That's Something Else! is a Georgeland television program, which began its run on April 19, 2007 and aired for a series of 27 episodes, ending in October. In 2007 it aired on GBC Television on Thursday nights at 9:30pm, having been pre-recorded in front of a live audience the preceding Tuesday. The GBC have announced a second series will begin airing in April 2008 with the same cast as the first series. The series is the first TV outing of the comedy troupe Something Else since 1995. Performers David Winston and Juliet Markey participate in the program; this marks their first TV appearances with the group; neither Winston or Markey participated in Something Else From Something Else, the group's previous TV program. One of the outstanding rivalry with the Australian comedy group the Chaser
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| - That's Something Else! is a Georgeland television program, which began its run on April 19, 2007 and aired for a series of 27 episodes, ending in October. In 2007 it aired on GBC Television on Thursday nights at 9:30pm, having been pre-recorded in front of a live audience the preceding Tuesday. The GBC have announced a second series will begin airing in April 2008 with the same cast as the first series. The series is the first TV outing of the comedy troupe Something Else since 1995. Performers David Winston and Juliet Markey participate in the program; this marks their first TV appearances with the group; neither Winston or Markey participated in Something Else From Something Else, the group's previous TV program. One of the outstanding rivalry with the Australian comedy group the Chaser
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| - That's Something Else! is a Georgeland television program, which began its run on April 19, 2007 and aired for a series of 27 episodes, ending in October. In 2007 it aired on GBC Television on Thursday nights at 9:30pm, having been pre-recorded in front of a live audience the preceding Tuesday. The GBC have announced a second series will begin airing in April 2008 with the same cast as the first series. The series is the first TV outing of the comedy troupe Something Else since 1995. Performers David Winston and Juliet Markey participate in the program; this marks their first TV appearances with the group; neither Winston or Markey participated in Something Else From Something Else, the group's previous TV program. One of the outstanding rivalry with the Australian comedy group the Chaser. With the two troupes reguarly paryoding each other. However, the two had a "Makeup show" in which the Chaser came to Georgeland and both did a show togehter in the wake of the Chasers APEC stunt.