| - Maddy was a human girl in Chicago. She was new to the Windy City Wall, and met Number Nine. However, she was revealed to be a traitor, and was devoured by a piken, along with her parents. She was Nine's only possible love interest.
- Maddy or Lua is a gray solid standard cat in Nintendogs + Cats, she only appears in the demo version, along with Pickles and Cleo, she behaves like cats do, interact with Baxter, play with cat toys and wear accessories, and, like the other demo pets, she disappears after a while.
- According to the Newsline column on the front page of the October 22, 2015 issue of USA Today, which included a color head-and-shoulders photograph of Maddy, she had her own one hour television special on the Canine Sports Network that same evening.
- Maddy was Casper's roaming partner. She and Lina left Caspar in the old, abandoned city to go back to Sparks, as she thinks Caspar has lost his mind. Maddy is shown to be very quiet but also kind and caring.
- Maddy loves Otis like a big brother, as he is just as nice to her. When someone is mean to her, Maddy calls them a "meaner".
- Maddy ist ein Mensch des 21. Jahrhunderts. Sie gehört zu den Rezzies und lebt in den Paradise Towers. Sie wird vom Chef-Hausmeister befragt, nachdem ihre Nachbarinnen Tilda und Tabby von den Reinigungsrobotern geholt wurden. Er bietet ihr eine größere Wohnung an, wenn sie gegenüber den anderen Rezzies schweigt. Später gehört Maddy zu der Gesandtschaft der Rezzies, die den Kangs anbietet, mit ihnen gemeinsam gegen Kroagnon zu kämpfen. Kategorie:Doctor Who Personen Kategorie:Menschen (21. Jahrhundert)
- Maddy is a cat with a demon tail and is part of the 13th floor witches in Fabletown.. She is second in command to Ozma and often seen with Ozma and Frau Totenkinder. She has shape-shifting abilities and is even undetectable by Mister Dark.
- Maddy was a suicidal woman with great legs and a captive of Dr. Moribund. She switched her legs for Mexine's malformed tail so she could die. She still lives as a mermaid and is with Frank.
- Maddy is a character in the Barnyard franchise. She is Etta's daughter.
- She wears a dark green shirt with black shorts. Her hair is blonde and styled into high pig-tails. Her most recognizable trait is her dark roots, which would imply that she probably dyes her hair.
- Maddy was a friend of Tabby and Tilda, who lived not far from her and whom she visited with news of recent Caretaker deaths. After Tilda and Tabby were killed, Maddy reported their deaths to the Caretakers and gave a statement to the Chief Caretaker. She promised to remain silent about the circumstances of their deaths in return for Tilda and Tabby's flat.
- At an unknown time, Maddy's father see's something that he should not have through his telescope and the Mogadorians kidnap him and his family. They have Maddy for a while before they decide to use her to find Nine, giving her ID's for recreational centres all over Chicago. She first catches Nine's attention as he is about to try the climbing wall at the Windy City Wall recreational centre, his sweaty palms cause him to slip and fall and he is embarrassed. Maddy bumps into Nine, not by accident, in a thrift store and takes a picture of him, presumably for the Mogadorians.
- Maddy was a female Human Starfleet crewperson in the 23rd century. In 2286, Maddy was assigned to assist Mr. Paul during the clean-up operations after the destruction of the Omicron Ceti IV colony. Maddy noted that a deceased Ensign Bloemker, from USS Enterprise-A, was being placed in their makeshift morgue even though her ship had not filed paperwork regarding her death. Mr. Paul noted that James T. Kirk's ship was notoriously slow to file paperwork on their missing and killed crewmembers. (TOS comic: "Old Loyalties")