership of Furmo. He was on the shrew cooks and was very flattered when Trimp the Rover congratulated him and his companions on their work. In gratitude he and his fellow shrews covered the hogmaid with attention and hospitality. Rugger was a minor character and not much else is know about him.
- Ruggers were a species of rodent native to the Forest Moon of Endor. They were capable of singing and did so as they climbed through the villages made by members of the sentient Ewok species also native to the moon. They hid amongst tall grasses on the moon's plains, where they were hunted for food by the sentient Yuzzum that dwelt there. The Yuzzum rode tamed rakazzak beasts while hunting ruggers and roasted the rodents before consumption.
- Two Guatemalan guys (they are always guys, never ladies, so please don't start whingeing, you lesbian agit-feminists) strip naked and run down the bank of the nearest river shouting vicious insults at each other. One carries a fresh pomegranate and the other an equally fresh pineapple. While they are allowed an unlimited number of insults, there are strict rules about the wording of them: (1) No swearwords, like fuck or cunt, are allowed. (4) The words “pomegranate” and “pineapple” must be used once, and only once. It doesn’t matter much who uses them.
- Ruggers are non-sapient creatures native to the forest moon of Endor. Small-sized herbivores, they have four paws with suction-like foot pads that allow them to climb trees easily. They also have a long tail, likely to balance their weight; and their body is covered by long fluffy hair. Ruggers have large eyes and ears, and a short snout. They use their sharp incisors to open hard-shelled nuts. They also feed on berries and other small fruits. Ruggers hibernate during the winter.
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| - Rugger is Jimmy's owned a dog fight, which took part in the world cup. Yamato, Ryō, Jumbo and Ishigake met Rugger and Jimmy for the first time while on the beach. Rugger played football with his owner, who was confirmed by a press mass. Thus they were training for a future championship match. Rugger was able tactical skill of controlling and anticipate the opponent's attack in battle. See More pictures in